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This is the character sheet for the Teen Titans as they appear in the animated series of the same name. See here for the characters from the Titans comic books.
Core Team[]
"As much as I hate to admit it, he and I are kind of alike. But there's one big difference between me and Slade: he doesn't have any friends." |
Voiced by: Scott Menville |
Robin is the leader of the team. Trained by Batman, he manages to keep on an even keel with a team of metahumans through his intelligence, tactical skills, martial arts prowess and, when it all boils down to basics, enough pure crazy to frighten the four of them if he really cuts loose. Robin left his position as Batman's sidekick and moved all the way to Jump City to start working solo, only to end up taking charge of the Teen Titans on his first night there and deciding, afterwards, that heading a team might not be so bad after all.
Robin is, at heart, a fairly normal teenager, enjoying hanging out and chilling as much as his comrades do. However, he's Batman's ex-sidekick, and this means he shares his mentor's fixation on discipline and hard work, which can put him at odds with his more relaxed teammates. He's also got issues of his own, namely a tendency to fixate on problems to such an extent that he stops paying attention to anything but "the mission", which has damaged his friendships on more than one occasion. Despite this, he is loyal to his team and takes threats against them seriously indeed.
The creators are ambivalent about which Robin precisely he's supposed to be, with Word of God being that he's more supposed to represent "Robin in general" than a specific member of the Batclan. That said, the show has enough Mythology Gags that many assume him to be Dick Grayson, the First Robin. This was eventually confirmed in an issue of the Teen Titans Go! comic, where Batman narrates Robin's past.
Powers and Abilities: Badass Normal with a variety of weapons and devices.
- Anime Hair
- Badass
- Bad Future Badass: As Nightwing in "How Long is Forever?"
- Battle Couple: With Starfire.
- Berserk Button: Almost always Slade.
- Blackmail: By Slade in the Season 1 finale.
- Blank White Eyes
- The Captain
- Catch Phrase "Teen Titans, GO!" Usually just shortened to "Titans, GO!"
- Charles Atlas Superpower
- Combat Pragmatist: Usually.
- Crazy Jealous Guy
- Crazy Prepared: Half-subverted in that he has a very specific range of gadgets instead choosing to apply them in creative ways... but when he made the Red X suit he included a lot of anti-Titan gadgets, a fact that gets lampshaded when someone steals the suit and uses it on them.
- Determinator
- Expressive Mask
- Fatal Flaw: He's hypercompetitive and prone to complete fixation on his goal, no matter how important, and this repeatedly proves his undoing.
- Four-Temperament Ensemble: The Choleric.
- Genre Blind
- The Hero
- Heroes Want Redheads
- Hot-Blooded
- The Leader
- Love At First Punch: When he and Starfire first met, she beat him up and then kissed him.
- Not Himself: When he has visions of Slade and starts acting like a psycho.
- Reverse Mole: In the season one finale, after Slade recruits him as his apprentice in exchange for his friends' lives.
- Savvy Guy, Energetic Girl: Savvy Guy to Starfire's Energetic Girl.
- Screaming Warrior
- She Is Not My Girlfriend: With Starfire.
- Shonen Hair
- Shoot the Dog: Red X.
- Standardized Leader: Varies. He'll often come off like this in episodes that focus on other members of the team, but the ones that focus on him tend to make him a much more nuanced character than this trope implies.
- The Stoic: Batman has apparently rubbed off on him.
- Tall, Dark and Handsome: He's not really tall when he's a teenager, but he's definitely dark and handsome. Later, he also becomes tall, as Nightwing.
- Unresolved Sexual Tension: A lot with Starfire. They finally get together in the movie.
Starfire: "I would like to initiate a group hug!" |
Voiced by: Hynden Walch |
Technically the reason the Teen Titans exist in this show, Starfire is the second of the three children of the Royal Family of Tamaran. When her planet was attacked and devastated by the Gordanians, Starfire's elder sister Blackfire made a peace settlement with the invaders by giving them her younger sibling as a slave. Unfortunately for her captors, Starfire, while apparently rather naive and gentle by Tamaranian standards, was too much for them to handle, breaking loose and flying to Earth. There, she had an... interesting... meeting with the other future Teen Titans, who came to her defense against the Gordanians. Like all her species, Starfire can fly, is super strong, is extremely durable, and can hurl energy blasts called "starbolts."
Starfire is a strange mixture of personality traits; most of the time, she acts quite gentle and demure, possibly due to expectations of Earth culture and desire to better assimilate in her adopted home, but when the need arises she can be as much the fearsome warrior as any of her comrades. Starfire is deeply fascinated by Earth and enjoys learning new things... perhaps partially because it gives her an excuse to get closer to her leader.
Powers And Abilities: Flight, superstrength, projecting "starbolts" from hands and/or eyes, able to survive in the vacuum of space, learning languages by kissing
- Action Girl
- Alien Lunch: Has some weird tastes in Earth food — admittedly, some of it is because she's not a native and so doesn't truly know what humans eat, but she's also got some very strange eating habits (like considering mustard a drink). Her friends treat her as something of a Lethal Chef whenever she tries to cook a Tamaranian meal for them.
- All There in the Manual: It is the Teen Titans Go! comics that reveal why she was a Gordanian prisoner and the existence of her younger brother.
- Apologetic Attacker
- Badass Princess
- Bare Your Midriff: Seen not just in her outfit, but also in Robin's, and Cyborg's armor in issue 24 of Teen Titans Go!
- Battle Couple: With Robin.
- The Big Guy: A role she shares with Beast Boy.
- Bizarre Alien Biology: She has 9 stomachs and a three/four meter long prehensile tongue.
- Blunt Metaphors Trauma: Can't quite get a handle on Earth slang.
- Blush Sticker
- Bond Breaker: After Starfire goes through time while fighting the token villain of the week, she disappears from the rest of the Titans' lives. What was a few seconds for her, were twenty years for the rest of the team, and none of them handled her absence well, since she balanced them out.
- It's a Wonderful Plot: As a result.
- Cain and Abel: The Abel To Blackfire's Cain.
- The Chick: One of two girls on the team but she's more feminine than Raven and serves as the team's heart.
- Clingy Jealous Girl: Doesn't like other girls showing interest in Robin.
- Cloudcuckoolander: Justified, she is, after all an alien adjusting to Earth life.
- Cool Crown: Briefly wears one during her brief period as the Grand Ruler of Tamaran in "Betrothed."
- Cuddle Bug
- Cute Bruiser
- Dangerously-Short Skirt: A miniskirt, specifically, but trying to get a peek will result in a Curb Stomp Battle.
- Dark-Skinned Redhead
- Does Not Know Her Own Strength: On occasion, as seen whenever she hugs someone too hard.
- Eloquent in My Native Tongue
- Everything's Better with Princesses
- Evil-Detecting Dog: She is the first person to realize that Mother Mae-Eye is actually evil...after being hit on the head.
- Eye Beams: She eventually gains the power to shoot lasers out of her eyes...not just her hands.
- Fantastic Racism: A victim of it as seen in the episode "Troq."
- Fashionable Asymmetry: She wears a metal band on only one arm.
- Flying Brick
- Flying Firepower
- Four-Temperament Ensemble: The Sanguine (Shares this with Beast Boy).
- Funny Foreigner
- Gainaxing: Once or twice, actually!
- Genki Girl: Justified; all that emotional energy is the source of her super powers. 'Joy' for Flight, 'confidence' for super strength, and general perkiness
- Glomp: Hands these out quite readily.
- Granola Girl: Justified, as this is probably the most common thinking on Tamaran.
- Green Eyed Red Head
- The Heart: How Long Is Forever? establishes that she's the emotional crutch holding the team together.
- Hot Amazon: According to Robin, some of the things he likes the most about Starfire are "the way you shoot starbolts, that you're brave, and the strongest girl ever."
- Magic Kiss: Her ability to learn new languages.
- Magic Skirt
- Mini-Dress of Power
- Most Common Superpower: She has the power to fly.
- Muscles Are Meaningless: She's a lot stronger than she looks.
- Glacier Waif: Tougher too.
- Omniglot: She can learn any language by a kissing a speaker of it. By extension, this makes her The Face when they go somewhere that doesn't speak english.
