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Teahouse image 4259

Atros and his courtesans (sans Linneus)

Who can remember faces when they're buried in pillows the entire time?

Teahouse is an adult (18+) Yaoi webcomic from Emirain, two professional comic artists. First issue is online at the Teahouse comic website.(NSFW) A fuller version is available for purchase.

The story so far is about the owner, courtesans, and clients of a brothel called the Teahouse, located in the fictional country of Ivore. The country itself has a rather rigid class system in place, and the courtesans belong to the brothel's owner, much like slaves. The main source of drama is the three couples of the series, whose wide variety of personalities keeps it all interesting. And, you know, the Fan Service.

The art is impressive, especially for a webcomic, and currently runs in a weekly format.

Now has a fledgling Character Page

Provides examples of:[]

  • All Girls Want Bad Boys: Axis certainly fits the bad boy image, and he's the top earning courtesan not anymore, mostly because he's the lady clients' favorite.
  • All There in the Manual: backstory is explained and teasers provided via separate galleries and image descriptions.
  • Alt Text: Starting in chapter 3.
  • Anchored Ship: Atros and Linneus... it's clear that Linneus loves Atros very much, but Atros' emotion towards him ranges from cool and polite to downright frigid and uninterested.
    • In the latest installments Argent (in one of her only lines in the comic) states that a line was crossed when Atros called Linneus his "whore", resulting in even more tension between the two.
  • Almost Kiss: UST spanning tens of pages coming to an end? Of course not.
  • A Man Is Not a Virgin: Inverted and defied. Rory is a virgin and is highly prized for it since virgin males are a rarity.
  • Arranged Marriage: Rhys has one with Reed's cousin... and he's not happy about it.
  • Artifact Title: The Teahouse really was a teahouse once.
  • Bishonen: Several examples, but special mention goes to Linneus. But not Axis, Atros's father or Gilder.
  • Belligerent Sexual Tension: Axis and Rhys's whole relationship seems to be fuelled by this.
  • Bigger Is Better in Bed: In the print version, Rory is blessed with this, and his client pretty much calls it his only redeeming quality. You know what they say about what comes in small packages.
  • Bishie Sparkle: Rhys gets snark sparkles in the chapter one book.
  • Blatant Lies: When Linneus disrobes Gilder and in the process, lots and lots of daggers (plus the sword) hit the floor. The bottom panel shows blood on one of the daggers.

 Linneus: "What's... Why do you... so many..."

Gilder: "I, uh, cut trees..."

  • Blondes Are Evil: Lilith is a bitch and an Ice Queen, although Argent is nice, just a bit scary.
  • Boys Love: The whole point of the comic.
  • Buxom Is Better: Claret's dress especially emphasizes her assets, and Axis does seem to prefer her for this very reason. Rhys also makes a point of stating that his fiancee has a lovely (massive) set.
    • Inverted or averted when it comes to the tastes of the customers - although she is the most well-endowed of the female characters, she is the lowest earner in the house.
  • Cast Full of Gay: It is a yaoi webcomic, after all. Axis makes a big deal of appreciating Claret's generous figure though, and several of his female clients get cameo appearances.
  • Covered with Scars: Gilder, introduced in Chapter 3, has one huge scar across his nose and even more on his body.
  • Curse Cut Short:

 Axis: *grabs his crotch* Why don't you come here and choke on my--

Xanthe'': AXIS!
