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Disney's Tarzan[]

  • After Kala takes Tarzan to the remains of his parent's tree house, he exits wearing his father's clothes intending to leave the jungle to be with Jane, but before he leaves he embraces her one last time and tells her "No matter where I go, you will always be my mother."
  • "You came back?" "I came home" - gets this troper every time.
  • Listen to the reprise of "You'll Be In My Heart" from the stage musical. You WILL cry.
  • Kerchak's last words. Two last words - "My son".
  • After Kala finds baby!Tarzan and brings him back to the group. When they go to their tree to sleep, Kala and then Phil Collins sing lullaby like "You'll Be in My Heart". The whole scene just makes you wanna go "d'awww".
  • When Tarzan is boarding the boat to go to England with Jane and her group, she excitedly tells him about all of the fantastic things he'll see and people he'll meet. All Tarzan wants to know is if he and Jane can stay together for it all. Aw!
  • Jane deciding to stay with Tarzan in the jungle rather than go back to England. Her father deciding to stay as well is just icing.

 Jane: Oo-oo-e-ah-oo. (cheers from Tantor and the rest of the gorillas)

  • After how initially frightened she was of Jane, it was very cute to see Kala taking her by the hand and welcoming her with a smile. Doubly so because it was Jane who first noticed Kala hadn't been freed from her cage and took out the captors who were trying to get her on the boat.
  • At the beginning when Tarzan's father is struggling with the beam and his wife goes in to help him carry it. The looks of sheer determination on their faces gets this troper every time.