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The Tales of the Sundered Lands are a (to-be) series of short stories taking place on the continent of Noumenon and the other continents around it. As of this moment, there is only one story in the cycle for circulation as an E-book, called Wrath to the Least, and is one of five stories from the In Delirium Bloom collection. The writer keeps a personal blog where he promised future tales in the cycle.

Tales of the Sundered Lands contains examples of the following:[]

  • Eyepatch of Power: One-Eyed Ryan.
  • Noodle Incident: One-Eyed Ryan avenged his other eye and put the current Head of the Wizards where he is today with "the same stroke." Nothing more is said.
  • Mage Tower: The Wizards Union is on a Mage Tower on top of a mountain. Ryan is not amused.
  • Mordor: The place where the Furies are is a hellish, ashen wasteland filled with malicious spirits.
  • Punny Name: Beagcnoc, a very large mountain, is gaelic for "small hill." Also doubles as a linguistic Genius Bonus.