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Tales-of-berseria-cover-japan - AllTheTropes

A 2016 videogame.

In the land of Midgand, Velvet Crowe lives with her brother Laphicet and her brother-in-law Arthur. Seven years ago, her sister Celica and her unborn child were killed by daemons, creatures infected by a supernatural disease known as daemonblight.

Velvet and Laphicet are attacked by a daemon a few days before an event known as Scarlet Night, but are saved by Arthur. When Velvet wakes up, the Scarlet Night is happening and the village was overtaken by daemons. Velvet desesperately search for Arthur and Laphicet and finds them but,to her horror, Arthur attacks her and then uses his young brother-in-law as sacrifice to an ritual. Velvet still manages to interfere, but can't prevent Laphicet's death, but gains a demonic claw in her left hand that makes her much more strong than before, and able to kill daemons.

Still, despite her new powers, she is thrown into a prison island under Artur's orders, whose real name is apparently Artorius. For the next three years, Velvet kills daemons that are thrown inside her prison, feeding on them, but her hunger for vengeance otherwise only grows. Three years later, a woman called Seres arrives at the Prison Island and helps Velvet in escaping.

Her journey towards vengeance begins...

Developed by Bandai Namco Studios.

Tropes used in Tales of Berseria include:
  • Action Girl: There are several female party members and a lot of enemies are female and very poweerful.
  • Bare Your Midriff: Velvet's post-prison outfit exposes her stomach.
  • Break the Cutie: Velvet goes from a cheerful teenage girl in the beginning of the game to one furious storm of rage and rancor after losing pretty much everything that she loved as well as her time in prison.
  • Defector From Decadence: Seres helps Velvet because she believes Artorius has crossed a moral line.
  • Disc One Final Dungeon: The Empyrean's Throne. It's where Artorius is, after all. It comes with a Final Boss Preview...which basically consists of Artorius wiping the floor with Velvet. Ironically, it actually WAS the final dungeon in Tales Of Zestiria.
  • Enemy Mine: Between two kids in Hellawes, to win an annual snowball battle, though Rokurou calls it "war".
  • Everyone Has Standards: Velvet's willing to release many prisoners from Titania simply to ensure her escape, but she is visibly shocked when the Malak that chose to assist her is fatally wounded by a dragon and is reluctant to absorb her. Of course, she had actually known that malak prior to being sent to prison.
  • Exposed to the Elements: Velvet isn't affected by cold or heat at all after Arthur's ritual, something it becomes very noticeable by other characters when she is in Hellawes, where snows covers everything. She has to pretend to feel cold to not look suspicious to Teresa, the leader of the Abbey on that place.
  • Freudian Excuse: Though technically speaking Velvet is our heroine, she's not the most decent person in the world. She's not exactly fettered in her quest to gain vengeance, after all. But there's a reason for her becoming the dark heroine she is. Basically, she lost everyone she ever loved...with the exception of Arthur, who from her perspective is a backstabbing murderer.
  • Glass Cannon: Eizen has the least amount of defense of the party members. Velvet has the lowest arte defense.
  • Hate Sink: Most of the antagonists in the game are sympathetic, but Innominat is the glaring exception. He's easily the most depraved character in the entire game.
  • Huge Girl Tiny Guy: Velvet is much taller than her brother Laphicet, though age wise they aren't far apart.
  • Male Gaze: Subverted. The camera takes a pan on Velvet's body during a cutscene in Hellawes, but it is actually showing Teresa's POV because she noticed someone dressing in a very skimpy way in the middle of the winter.
  • Mr. Fanservice: Velvet's post-prison outfit is exposes a lot of skin and specially the inferior part of her breasts.
  • Playing With Fire: Seres's Artes involve flames.
  • Rapunzel Hair: Velvet's hair is very long in the beginning, but braided, and reaches her feet after three years in prison, now unbraided.
  • Tall, Dark and Bishoujo: Velvet is 170 centimeters high, which is tall for japanese standards, her hair goes waist-length and she have a dark personality post-timeskip.
  • Zettai Ryouiki:
    • Seres has a grade A one.
    • It is hard to notice because of her weird "skirt of books" covering it, but Magilou also have a grade A.