Decisive, the Dhaos battle music and the remix from Eternia. It's awesome enough to make you say INDIGNAYSHUN!
No doubt it's awesome, though it kinda overshadows the other three Dhaos themes are pretty much equally as awesome. ConclusionWho Is Good Or Evil?, and I Miss You
The opening theme, Yume wa Owaranai (The Dream Will Never Die). Crowning Music of Awesome indeed because it's not only catchy, but it makes Tales of Phantasia the first game ever on the SNES to have a title theme with vocals!, making it double as the SNES' Crowning Moment of Awesome!
Premonition deserves a nod too. It is both serene and epic.
The Law of the Battle always works for those pesky Grand Cardinals, but Yggdrasil's It Can Waver and Fight is the right amount of overbearing for such a foe - you can't let him off easy.
Lets not forget the regular battle music The More That I Try. It could easily pass for boss music in any other RPG. Hervest in Sanctuary is also a great song.
"Eternal Promise", used during a certain scene in Altimira in chapter eight is a beautiful piece as well.
Finish the Promise, an epic final boss theme that actually works in the Grand Fonic Hymn (a tune you'll hear frequently in battles if you use Tear, and an important storyline thing as well), making it all kinds of awesome.
The Look of That Day, the credits music. You must feel something when you watch it. If there is no pulling at the heartstrings; if the pictures don't get to you, and if the piano doesn't get to you, and if the events that happened don't get to you, there is something wrong with you. Or maybe you're just Jade. (Who still felt something after all was said and done.)
Everlasting Fight, the cameo battle theme. Bare its Fangs, Inferia Battle, Dona Nobis Pacem, and Take Up the Cross. Four of the best battle themes mentioned on this page. Combined into one. And remixed for maximum awesome.
Rem's Theme, a mysterious theme fitting for your first battle against a Governing Craymel. There's also Crisis which doubles as the song for OSHI-moments and Shadow's Theme.
Since we're mentioning Oh Crap moments, let's go ahead and add Hurry! which basically plays whenever Crisis isn't playing.
Encounter basically just says, "Hey this guy is important, prepare for a boss battle."
Unfinished World, the first overworld music, gives the vibe of adventure while the second overworld music Utopia is ominous; fitting for that part of the game.
Let's not forget the sequel's first battle theme, aptly named Theme of Battle, another great piece by Motoi Sakuraba. Then... there's also Barbatos' LeitmotifCoup de Grace, as another proof that he's just that damn awesome for a villain.
The Tales of Versus version cranks it way up. The Narikiri Dungeon 3 version is also really catchy.
Dona Nobis Pacem, the last standard battle theme of the sequel, definitely deserves a mention here.
The main theme song of the game, TAO by Do As Infinity is pretty freaking sweet.
Even Battle Artist, the normal battle theme, is really good and catchy.
Vaclav is a pretty generic villain, but he has an awesome battle theme. Why the hell was this not included on the soundtrack?!
Pretty much the entire Legendia soundtrack was one Crowning Music Of Awesome after another. Why has Namco-Bandai not brought Go Shiina back to the series?
Short Circuit is one of the best tracks in the game.
Mamoritai ~White Wishes~ gets a special mention for not only being beautiful, but for being one of the few Tales games where the lyrics really suit the theme of the game, and not just pure promotion's sake. It gets a depressing remix titled, Unspoken Feelings, which plays at some of the most touching moments of the game.
Refreshing Atmosphere is pretty much the Graces version of Vesperia's "Serenade of the Morning Star", in terms of beauty and tranquility.
Mad Dance The theme that plays when you fight Emeraude.
The Final Boss theme, Life's Cry, is not only kick-ass, but really haunting, which the haunting holy music in the background.
Radiant Mythology isn't really noted for its music alot. However, there is at least one song that stands above the rest. And that song is the Battle With Widdershin.
To be fair, the music in the game is good, but my favourite is Sad Memory, used during the Kannono.