- Over-the-Shoulder Carry: Red Star carries her like this to safety in “Snowblind” after she passes out in a blizzard.
- Panty Shot: In the beginning of "Sisters."
- Pardon My Tamaranian: For a girl who is supposed to be sweet and innocent, she uses Tamaranian swears frequently.
- Ping-Pong Naivete
- Power Strain Blackout: In her introductory arc.
- Proud Warrior Race Girl
- Puberty Superpower: Eye-beams.
- Redheaded Heroine
- Savvy Guy, Energetic Girl: Energetic Girl to Robin's Savvy Guy.
- Sibling Yin-Yang: With Blackfire. She is heroic while Blackfire is villainous.
- Spock Speak: A rare version in that she does not speak this way due to a fascination with logic/science, but as a sign of her relative inexperience with Earth languages.
- She's also royalty, so it's not unlikely that she's used to speaking formally.
- Thigh-High Boots: Just like her comic book counterpart, but with a different design.
- Tomboy and Girly Girl: Girly Girl to Raven's Tomboy.
- Trademark Favorite Food: Mustard. It's her favorite drink.
- Unresolved Sexual Tension: A lot with Robin. They finally get together in the movie.
- Violently Protective Girlfriend: The prom episode with Killer Moth and Kitten.
- Waif Fu
- Zettai Ryouiki
Beast Boy[]
Starfire: "Uh, I wish to remind you that you did not actually go to the movies, but merely observed a television program about a person that went to the movies." |
Voiced by: Greg Cipes |
The son of two scientists studying wildlife in Africa, Beast Boy was infected as a child with a mysterious disease, the experimental cure for which gave him the ability to turn into any animal, but permanently dyed him green. His parents drowned in a boating accident — Beast Boy being too inexperienced to save anyone but himself — and he was subsequently adopted by the Doom Patrol. It wasn't a stable family, and Beast Boy subsequently ran away after he hit puberty.
Beast Boy is the unofficial comedian of the team, though most of his teammates consider his typical array of jokes and pranks to be pretty groan-worthy, and it is implied that, like his comics counterpart, he is one of your "jokes to hide the pain inside" types. Whether he is or isn't, he is the youngest, in terms of behavior, of the team, obsessed with video games and goofing off, which means he's often chewed out by Robin. A devout vegetarian: as he has been just about every animal under the sun, he finds eating any kind of meat to be too similar to cannibalism for his liking. (Though it might be more accurate to a call him a vegan- he eats tofu eggs rather than regular ones in "Nevermore"- but the show always refers to him as a vegetarian.)
Powers And Abilities: can change into any animal, living, extinct, or alien, so long as he knows what it looks like, plus extra-powerful Beast form from "Beast Within" onwards (his use of animal forms is less a limitation and more a personal style).
- Adorkable: Watch him interact with non-Titans. In fact, even with the Titans he's endearingly awkward.
- Animorphism
- Badass Adorable
- Beast Man: He even tries to name himself this.
- Berserk Button: Don't talk to him about Terra's betrayal.
- Beware the Nice Ones: Especially if you're a member of the Brotherhood. In fact, as goofy and playful as he is, he still manages to be effective.
- He was able to take on Slade single-handedly when sufficiently enraged. Never cross a guy who can turn into the most dangerous animals ever to walk the earth at will.
- Forget Slade, he made Trigon cry in pain with a wet-willy-inspired attack! OK, he had actually changed into a blue whale in his brain, but he still got the idea from the wet-willy, and called it his 'patented wet-willy manouver'.
- He was able to take on Slade single-handedly when sufficiently enraged. Never cross a guy who can turn into the most dangerous animals ever to walk the earth at will.
- The Big Guy: Subversion. He's the shortest and skinniest member on the team, but he often relies on brute force.
- Brainwashed: Whilst the other four core members have also fallen victim to this special mention goes to Beast Boy who tends to fall victim to it more often and far more easily, which in itself became a Running Gag in the first Mad Mod episode.
- The Chew Toy
- Crouching Moron, Hidden Badass: He gets to show how badass he can really be in Season Five. Despite being the Plucky Comic Relief, he's quite possibly the most powerful and least inhibited of all the Titans. He managed to foil the Brotherhood's plot to capture him, and then successfully organized a counterattack against them with only a handful of people, before the rest of the Titans came through in a Big Damn Heroes moment.
- Its worth pointing out that he and Robin are the only superhero veterans on the team.
- Curtains Match the Window: he must have had green eyes before the mutating.
- Cute Bruiser: A rare male example.
- Cute Little Fang
- Cute Shotaro Boy
- Did Not Get the Girl
- Dogged Nice Guy: Towards Terra.
- Everything's Better with Dinosaurs
- Embarrassing First Name: It's Garfield.
- Four-Temperament Ensemble: The Sanguine (Shares this with Starfire).
- Genre Savvy: He spends his free time playing games and watching tv shows like this one. It saved the day once against Control Freak.
- Shown most in "Fear Itself." He knows full well splitting up when horror movie stuff has happened is the absolute WORST thing you can do, and the comic relief guy (him) is always the first to go. And he's right, though no one gets hurt.
- Growing Up Sucks Until Season 5.
- In-Series Nickname: B.B.
- I Want My Beloved to Be Happy
- Keet: Kid's got a lot of energy.
- Kid Appeal Character: He acts like the target demographic. Special mention goes to 'Beast Boy Wonder' scene.
- Let's Get Dangerous: Since he can't speak while shifted (unlike in the comics), it comes across that when he's in his animal forms, the jokes are over and he means business. And by "business" we mean kicking your ass.
- The Movie Buff
- Must Make Her Laugh: Towards Raven.
- My God, What Have I Done?: Though understandably emotional, he makes the grave error of giving Terra a Heel Face Door Slam after learning she betrayed them. He spends most of "Aftershock Part 1" agonizing over this decision, and trying to make things right. He fails...at least until next episode.
- Plucky Comic Relief
- Pointy Ears: Chicks dig 'em. Or at least they do in Japan.
- Sad Clown: Sometimes.
- Sidekick Glass Ceiling
- Shapeshifter Baggage: Initially. When he first started he couldn't change into anything bigger than himself.
- Slap Slap Kiss: Sort of, with Raven. It's more like "Slap Slap Support" and "Slap Slap Commiserate."
- Spanner in the Works: Pretty much single handedly foils the Brotherhood after they drove the Titans to the brink of destruction.
- Super-Powered Evil Side: Gains one in "The Beast Within," to an extent- the Beast is certainly his most powerful form, but isn't "evil" so much as amoral and uncontrollable- more like The Hulk than Raven's inner demon.
- Trickster Archetype: What is it with shapeshifters, jokes, and pranks?
- Unknown Rival: To the Brain in Season 5 — he treats the Brain with almost as much seriousness as Robin does with Slade, but the Brain barely seems to know who he is.
- "Well Done, Son" Guy
"Don't make me send you to another dimension." |
"I respect that you don't eat meat. Please respect that I don't eat fake meat." |
Voiced by: Tara Strong |
The half-human daughter of Arella Roth, a human woman who managed to find her way to the other dimension of Azarath/a native of Azarath (the show isn't clear) and Trigon the Terrible, a dread and powerful demon lord who intended to use Raven to open a portal that would allow him to enslave Earth. As a result of her race, Raven has powerful telepathic and psychokinetic abilities that are destabilized by her emotional level — in other words, if she fails to keep her emotions tightly in check, her psychic power runs rampant, breaking and destroying her surroundings until she calms down. Presumably due to her birthplace, she is also versed in a wide variety of occult lore and a skilled practitioner of magic. She also has the power to astral project, dispatching her soul from her body to teleport herself or others, and to heal, though it's left unclear if these are Psychic Powers innate to her or mystical powers she has learned from her studies.
Because of her background and powers, Raven is a solitary, quiet individual who prefers to avoid interacting with others much, but displays a biting, acerbic wit and a love for sarcasm when she does.
Powers And Abilities: Flight, telekinesis, teleporting, Healing Hands, empathy (though much less prominently than her comic counterpart), general magic
- Action Girl
- Anti-Anti-Christ: Her dad wants her to help him end the world. She said 'no'.
- Anti-Hero: Type III.
