- Memetic Mutation: "Enjoy your AIDS!"
- Sequel Displacement: Team Fortress Classic was this to the original Quake mod (go ahead, ask anyone if they're even aware that Classic is not the first Team Fortress). Team Fortress 2 wound up doing this to Classic itself.
- Team Fortress 2's influence can also be felt within the game. Spies and Demomen are now more common, and Medics actually heal people. Before, only a small handful used them, and only went around infecting people with a virus, using the speed of the class.
- "Stop Having Fun!" Guys: People will bitch about grenades, call people noobs for not using grenades, and get angry at TF2 for not having grenades. In fact, there's no fighting over classes - just grenades, and maybe Sniper Rifles and the virus attack a medic has.