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  • It is great when the team starts talking to a kid who thinks they should be superheros.

 Kid: So, why aren't you wearing uniforms like real superheroes?

Erica: They're really uncomfortable.

Kid: But Power Rangers always wear their uniforms.

Erica: We'll work on it, OK kid? Enough about the damn uniforms.

    • Duke handled things with the kid pretty well.

 Kid: Do you have superpowers?

Duke: No.

Kid: Secret identities?

Duke: No.

Kid: Do you wear capes?

Duke: No... but, we do have cool cars.

  • Unlike the original KITT, the new cars aren't programmed for "heroic self sacrfice". Which leads to humorous results.

 Erica: Shouldn't you be programmed to happily sacrifice yourselves for the team?

Dante: Was that supposed to be funny?

Domino: Are you out of your mind?

Plato: Give me a break.

Kat: No way!

    • Thanks alot guys.