- The Anti-Nihilist: Played With. She's naturally stoic and usually deems things pointless, but ultimately cares for the Titans and enjoys her time with them.
- Apocalypse Maiden: "The gem was born of evil's fire. The gem shall be his portal. He comes to claim; he comes to sire, the end of all things mortal." She's the gem.
- Badass
- Barrier Maiden: In Season 4. Her will is all that's keeping Trigon out of the human's dimension.
- Berserk Button: "No-one should ever go into my room."
- Birthmark of Destiny: Long and creepy looking red ones.
- Broken Bird: Though she does gradually open up in the last two seasons.
- Burning with Anger: Usually over Beast Boy's antics.
- Bob Haircut
- Catch Phrase / Invocation: "Azarath Metrion Zinthos!"
- The Comically Serious: See her second page quote.
- Creepy Child: Sometimes.
- Creepy Good
- Creepy Monotone: Though not as creepy as Slade's monotone.
- Curtains Match the Window
- Dangerous Sixteenth Birthday: And we do stress danger.
- Dark Is Not Evil: She dresses dark and her power are tinted black and she's half demon, but she's not evil.
- Deadpan Snarker: Constantly.
- Defrosting Ice Queen: For a good part of season 1 she's always seen with her hood up. As her defrosting progresses, she starts having her hood down not only amongst the Titans, but often when she's alone in public as well.
- Emotionless Girl: She certainly has emotions, and very powerful ones, but she has to keep them repressed to control her powers.
- The Empath: These were her only powers in the comic; here they're expanded upon to give her a more action-oriented role.
- Four-Temperament Ensemble: Alternates between Melancholic and Phlegmatic.
- Ghost in the Machine: The episode "Nevermore." With color coding for your convenience, of course.
- Goth: Downplayed. The most we get is she writes depressing poetry.
- Good Is Not Nice
- Green Lantern Ring
- Hades Shaded
- Half-Human Hybrid: Her mother was human; her dad's a demon lord.
- Hates Being Touched
- Hell Gate
- Hidden Badass: When all of her colored sides combine.
- Hidden Heart of Gold
- In the Hood
- Kuudere: The poster girl of this trope.
- Lady of Black Magic
- Lethal Chef: In "The End, Part I" she makes the Titan's breakfast. It doesn't exactly work out...
- Levitating Lotus Position: It helps her regulate her powers.
- Loners Are Freaks: She thought this of herself in the origin episode. Cyborg had this to say to that: "He's green, she's an alien, and half of me is metal; you fit in just fine."
- MacGuffin Girl: In season 4 Slade was tasked with acquiring her for the portal.
- Marked Change
- Mind Rape: Victim of Slade, perpetrator against Dr. Light. As a Continuity Nod, all she has to say is 'remember me?' when he causes trouble and he will volunteer to go back to prison.
- Most Common Superpower
- Ms. Fanservice: She dresses in a leotard. A leotard with very high cut leg holes. She's also quite well-developed.
- Nightmare Fetishist
- New Powers as the Plot Demands: Her list of one-off powers is quite extensive. As are all the times they would have come in handy had she remembered she had them.
- No Periods, Period: See Teen Titans: Trouble in Tokyo.
- Perpetual Frowner
- Platonic Life Partners: With Robin.
- Pretty in Mink: Her winter wear.
- Purple Eyes
- The Quiet One
- Rei Ayanami Expy: Quiet? Check. Pale? Check. Created by her dad to cause an apocalypse? Check.
- Self-Made Orphan: Maybe. Trigon is never seen or heard from again after the fourth season.
- Arella, however, was seen again in the story Red Raven, when Raven sought her advice in a restored Azarath.
- Screw Destiny: She eventually arrives here.
- Short, Dark and Bishoujo: She is very pretty, dark and aloof, and comes with more than enough trouble to qualify.
- Short, Dark and Snarky
- Slap Slap Kiss: Sort of, with Beast Boy. It's more like "Slap Slap Support" and "Slap Slap Commiserate."
- The Smart Girl: When it comes to magic.
- Squishy Wizard: Not hugely squishy- she has some martial arts moves - but she's still the most fragile of the Titans in direct combat (barring Beast Boy's base form, which he doesn't fight in anyway) and tends to hang back to cast magic rather than jumping into the thick of things.
- Stepford Snarker: She's often even snippier than usual when upset.
- The Stoic
Raven: Maybe you haven't noticed, but my emotions are dangerous. I can't afford to feel anything. |
- Stylish Protection Gear
- Sugar and Ice Personality
- Super-Powered Evil Side: Raven's demon nature is not nice. Fortunately, it only slips out a handful of times.
- Tomboy and Girly Girl: Tomboy to Starfire's Girly Girl.
- Tsundere: When her emotions are more visible, she's more like this than Kuudere.
- The Un-Smile: Once in "The End".
- Vapor Wear: When she has most of her clothes torn off in "Birthmark," there isn't a bra to be seen. This, however, is Truth in Television; wearing a bra with a leotard would be redundant, as they're made to cover the "underwear" aspects that would otherwise be unseemly in a skintight outfit.
- When She Smiles: ... It's often a sign of impending doom.
- Except on some occasions like the end of "Car Trouble."
- Wrench Wench: Surprisingly. It's easy to miss, as it only came up once.
- You Gotta Have Purple Hair
- You Wouldn't Like Me When I'm Angry: The reason she forces herself to be an Emotionless Girl.
"When there's trouble you know what to doooo. Call Cyborg! He can shoot a rocket from his shoooe. 'Cause he's Cyborg!" |
Voiced by: Khary Payton |
As a teenager, Cyborg was hideously mutilated in a car accident. Fortunately his parents were foremost experts in cybernetic enhancements, so they integrated their son with a variety of advanced robotic components in order to save his life. For quite some time afterward, he was despondent about his change, and even in the series he remains somewhat unhappy with the loss of his normal life. But he retains a strong zest for life and devotes himself to making the best of his situation, to the extent he usually appears much happier than Robin does. As a cybernetically augmented human, Cyborg has several built in weapons (mainly a sonic cannon), the general resilience you'd expect of someone who's only partly squishy flesh and covered in armor, and super strength, as well as a considerable IQ that he puts to use as a Gadgeteer Genius.
Powers And Abilities: Super strength, armor, various built-in weapons and devices, great skill with machines
- Anatomy Arsenal
- Arm Cannon: His Weapon of Choice.
- Shoulder Cannon: Cyborg had one when he drained the Titan's Tower of energy in episode "The End (Part 1)" in order to fight off Slade and his Mooks.
- Bald of Awesome
- Bald Black Leader Guy: During his days at Titans East, or whenever Robin is AWOL for whatever reason.
- Big Eater
- Badass
- Catch Phrase: BOOYAH!
- Dating Catwoman: Briefly went out with Jinx while infiltrating the HIVE.
- Do-Anything Robot
- Fake Defector: Turns out Cyborg is resistant to Mind Control.
- Four-Temperament Ensemble: Alternates between Choleric and Melancholic.
- Genius Bruiser
- Good Thing You Can Heal: He sustains more graphic damage than any of the other Titans partly because of this and partly because said damage is arguably G-rated due to his mechanical nature. He is also the only Titan to suffer realistic dismemberment.
- Heroic RROD: Happens on more than one occasion.
- Hollywood Cyborg
- Hot-Blooded
- I Just Want to Be Normal: As mentioned above, becoming a cyborg put the kabosh on a normal childhood and he misses the chance. Seen best when he infiltrated the H.I.V.E.
- The Lancer: He's taller, darker, and Hot-Blooded to contrast Robin's serious-as-a-heartattack demeanor. He's also the Number Two.
- Make Me Wanna Shout: His main weapons are his sonic cannons.
- Number Two: Though it's never officially stated, Cyborg is often considered the second in command of the team, and is always the first to take the lead when Robin is MIA or unable to take the lead.
- Team Chef
- Telescoping Robot
- Watch the Paint Job: He loves his Cy-car.
- The Worf Effect
Titans East[]
Voiced by: T'Keyah Crystal Keymáh |
A metahuman with insect-like wings capable of flight and the ability to shrink to a miniature size, Bumblebee also uses a pair of hand-held electric dart-guns as "stingers." Initially met Cyborg as part of Brother Blood's HIVE Academy, she joins him in taking it down, claiming that, despite appearances, she wasn't totally brainwashed by him and had, in fact, been planning on taking the crime-school down from the inside. She later becomes the leader of Titans East.
