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From A Very Potter Musical[]

  • High School Musical
    • One of the Horcruxes is a Zefron poster. When Ron tries to destroy it, it says, "You gotta getcha head in the game, Weasley!"
    • Dumbledore even sings a line of "We're All In This Together." (And the crowd joins in too.)
    • According to Word of God, "Voldemort is Going Down" was to be modeled after "Now or Never" from High School Musical 3.
  • Avatar: The Last Airbender
    • Voldemort's speech before killing Harry is from the finale of Avatar: The Last Airbender.
    • Ginny tells Harry, "We kissed at the Yule Ball, and, well, I thought we were going to be together forever . . . but we're not." This is almost identical to what Aang says to Katara in The Ember Island Players (though he refers to the invasion of the Fire Nation).
    • The scene when Ron and Hermione first kiss is the scene between Aang and Katara before the fire nation invasion where Aang kisses Katara. The dialogue leading up to the kiss is almost identical.
  • The sting from Seinfeld plays every time Ron enters a room. This continues in the sequel.
  • Dumbledore's and Hermione's dialogue about what would happen if Harry didn't enter the tournament is from Ghostbusters.
  • "Dragons don't wanna be fed, they wanna hunt!"
  • Harry compares his relationship with Ginny with that of Spider-Man and Mary-Jane.
  • Voldemort quotes Jafar with "How many times do I have to kill you, boy?"
  • Snape's death scene is similar to Yoda's, complete with "There is another Horcrux."
  • When Harry and Ginny dance at the Yule Ball, Harry says, "Ginny... Ginny I'm feeling kind of dizzy." Ginny replies with, "Well, maybe we should stop spinning." Harry then responds with, "We have stopped spinning..." This comes straight from the scene in Anastasia where Anya and Dimitri are dancing.
  • "Oh, Goyle rules!" is a shout out to Billy Madison
  • Harry asks Dumbledore how Lost ends. As AVPM came out before the finale of Lost, Dumbledore responds with, "There are some things, Harry, even I don't know."

From Me and My Dick[]

  • A Very Potter Musical
    • The Sword of Godric Gryffindor is in Tiffany's box of sex toys
    • Venessa tells Flopsy that "every time I see [Rick] I get these pains in my chest." Ron says this to Harry about Hermione.
  • High School Musical gets quoted a few times; "Get your head in the game, man" and "If we're all in this together, you can bet we're breaking free."
  • Heart monologues about While You Were Sleeping.
  • In the very first scene there is a reference to "Dick in a Box"
  • This being Star Kid, there is a nod to Spider-Man.
  • Big T's call-and-response portion of "Land of the Dicks" is taken directly from the song "Zoot Suit Riot" by the Cherry Poppin' Daddies.

From A Very Potter Sequel[]

From Starship[]

From Holy Musical Batman[]


 Evil!Sherlock: Now I'll never be able to walk Evil!Watson down the aisle!

  • The "rabble rabble" gag the citizens do may be a SO to a minor recurring gag in the earlier seasons of South Park.