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  • Nightmare Fuel: The music when Marty initially eats the poison burger, as well as the different music when Steve eats the burger (during the time travel episode).
  • Crowning Moment of Funny: "You have a problem in your life, and for once I didn't cause it!" <Cue balloons & high fives>
  • Crowning Moment of Heartwarming: "Back to DePolo" features Marty trying to prevent his death by going back in time and stopping himself from eating the poison hamburger, which leads to Steve eating it instead. Each attempt to change the past leads to another character eating the burger, before it gets to the point that everyone on the cast had eaten it & died. Marty then decides he has to die, and the other characters tell him that they're glad he wound up in heaven & they got to see him one more time, even if they won't remember it.
    • In the last episode "Look Ma, No Face" Marty finds a girl that he liked when he was alive liked him back. He pretends to be a foreign exchange student so he can woo her. Eventually he learns he can't win at this and gently breaks her heart so she can love somebody who's alive
  • Retroactive Recognition: Steve's Aunt Pam is Berta.
  • Too Good to Last: Switching cast members in the middle of the run indeed was a sign of trouble.