Powers And Abilities: Flight, shrinking/growth (though apparently no bigger than her normal human size), electricity-producing "stingers"
- Action Girl
- Bare Your Midriff
- Belligerent Sexual Tension: With Cyborg.
- Expy: She has more in common with The Wasp from The Avengers (shrinking, biological wings, electric "stingers") than her actual comicbook counterpart.
- Foil: To Cyborg, as she is essentially Cyborg if he ever decided to go solo.
- The Hero: Leader of Titans East on recommendation from Cyborg.
- Heroic Willpower: The reason she's resistant (not immune, but resistant) to Brother Blood's mind control.
- The Mole: When she was in HIVE Academy.
- Odango Hair
- Red Eyes, Take Warning: As a result of the Brainwashed and Crazy trope.
- Sassy Black Woman
- Sizeshifter
- Smurfette Principle: Only girl in Titans East, which she seems to resent.
- Tall, Dark and Snarky
- Team Mom
Voiced by: Wil Wheaton |
A denizen of Atlantis, Aqualad's relation (if any) to Aquaman is never mentioned in the series. Able to breathe underwater, communicate telepathically with sea creatures, and a potent aquakinetic, Aqualad initially operates as a solo hero, but later becomes a member of Titans East.
Powers And Abilities: Water breathing, telepathy with sea animals, aquakinesis, superhumanly skilled swimmer
- The Ace: In his intro ep. He's less so afterwards, possibily because he had trouble adjusting to a team.
- Always Someone Better: Was this to Beast Boy in his first ep. BB was so excited the team was going on their first undersea adventure because he figured that with his ability to turn into any aquatic animal, he'd be the most important hero on this adventure. Then Aqualad shows up and completely upstages him without even attempting to.
- Bishonen: Every girl around him faints. Even Raven.
- Mr. Fanservice: Even a pre-defrostation Raven couldn't help but notice.
- Floating Water
- Making a Splash
- Monochromatic Eyes
- Our Mermen Are Different
- Red Eyes, Take Warning: As a result of the Brainwashed and Crazy trope.
- The Smart Guy
- Tall, Dark and Handsome
- Telepathy
Voiced by: Mike Erwin |
Similarly to Robin, Speedy is a former "costumed hero" sidekick who has since decided to make it on his own, only to become involved with a Teen Titans team.
Powers And Abilities: Badass Normal specialized as The Archer with normal and "trick" arrows
- The Archer
- Blank White Eyes: He wears a mask similar to Robin's
- Bottomless Magazines
- Cat Up a Tree: Saves one during "For Real".
- Divergent Character Evolution: In "Winner Take All," was pretty much Robin 2.0. In later appearances, however, he seems to be more of a "bad boy" to better serve as a Foil to Bumblebee.
- Expressive Mask
- Fingerless Gloves
- Jerkass/JerkWithAHeartOfGold: He's painted as the token jerkass teammate in the "Titans East" finale, but he's gotten better since then.
- The Lancer
- Not So Different: When compared to Robin.
- Rain of Arrows
- Red Eyes, Take Warning: As a result of the Brainwashed and Crazy trope.
- Redheaded Hero
- Techno Babble: Briefly with Robin during their first meeting.
- Trick Arrow
Más y Menos[]
Voiced by: Freddy Rodriguez |
Young Guatemalan twins who speak only Spanish, these meta-humans have the ability of super-speed, but only while physically touching each other. They are recruited to be part of Titans East, but no other details about them are given.
Powers and Abilities: Superspeed, Twin Telepathy
- The Big Guys: Sort of. Ironic considering they're so tiny. Their speed, however, lets them build up momentum to pack serious punch.
- Bilingual Bonus: Everything that comes out of their mouths. Everything.
- Played for Laughs during a long rant that went completely over Speedy and Aqualad's heads. They wore dunce hats.
- Canon Immigrant
- Catch Phrase: "¡Más y Menos, sí podemos!" ("Más and Menos, yes we can!")
- Inocently Unsensitive: to Aqualad 's trauma about sea food
- Fragile Speedster
- Funny Foreigner
- Getting Crap Past the Radar: They have sworn in Spanish at least once.
- Gratuitous Spanish (Subverted - it can and has been translated.)
- Lightning Bruisers
- Meaningful Names: "Más y Menos" means "plus and minus" in Spanish. It's also a pun on the Spanish phrase for "more or less."
- Motor Mouths
- Red Eyes, Take Warning: As a result of the Brainwashed and Crazy trope.
- Single-Minded Twins
- Twin Telepathy: Slightly complicated example. Although Pantha attributes Más' ability to sense Menos to being a "Twin" thing, Más actually explains that it is a result of a magnetic connection that gets stronger with proximity.
- Weaksauce Weakness: Their powers only work while touching. Easiest way to disable them: separation. Then again, that's not exactly the easiest thing in the world to do.
- Wonder Twin Powers
Other Titans[]
"They actually trust me." |
Voiced by: Ashley Johnson |
Perhaps the most divisive character in the series, Terra was envisioned as a Lighter and Softer adaptation of the infamous "Judas Contract Arc" character, who was a stone-cold psycho hired by Slade from the beginning to infilitrate the Teen Titans and managed to creep him out (not that it stopped him from sleeping with her). The animated Terra, on the other hand, was envisoned as a more sympathetic, confused character — Word of God describes her as no longer caring about good or evil, just wanting to no longer be hurt.
According to the Teen Titans Go! comics, Terra was born Tara Markov, a princess to a small country called Markovia, and whose royal scientists experimented on her and her brother to imbue them with geokinesis (the psychic ability to manipulate earthen materials) as part of a project to create metahuman defenders. Terra escaped and abandoned her country, but, perhaps as a result of this, her ability to control her powers was limited — Slade mentions, in her debut episode, a history of having attempted to settle down and do good, but causing disaster when her powers invariably went out of control. When she first met the Teen Titans, the possibility of her finally finding a home arose... but her paranoia meant that she would destroy this chance, and her friendship with them. However, the episode "Things Change" and issue 51 of the Teen Titans Go! comic also revealed that Terra's tragic "death", due to Power Incontinence, had not been permanent, and that she was happily living life as a normal Schoolgirl, with no desire to return to either villainy or heroics.
Powers And Abilities: Geokinesis. As Slade's apprentice, wore a special suit that created a telepathic link with him and enchanced her powers (but also allowed him to remotely control her).
- Action Girl/Dark Action Girl
- Anti-Hero: Type IV... On her good days.
- Anti-Villain: Type II.
- Back From the Dead
- Bare Your Midriff
- Becoming the Mask: Despite her betrayal, she really felt at home with the team.
- Big Eater
- Blondes Are Evil: Subverted. Not quite evil, but very misunderstood and paranoid.
- Blue Eyes
- Break the Cutie: She started out cracked, Slade finished breaking her.
- Broken Bird
- The Chosen Zero
- Clingy Costume/Evil Costume Switch: The armored suit Slade had fused with Terra's nervous system.
- Cute Bruiser
- Dark Magical Girl: Inverted. She has a Face Heel Turn instead of the other way around. Otherwise the relationship between her and the dark (but otherwise heroic) Raven fits the Magical Girl's friend aspect and her relationship with Slade a DMG would have with her Big Bad father-figure.
- Dishing Out Dirt
- Does This Remind You of Anything?: A lot of Terra's behavior (fear of intimacy, inability to settle down, paranoia, self-destructive tendencies, exaggerated startle response, desperate yearning for approval from a mentor figure that she knows will hurt her) are all very reminiscent of children who grew up in abusive households (especially sexually abusive ones). This puts the revelation that Terra and Slade were sexually intimate in the comics in a whole new perspective...
- Hair of Gold
- Heel Face Revolving Door: She started off good, had a Face Heel Turn, had a semi Heel Face Turn that got slammed in her face, had an even bigger Face Heel Turn, and finally made a permanent Heel Face Turn.
- Heroic Sacrifice
- I Just Want to Be Normal
- Meaningful Name: "terra" means "earth".
