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Taimanin Murasaki ~Kunoichi Kugutsu Dorei ni Otsu~ (which can be translated as "Anti-Demon Ninja Murasaki: Fall of a Kunoichi into Puppet Slave") is a 2008 H-game developed by Black Lilith as a spin-off to their popular series Taimanin Asagi.

Tokyo, the Demon Capital, is being eroded by demons and dark presences. Since time immemorial, there has been an agreement of mutual non-interference between humans and demons. However, this oral-only rule was falling apart as people fell into heresy. Soon, by encroaching hands or competing with each other, criminal organizations composed of both humans and demons became rampant. However, the law didn't stand powerless before this. The government formed the Taimanins, the anti-demon ninja group, to fight against the heresy of criminal human-demon alliances.

The influence of humans, however, only made things worse, with even foreign countries interfering in Japan. Tokyo has become lawless; some would call even a colony of the forces of darkness. Some devoting their extraordinary skills to it. Between them, our protagonist, Kiryuu Sabato.

Sabato works for the criminal organization Nomad, led by Edwin Black, working on the modification of female bodies for the creation of top-notch prostitutes. However, during the raid at the ending of the first Taimanin Asagi game, he was mortally injured by a Taimanin called Murasaki, and was forced to fuse himself to a low-level demon to survive. Sadly, for him, that means his days are counted. Soon, the low-level demon will overcome his body and he will become akin to an animal.

Caught into a corner, Sabato committed a daring stunt to survive; he leaked information to the Taimanins so Murasaki would be sent after him. The reason behind this was to capture Murasaki in order to acquire her power of regeneration. His method to acquire this power involves slowly eroding her resistance in order to hijack her body.

Published by Black Lilith and Anime Lilith. Directed by Sasayama Ittousai, who also directed Kangoku Senkan. Loosely adapted as Makai Kishi Ingrid, focused on the supporting character Ingrid, with Murasaki appearing on a supporting role instead.

It was also adapted into live action.

Tropes used in Taimanin Murasaki ~Kunoichi Kugutsu Dorei ni Otsu~ include:
  • Absolute Cleavage: Though her swimming suit has a zipper, we only see it unzipped, so Asagi's swimsuit gives her this when seen on-screen.
  • Alas, Poor Villain: In the escape ending, Murasaki feels pity as Kiryuu turns into a monster and begins to ravage the arena, despite seeking to execute Sakura after breaking his promise to her.
  • The Berserker: In the escape ending, Kiryuu's transformation into a monster makes him attack everything at his reach without rhyme or reason.
  • Big Bad: Though Kiryuu takes centre stage, that is mostly because we see things from his point-of-view. Edwin Black is the real driving force behind his schemes, giving Sazato all his apparatus and personal to operate and giving him full authorization to do his heinous deeds.
  • Bi the Way: Murasaki feels sexual attraction towards both men and women, most notably Asagi.
  • The Dragon: Ingrid is a female example. She is Black's most trusted and most powerful subordinate.
  • Enemy Mine: In the true ending, Murasaki allies herself with Kiryuu to stand a chance against Ingrid, their common enemy.
  • Evil Genius: Sabato conduces several experiments and surgeries with the objective in helping Black's criminal endeavours. He mixes humans with demons, modifies female humans to make better prostitutes, and empowers his monstrous subordinates to even greater levels.
  • Four Eyes, Zero Soul: Sabato wear glasses is an amoral scientist who modify human bodies for nefarious purposes and works for a despicable crime boss.
  • Fusion Dance: In the true ending, Sabato fuses with Murasaki to defeat Ingrid.
  • Grand Theft Me: Sabato intends to possess Murasaki's body so he can take her power and save himself.
  • Half-Human Hybrid: Sabato is specialized in creating those for Black, and is one himself, though not by choice.
  • Healing Factor: Murasaki's special power is the ability to regenerate. That regeneration is not perfect though, as she states she lost physical strength in her newly grown arms.
  • I Have Your Wife: Kiryuu convinces Murasaki to work for him by strapping bombs to Sakura's body and threatening to explode them, disarming each one after she does every task.
  • Impossibly Low Neckline: Murasaki's Taimanin outfit exposes a big portion of her chest.
  • Rapunzel Hair: Murasaki's hair goes down to her waist.
  • Red Eyes, Take Warning: Completely averted. Murasaki is a pretty nice girl despite her blood-red eyes.
  • Red Oni, Blue Oni: Murasaki is the more collected and rational compared with Sakura's hot-blooded impulsiveness.
  • Running Gag: Kiryuu fails to remember the name of his subordinates. It may be a sign of his deteriorating mental state, however. In the escape ending, he finally does remember one of his assistant names, but ironically, he had lost all other aspects of reason.
  • Scars Are Forever: Kiryuu still has the scar of Murasaki attempting to cut off his head, despite the healing otherwise seeming to be perfect.
  • Smart People Wear Glasses: Kiryuu has clearly a good understanding of both science and magic and is the only notable character to wear glasses.
  • Villain Protagonist: Kiryuu is the main protagonist and all the choices who determine the course of the story, though a lengthy prologue shows Murasaki's backstory.
  • Your Days Are Numbered: Played with. Kiryuu is living on borrowed time and has to somehow acquire Murasaki's healing powers to survive. it not much as he will die as his intellect will die and he will become animal-like, exactly like the youma he fused with.