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A style in Anime and Manga of drawing eyes where they droop or sag. It is the usual way you'll see eyes on a Moe character. It generally represents a kind, quiet or otherwise soft person. Only really notable if there are more than a handful of characters that are drawn without them.

This does not, however, mean that Tareme Eyes are Always Lawful Good Eyes. In real life, eyes visually take a downward droop when someone is looking down on you, and looking calm in a tense situation is an affirmatively Badass trait.

Note that the "me" in "tareme" actually means "eyes" in Japanese. We just enjoy being redundant.

Its opposite is Tsurime Eyes.

Examples of Tareme Eyes include:

This is an East Asian media only trope. Please do not put Western examples here.

Anime and Manga[]

Video Games[]