- The Mole
- More Than Mind Control/Not Brainwashed: Slade is a Manipulative Bastard that played on her paranoia and burned heroics.
- Motif: Reflections and butterfly imagery play a large role in episodes and comics featuring Terra, symbolizing her ever-shifting sense of identity and self-image, and her eventual maturation into a confident, independent, happy young woman.
- Never My Fault: Played for Drama. Terra's paranoia that others will blame her for disasters that aren't her fault, as they have in the past, leads to her refusing to accept responsibility for disasters that actually are her fault. Terra finally takes responsiblity for her mistakes when she stops a catastrophic earthquake triggered by her powers, inadvertently turning herself into stone in the process.
- Ordinary High School Student: What happens when Terra decides to follow her heart. Subverted in that now, she really is ordinary, and she wants to keep it that way.
- Peek-a-Bangs
- Power Incontinence: Why she's broken and paranoid; she can't control her powers.
- Redemption Equals Death
- Save the Day Turn Away: Played with. Whether she remembers anything or not, Terra would rather not be acknowleged as a villain or hero. High School is more her style.
- Secret Legacy: Formerly Princess Tara of Markovia.
- Sixth Ranger Traitor
- Stepford Smiler: Before her Face Heel Turn.
- Taken for Granite
- That Man Is Dead
- Tomboy: She's got no problems with getting dirty.
- Took a Level In Jerkass: Once she recieves a Heel Face Door Slam, Terra fully embraces The Dark Side and becomes truly evil. Thankfully, it turns out that "it's never too late to change"....
- Witch with a Capital B: Drops an poignant W-bomb while fighting Raven.
- We Used to Be Friends: With the Titans.
Kid Flash[]
Voiced by: Michael Rosenbaum |
A charming speedster who develops a thing for Jinx and manages to convince her to change sides.
Powers And Abilities: Superspeed
- Actor Allusion: Voiced by Michael Rosenbaum, who voiced the adult Flash.
- Deadpan Snarker
- The Dulcinea Effect: Of sorts, with Jinx. Once he crosses paths with her, Kid Flash continuously tries to convince Jinx to make a Heel Face Turn.
- Fragile Speedster
- Fun Personified
- It Amused Me: He spends most of his introduction episode simply toying around with Hive Five, even though he was fully capable of turning them in.
- Kidanova: Though he only flirts with Jinx.
- The tie-in comic, however, plays this completely straight.
- This lands him in some hot water with his girlfriend Jinx when he ends up flirting with different Titans girls.
- The tie-in comic, however, plays this completely straight.
- Manic Pixie Dream Girl: A gender-flipped version.
- Official Couple: With Jinx.
- One-Man Army: Madame Rouge hypes Kid Flash up as being one of the harder team heroes to capture. Indeed, he spent the first half of his introduction episode screwing around with all of the Hive Five, a group of villains that even the Titans had trouble beating together.
- One-Scene Wonder: He's pretty popular, despite having only appeared in 1.1 episodes.
- Redheaded Hero
- The Trope Kid
Independent Big Bads[]
Voiced by: Ron Perlman |
A mysterious character whose motives are unknown, but vaguely seem to revolve around the conquest/destruction of Jump City, with more plans stemming from there. Slade is the first major antagonist of the series and appears in all five seasons in some form, and is a major villain in three, driven to recruit one of the Teen Titans as an "apprentice" in the first two seasons and an undead servant of Trigon the Terrible working for the promise of being restored to life in the fourth. A master tactician and a martial arts expert capable of defeating Robin easily, Slade is aided by hordes of robotic minions (even going to the extent of having "Slade-bots", or android stand-ins for himself to avoid being exposed to the risk of capture, ala Dr. Doom) and the services of three mutant metahumans; Overload, Cinderblock and Plasmus. Generally regarded as the villain of the show among fandom.
Powers And Abilities: Badass Normal, genius-level intellect (seasons one and two) invulnerability, flight, teleportation, pyrokinesis (as Trigon's minion)
- Actually A Sladebot: Fond of using these as decoys, but the two most notable examples are shown in "Masks" and "Things Change".
- Adaptation Distillation: Most notably, emphasizing the character as a planner and a Big Bad, making him more subtle and menacing than his counterpart.
- Also notably with his name. In the comics, he was usually known simply as The Terminator untill a certain movie came out. Then, an old codename he'd had, Deathstroke, was dusted off and he became known as Deathstroke the Terminator, which sounds literally like overkill. In the comics, Slade is just the character's real first name. Even most comics fans agree that simply calling him Slade is a distinct improvement.
- Arch Enemy: To the team as a whole, and Robin in particular.
- Badass
- Badass Normal: Slade has no powers at all and yet is able to defeat Robin (and fairly high ranking demons).
- Badass Abnormal: In Season 4.
- Big Bad: Of Seasons One and Two.
- Break Them by Talking: He's practically the king of this trope by the end of Season 1.
- Card-Carrying Villain: Played With. Though not so much as the likes of Blood, Slade does seem aware of his own evil, but just doesn't care rather than openly reveling in it. Of course, that Creepy Monotone can make it hard to figure out exactly what he feels.
- Characterization Marches On: Early episodes emphasized his nature as a Card-Carrying Villain and Diabolical Mastermind. He really hit his stride in the second half of season one, when the emphasis switched to his Break Them by Talking and creepy, creepy obsessions with Robin/Terra/Raven.
- The Chessmaster: There's always a plan with this guy. Always. Even after he dies, he's got a couple of aces left up his sleeve.
- Comic Book Movies Don't Use Codenames: Or comic book animated series, in this case. Probably a combination of Never Say "Die" and the fact that "Deathstroke the Terminator" fits comic Slade (a mercenary killer) much better than his animated counterpart (a mastermind who generally avoids getting his hands dirty, though he's more than capable of doing so if neccessary).
- The Corrupter: Seasons One and Two. Not so successfully with Robin, much more so with Terra.
- Crazy Prepared: He's essentially played like an evil version of Batman (which makes him such a good foil for Robin), and naturally he has a significant fanbase because of it.
- Creepy Monotone: And how.
- Deadpan Snarker
- Defector From Decadence: Because he had nothing to lose, more than anything.
- Demoted to Dragon: To Trigon's Big Bad in Season Four. Not that it made him any less of a threat.
- Enemy Mine
- Evil Cannot Comprehend Good: He suffers from this, particularly in season one and two. Probably the reason he comes off as a Smug Snake when he's up against the heroes, and a Magnificent Bastard the one time he's pitted against another villain.
- Evil Sounds Deep
- Genius Bruiser: A master planner and manipulator. He's also one of the strongest characters in the series.
- Hidden Agenda Villain: By the end of the show, we still don't know what the Evil Plan was.
- Ink Suit Actor: Mr. Perlman does look similar to Slade without the mask, if Slade's face looks like it does in the comics.
- Karma Houdini
- Knight of Cerebus: Things are never light or fluffy when Slade's around. Never.
- Manipulative Bastard
- Mind Rape: Especially to Raven when he comes Back From the Dead.
- Mind Screw: Break Them by Talking, Mind Rape, manipulation, it's all there. And boy, do Robin and Terra bite the bait.
- No Sense of Personal Space: Best seen in his interactions with Raven.
- Noble Demon: During the later half of Season 4.
- Pick on Someone Your Own Size: With Robin, Terra and Raven.
- Post-Mortem Comeback: After his death in the second season finale, one of his masks was confiscated by Robin. Slade left a chemical substance in the dust that infiltrated Robins' central nervous system, forcing Robin to see, hear and feel Slade, even when he wasn't there. The more he fought the illusion, the more harmful it became, but it could only be seen in the dark. It led to one of the best episodes in the series' run.
- Also occurs in that he literally comes back as a servant of Trigon.
- Smug Snake: In the first two seasons, though he's still very threatening and tries to learn from his mistakes.
- Graduates to full Magnificent Bastard during Season Four.
- The Sociopath: Shown clearly in season four when Robin points out how he has no remorse for ruining others lives for the sake of his own benefit, Slade's response is "It's what I do best."
- Southern-Fried Genius: When he's in a good mood, his voice has a very faint southern United States accent. Sometimes it's more audible than others. ("When I found out the truth, ah was very impressed...")
- The Stoic: There's a grand total of one short diabolical chuckle that comes out of him in all of his appearances, and even then it sound unnatural.
- To be honest, there are also a few instances where that eye of his widens or when he loses his cool.
- Warrior Therapist: Slade is the master of the evil version.
- You Have Failed Me: Played straight with his treatment of Terra. Averted with his treatment of Jinx, Gizmo, and Mammoth.
Trigon the Terrible[]
"Trigon isn't a villain. He's the incarnation of evil- the source of all darkness..." |
Voiced by: Keith Szarabajka, Kevin Michael Richardson |
An extremely powerful demon lord, and Raven's father, who intends to use her as the key to a portal that will allow him to enter and devastate Earth.
Powers And Abilities: Reality Warper, prescience
- Abusive Parents: Oh so very much.
- Archnemesis Dad: To Raven.
- Arc Villain: Never shows up as a villain following the fourth season.
- Because Destiny Says So: He believes he's destined to conquer "the world of mortals" and that nothing can stop him, but he is defeated by Raven two episodes after his debut.
- Big Bad: Technically the ultimate evil all along, but his hand is only directly felt starting in Season Four.
- Big Red Devil
- Dimension Lord
- Eye Beams
- Evil Plan: Use his daughter to enter "the world of mortals" and lay waste to it.
- Evil Sounds Deep
- God of Evil
- Manipulative Bastard: So good that he was able to dupe Slade into thinking that he was being sincere. However, as it turned out, Slade had second guesses.
- Nigh Invulnerable
- Not So Invincible After All: After he enters the Teen Titans' world from his world. He only lasts three episodes before Raven kills him.
- Obviously Evil
- Omnicidal Maniac
- The Other Darrin: When he first debuted as a mental manifestation of Raven's anger, he was voiced by Keith Szarabajka. Later, in Season Four, he was voiced by Kevin Michael Richardson.
- Physical God
- Red Eyes, Take Warning
- Satan
- Smug Super
- You Have Outlived Your Usefulness: To Slade.
The HIVE[]
Brother Blood[]
Voiced by: John DiMaggio |
Head of the HIVE in season three, and Cyborg's Arch Enemy. A powerful psychic with a flair for Mind Control.
Powers And Abilities: Mind Control, telekinesis, teleportation, superstrength, photographic memory, energy blasts. As a cyborg, gains all of Cyborg's powers as well.
- Arch Enemy: To Cyborg.
- Arc Villain: Somehow merges this with Interim Villain, as well.
- Badass Grandpa: Blood's age is never explicitly stated, but if his physical appearance is anything to go by, he's at least in late middle-age. He's also one of the deadliest hand-to-hand combatants on the show.
- Big Bad: Of season three.
- Card-Carrying Villain
- Chuck Cunningham Syndrome: He is last reported to be in jail, and is never even mentioned after the third season. He doesn't even get to join the Brotherhood of Evil.
- Diabolical Mastermind
- Doppelganger: He becomes obsessed with Cyborg to the point of wanting to be him. At first he just wants to dissect Cyborg to figure out why he can resist mind control, then he wants to steal Cyborg's technology to use it as a weapon, duplicates Cyborg's tech to create an army of robots, and finally he undergoes automation so that he can literally become Cyborg himself. His obsession is unsettling to say the least.
- Evil Mentor
- Glowing Eyes of Doom: Kick in whenever he's actively using his powers.
- Hollywood Cyborg: Eventually.
- Interim Villain: Briefly replaces Slade as the go-to Big Bad, and never shows up following his Story Arc, but his defeat indirectly led to the HIVE FIVE getting formed, and eventually, Jinx pulling a Heel Face Turn.
- Large Ham: Done deliberately to contrast with Slade.
- Light Is Not Good
- Manipulative Bastard
- Maybe Magic, Maybe Mundane: In the comics, Blood was a cult-leading Evil Sorcerer; here, the source of his abilities is more vague, but since he's never shown using any of the same trappings as the explicitly magical characters, it seems at least as likely that he's just a natural-born telepath.
- New Powers as the Plot Demands
- Not So Different: To Cyborg, though he's the only one who takes it seriously.
- Pick on Someone Your Own Size
- Psychic Powers
- Red Eyes, Take Warning
- Reverse Mole: He gets frustrated with how many times one of his students turns out to be this. "Was anyone at my school ACTUALLY THERE TO LEARN?"
- Sinister Minister: He certainly looks like one.
- Smug Snake
"I'm bad luck. Good was never really an option." |
Voiced by: Lauren Tom, Tara Strong |
Field leader of the HIVE. A minor Reality Warper who only creates bad luck. Ultimately switches sides.
Powers And Abilities: Hex blasts which can cause bad luck or general destruction, acrobatic and martial-arts skills
- Affably Evil
- Bad Powers, Bad People: Debated and deconstructed when she met Kid Flash.
- Characterization Marches On: In the beginning, she wasn't shown to be that different from Gizmo and Mammoth. "Lightspeed" is when she really shows her distinction as being more passionate and ambitious.
- Curtains Match the Window
- Dark Action Girl
- Dating Catwoman: Inverted.
- Et Tu, Brute?: Her former partners' reaction after finding out her Heel Face Turn
- Evil Counterpart: To Raven; both use dark magic, both have issues with their abilities, but where Raven (mostly) keeps them under control, Jinx seems to think that she's "supposed" to be as 'bad' as her powers are.
- Girlish Pigtails: or whatever those horn-shaped head cones can be called.
- Green Lantern Ring: Her "luck based powers" seem to be able to allow her to do anything she wants.
- High Heel Face Turn: Lampshaded when she mockingly asks Kid Flash if he is trying to convert her and make her see the error of her ways. Ironically, that's exactly what happens.
- Nerd Nanny
- The Other Darrin: Most of her appearances were voiced by Lauren Tom, her last appearance was voiced by Tara Strong.
- Slasher Smile: In her early appearances.
- Perky Goth
- Race Lift: Was Indian in the original comics.
- Rose-Haired Girl / You Gotta Have Pink Hair
Voiced by: Lauren Tom, Tara Strong |
The HIVE's resident genius, at least as smart as Cyborg but with a thoroughly unlikable personality.
Powers And Abilities: Gadgeteer Genius, plus a suit that contains his latest weapons and gadgets.
- Bald of Evil
- Bratty Half-Pint
- Child Prodigy
- Evil Counterpart: To Cyborg, in practice and Beast Boy in personality.
- For Science!
- Heel Face Door Slam: Gizmo was very excited when Robin made him an Honory Titan after helping the team in one episode, only for Cyborg to rescind the offer.
- Monochromatic Eyes
- The Other Darrin: Most of his appearances were voiced by Lauren Tom, though his last two appearances were voiced by Tara Strong
- Unusual Euphemism
Voiced by: Kevin Michael Richardson |
The HIVE's strongman. Generally portrayed as a dumb brute.
Powers And Abilities: Super strength
- Beard of Evil
- Big Eater (including the living mold in the Titans' fridge.)
- Dumb Muscle
- Evil Counterpart: Cyborg (Big guy who eats pretty much anything) and Beast Boy (The team's muscle).
- Monochromatic Eyes
Billy Numerous[]
Voiced by: Jason Marsden |
A metahuman criminal who can create copies of himself. Joins the HIVE Five in their second appearance.
Powers And Abilities: creates copies of himself, including whatever he's holding
- Canon Foreigner
- Conservation of Ninjitsu: Eventually averted.
- Early-Bird Cameo: Like the other HIVE FIVE kids below, he appears in the crowd shots of “Deception” before becoming a minor villain.
- Me's a Crowd
- Zerg Rush
Voiced by: Kevin Michael Richardson |
A HIVE member, not really a bad sort when not "working".
Powers And Abilities: Helmet includes various powers and weapons, all with an eye theme.
- Black and Nerdy
- Canon Foreigner
- Deflector Shields
- Early-Bird Cameo
- Eye Beams: As well as the ability to shoot actual eyeballs.
- Flight: How often have you seen it done by swelling your eye into a balloon?
- Non-Action Guy
- Power Perversion Potential: He can see through your clothes, among other things.
- Those Two Bad Guys: With Private and Kyd.
- Token Minority
- X-Ray Vision
Private HIVE[]
A HIVE member.
Voiced by: Greg Cipes |
Powers And Abilities: Badass Normal
- Canon Foreigner
- Early-Bird Cameo
- Shield-Bash
- Southern-Fried Private
- Those Two Bad Guys: With See-More.
- Throwing Your Shield Always Works
Kyd Wykkyd[]
A mysterious HIVE member.
Powers And Abilities: Teleportation, passing through walls, speculated to be psychic
- Canon Foreigner
- Early-Bird Cameo
- Intangible Man: The selective variation.
- The Speechless
- Teleport Cloak
- Teleport Spam
- Those Two Bad Guys: With See-More.
- Villain Teleportation
- The Quiet One
- The Voiceless
- Xtreme Kool Letterz: See, now you’re just trying too hard.
The Brotherhood of Evil[]
The Brain[]
Voiced by: Glenn Shadix |
Leader of the Brotherhood, Big Bad of season five. A disembodied brain.
Powers And Abilities: Chessmaster and Gadgeteer Genius.
- Arch Enemy: To Mento. Beast Boy also comes to consider him an Arch Enemy across the course of season five, but it's one sided- Brain has no respect for him whatsoever, and seems only marginally aware of who he is.
- Big Bad: Of Season Five.
- Brain In a Jar: Obviously.
- The Chessmaster
- Evil Genius
- Card-Carrying Villain
- Creepy Monotone: It was clearly the effect they were going for.
- Diabolical Mastermind
- Exactly What It Says on the Tin: He's a Brain In a Jar.
- Mad Scientist
- Non-Action Big Bad: For reasons that should be obvious.
- Obviously Evil: It's in his organization's name, for crying out loud.
- Red Eyes, Take Warning: The eyes on his life-support pod glow red when he's accessing his technology, and when he just wants to be intimidating.
Monsieur Mallah[]
Voiced by: Glenn Shadix |
The Brain's Dragon. An intelligent gorilla with a French accent.
Powers And Abilities: Genius level intellect, superstrength, skill with many weapons.
- Battle Butler
- Captain Ersatz: of Gorilla Grodd
- The Dragon: To the Brain.
- Everything's Better with Monkeys
- Gadgeteer Genius: Seems to make most of the stuff Brain designs.
- Genius Bruiser
- Intellectual Animal
- Talking Animal
Madame Rouge[]
Voiced by: Hynden Walch |
The Brotherhood's enforcer. An incredibly powerful shapechanger with a Russian accent.
Powers and Abilities: Voluntary Shapeshifting into anything she can imagine, abilitly to mimic voices, indestructibility
- The Baroness
- The Brute: She's clever, but relies on force more than any other member of the Brotherhood.
- Nigh Invulnerable: She's shown to be pretty much impossible to kill.
- Playing Against Type: Hard to believe she's played by Hynden Walch.
- Psycho for Hire
- Spy Catsuit: In her default form.
- Voluntary Shapeshifting
General Immortus[]
Voiced by: Xander Berkeley |
The Brotherhood's strategist. An immortal military genius. Seldom speaks.
Powers And Abilities: Immortality, genius-level intellect.
- Immortality: It's in his name! Although it's unclear what kind of immortality he has, it's implied to be Complete Immortality.
- Putting on the Reich
- Really Seven Hundred Years Old: More like really thousands of years old, if his flashback montage is accurate. He refers to Sun Tzu as one of his best students, so that pretty much seals the deal.
- The Strategist
Red X[]
"Not everyone likes to play the big villain, kid. I'm a thief. I'm not threatening your precious city - just looking out for number one." |
Voiced by: Scott Menville |
A mysterious thief who stole a suit and indentity Robin had previously used to get close to Slade. On no one's side but his own.
Powers And Abilities: Badass Normal, various anti-Titans weapons in the suit, low-powered flight and cloaking
- Affably Morally Ambiguous: He's pretty friendly and polite while kicking your ass.
- Debatable.
- Anti-Hero: Type IV. Apparently has some baseline heroism but is really working for himself.
- Anti-Villain: Type I. Makes no illusions about his goals and how he achieves them but apparently its its just a living to him. He has no devious Evil Plan.
- Badass Normal: Presumably.
- Blank White Eyes
- Charles Atlas Superpower: Again, presumably.
- Combat Pragmatist: He'll do whatever it takes to win.
- Cool Mask
- Dance Battler
- Deadpan Snarker
- Enemy Mine: Both times he's appeared, actually.
- Expressive Mask
- The Faceless
- Friendly Enemy
- Fo Yay: Flirts with Starfire during "X".
- Gentleman Thief: Red X doesn't go after innocent people or put them in harm's way. He also actually does seem to care about whether or not a city full of people is going to be disintegrated because of a psychotic villain, as well as whether or not Robin is going to fall to his death.
- Gray and Gray Morality
- I Was Just Passing Through: Red X averts this completely. He doesn't care if the hero(es) know that he deliberately stepped in.
- Loveable Rogue
- Morally Ambiguous Counterpart: To Robin for being a Badass Normal with cool gadgets that steals instead of fighting thieves.
- Noble Demon: He makes himself out to be a petty thief that cares for nothing but himself, but in both apperances he's helped the titans when it was not in his self-interest to do so.
- One-Scene Wonder: Red X only really appeared in two episodes in the series.
- The Real Remington Steele
- Riddle for the Ages: Who he is and what he looks like.
- Shadow Archetype: To Robin, obviously.
- Wild Card:Could help the villain, could help the hero, or could screw both of them for himself.
- Worthy Opponent
- You Fight Like a Cow
Voiced by: Hynden Walch |
Starfire's self-absorbed big sister. Cares only about her own comfort and power.
Powers And Abilities: Same as Starfire
- Aloof Big Sister
- Alpha Bitch
- Arch Enemy: To Starfire.
- Cain and Abel: The Cain to Starfire's Abel.
- Cool Big Sis: The other Titans think of her as one of these... at first.
- Color Character
- Dark Action Girl
- Evil Counterpart: To Starfire.
- Femme Fatale: Flirts with Robin, Cyborg, and Beast Boy.
- Hot Mom: According to The New Teen Titans.
- Most Common Superpower: Of course they think she's a Cool Big Sis... she's, well, big.
- Nice Job Fixing It, Villain: The Teen Titans Go! comic revealed she was the one who had given Starfire to the Gordanians as a peace offering to keep them from invading Tamaran. If you saw the episode "GO!" you can figured what happened after they left the planet.
- Shiny Midnight Black
- Sibling Yin-Yang: With Starfire.
- The Sociopath: Very evidently in both of her appearances.
- Surprisingly Good English
- Knowing both her Femme Fatale status and Bizarre Alien Biology, she probably kissed a lot of boys in order to learn perfect English.
- Talking to Herself: With Starfire.
- Ugly Guy, Hot Wife: The New Teen Titans shows her married to Glgrdsklechhh.
Doom Patrol[]
Beast Boy's former team, which he left over personal issues with Mento. Arch Enemies of the Brotherhood of Evil
Mento voiced by: Xander Berkeley |
Powers and Abilities:
Mento: Telepathy
Elastigirl: Size changing
Robot Man: Superstrength, built-in armor
Negative Man: "Negative spirit" which can function and interact with the world independantly from the body.
- Arch Enemy: Mento to the Brain.
- Deadpan Snarker: Negative Man
- The Faceless: Negative Man's face is covered in bandages, so you never see it.
- Five-Man Band: Or rather Four Man Band once Beast Boy left.
- The Hero/The Smart Guy: Mento
- The Lancer: Negative Man
- The Big Guy: Robot Man
- The Chick: Elastigirl
- Grumpy Bear: All of the male members seem to qualify, with Mento as the standout case.
- Heroic Sacrifice: Subverted Trope.
- Honor Before Reason
- Knight Templar: Mento is a mild example. He gets better.
- Kuudere: Mento
- Leeroy Jenkins: Somehow manages to be an entire team of these under Mento. Looks like a trap? Then let's spring it anyway. That he systematically got his entire team killed (or so he thought) in the span of one mission begs the question of how they ever lived long enough to get this far.
- Magic Skirt: Elasti-Girl
- Name's the Same: Elasti-Girl is not that Elastigirl.
- Shadow Archetype: Mento takes Robins' obsession with "the mission" and churns it up to borderline Knight Templar levels. Extremism aside, the biggest difference is that, while Robin is more focused on winning, Mento seemed more concerned about just doing the mission.
- Negative Man is as deadpaned and snarky as Raven, but he seems more bored than dispassionate.
- Robot Man is a grumpier and far more impulsive Cyborg, with brain waves as his only remaining 'organ'.
- The Stoic: Negative Man.
Dr. Light[]
Voiced by: Rodger Bumpass |
A mad scientist and would-be supervillain. Has great skill, but a crippling lack of common sense and a phobia of Raven.
Powers and Abilities: Holograms, force-fields, lazers, ect.
- Big Bad Wannabe (his technology is actually quite powerful, and every so often he'll use it effectively, only to be shortly thereafter undone by his own ineptitude and/or his crippling phobia of Raven)
- Batman Cold Open (has come out on the recieving end of a couple of these)
- Chew Toy: Off all the villains he gets the most comic abuse.
- Harmless Villain: His threat level is considerably lower than other villains.
- Not So Harmless: Proved that he wasn't so harmless in "Kole", there he totally pwned Robin. Even in his first appearence, he pwned the whole Titans but he didn't count on Raven's demonic powers.
- Name's the Same: He did not create Mega Man.
- Ineffectual Sympathetic Villain
- Light Is Not Good: His weapons are variations of lasers
- Light'Em Up
- Large Ham
- Mad Scientist
- Too Dumb to Live: He makes a flashy attack an oil platform the Titans can see from their home. He may be a Gadgeteer Genius with very powerful tech, but as Robin points out, when it comes to tactics he's just not very bright.
- Took a Level In Badass: in "Kole".
- Why Did It Have To Be Raven: She can make him blue streaked and quivering with a word.
Killer Moth, Kitten, and Fang[]
Killer Moth voiced by: Thomas Haden Church, Marc Worden |
A Mad Scientist, his daughter, and her boyfriend. Scheme to take over the city. Would likely succeed if they had a better gimmick and Kitten wasn't a spoiled brat. As is, they're comedy villains.
Powers and Abilities:
Killer Moth: Flight, genetic engineering
Kitten: None
Fang: Giant spider for a head, which allows him to crawl on walls and shoot webbing and paralyzing poison.
- Alpha Bitch: Kitten.
- Adaptational Badass: Arguably, this is the most threatening incarnation of Killer Moth throughout the various DC Universes, and since he's still comic relief, that's saying something.
- Big Bad Wannabe: Killer Moth. Kitten and Fang aren't exactly competent either, but they're petty villains anyway.
- Blondes Are Evil: Kitten.
- Bratty Teenage Daughter: Kitten to Killer Moth.
- Daddy's Little Villain: Kitten doesn't surpass her father in ambition, but in conniving and Jerkass-ness. This is a girl who came up with an elaborate scheme putting the entire city in danger of being eaten alive by giant bugs to get her boyfriend to take her back.
- Evil Plan: The whole 'conquer the city' thing was Moth's idea. Kitten just wanted a date to the prom for Operation: Jealousy.
- Giant Spider: Fang. His face is one, at least.
- Half Human Hybrids: If Killer Moth's appearance isn't solely from a costume, then Kitten, though she doesn't look it in the slightest. Also, Fang has a Giant Spider for a head.
- Interspecies Romance: If you don't count Trouble In Tokyo, Kitten and Fang (though nobody can be completely sure on what either of them actually are) are the only characters in the show who kiss onscreen. And yeah.
- Mad Scientist: Killer Moth, again.
- Outlaw Couple: Kitten and Fang are seen together in a cameo in "Revved Up". Since Kitten had already given villainy a shot, well...
- Spoiled Brat: Kitten, again.
- Took a Level In Badass: Kitten takes one in her brief appearance in "Calling All Titans"; she gets to control moths and fight with a laser whip like her father.
- What Happened to the Mouse?: So, what happened to Kitten after "Calling All Titans"? She's not with the other villains at the Brain's HQ afterward.
- Whip It Good: Kitten's aforementioned whip.
Voiced by: Greg Ellis |
A Sealed Evil in a Can dragon trapped in one of Raven's spellbooks, who tricked her into thinking he was a Sealed Good in a Can (and falling in love with him) so she'd set him free.
Powers and Abilities: Flight, superhuman strength, impenetrable scales, fire breath, encyclopediac knowledge of magic, manipulative genius (all but the last two are when released only)
- And I Must Scream: His having been trapped in a book for a thousand years.
- Evil Sorcerer
- Instant Awesome, Just Add Dragons
- Mailer Daemon
- Manipulative Bastard
- Ninja Pirate Zombie Robot: A dragon Sorcerer Sealed Evil in a Can Mailer Daemon who pretends to be a Sealed Good in a Can
- Sealed Evil in a Can: What he really is
- Sealed Good in a Can: What he pretends to be
- White-Haired Pretty Boy: The human image he uses, apparently actually that of the wizard who defeated him.
Mad Mod[]
Voiced by: Malcolm McDowell |
A humorously over-the-top Evil Brit Master of Illusion. Actually an old man, but uses holograms to appear young.
Powers and Abilities: Master of Illusion (tech-based), cane can cause Vampiric Draining, "hypno-screens" induce Mind Control
- Badass Grandpa: Averted, Mod is only a physical threat when he can suck out someone else's youth; everything else he does turns out to be either the result of machines he controls or purely fake.
- A Day At the Bizarro: Both episodes where he was the featured villain.
- Disco Dan: "Mods" haven't been in fashion since the 1970s.
- Evil Brit: Played to the hilt for comedy purposes.
- Evil Old Folks
- Large Ham: Every word out of his mouth is loud and his actions fill the screen. "They're not cookies. THEY'RE BISCUITS!"
- Mad Scientist: He did create all of his robots, hypno-screens, illusion worlds, and life draining tech after all. Though he seems less mad than bitter about his old age and envious of the Teen Titans for that reason.
- The Man Behind the Curtain: He's actually a frail, pathetic old man hiding behind holograms to make himself seem young, cool, and Badass.
- Master of Illusion
- Mind Control: Via his hypno-screens, which can induce effects as varied as reducing the victim to a mindless vegetable or convince them that they're really British.
- Non-Action Guy
- Orcus on His Throne: In "Revolution".
- Sadist Teacher: In "Mad Mod", his first appearance, when he traps the Titans in a VR school where Everything Is Trying to Kill You.
- Shout-Out: EVERYTHING he does is a tribute to some aspect of British pop culture from Monty Python to Yellow Submarine.
- A more subtle Shout-Out is the fact that Mad Mod's debut episode featured brainwashing, which brings to mind McDowell's breakthrough role in A Clockwork Orange.
- Vampiric Draining: To Robin in "Revolution"
The Amazing Mumbo[]
Voiced by: Tom Kenny |
A mad magician with actual magical powers. Usually a nuisance, but can prove a real threat when properly motivated.
Powers and Abilities: Magic wand and hat allow for a variety of mystical affects.
- Achilles Heel: If his wand is snapped, he's rendered powerless (though he did acquire a new one at some point- presumably from wherever he got the first one).
- Baleful Polymorph: In "Bunny Raven", he turns all the Titans into animals (except Beast Boy, who gets turned into a lamp instead).
- Cloudcuckoolander
- Dimension Lord: Believe it or not; he's the abolute ruler of a tiny dimension that exists inside his hat, which is the main setting of "Bunny Raven".
- Disproportionate Retribution:You doubt about the reality of his powers? have fun inside an dimention we're he can erase you from existence just by saying hocus-pocus
- Evil Sorcerer: If one played for comedy.
- Large Ham: Whatever else he may be, Mumbo's a consumate showman who revels in his role.
- Laughably Evil
- Nice Hat: Wouldn't be Mumbo without a nice hat. His has a pocket dimension in it.
- Reality Warper: Fairly low-level in the "real" world- in the world inside his hat, he's practically a Physical God.
- Villain Song: "Master of your Fate"
- The only villain in the show to get one.
- With Great Power Comes Great Insanity