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  • Author's Saving Throw:
    • The comics address the unfinished Terra arc, which caused an intense Broken Base, by having her brother Geo-Force appear. He starts by attacking the Titans, mistakenly thinking they had corrupted Terra into invading and nearly destroying Jump City, and after he regains consciousness, he only calms down after calling them out for not investigating who Terra was, since it turns out she was a runaway princess and he was worried sick about her. We also get confirmation that the schoolgirl from "Things Change" is indeed Terra, and she at least remembers Brion after glimpsing him.
    • Also, Issue #47 confirms that Robin is Dick Grayson, with his dead parents being the Flying Graysons, and settling the debate that was raging in the fandom for years.
  • Heartwarming Moments:
    • Geo-Force making sure that Terra is safe and happy before letting her live her normal school life.
    • The last three pages of Issue #47's "Regarding Robin", especially Batman's cameo where he decides that Dick's in good hands now.
      • Earlier in that issue, Robin saying that Raven's "like the sister I never had".
    • Kid Flash and Jinx sharing their First Kiss in the last panel of Issue #53's "Hot And Cold".
  • Moral Event Horizon: Blackfire had already crossed the line back in "Betrothed", but the revelation that she'd had Madame Rouge impersonate her missing brother Wildfire just to get under Starfire's skin was what led to Koriand'r finally cutting off all ties with Komand'r.
  • Nightmare Fuel: The final issue, "When There's Trouble...". The story itself delves into all the Titans' greatest fears, and some panels are just plain freaky!
  • Tough Act to Follow: Fans of the original Teen Titans were livid when TTG was revealed to be more of a comedic kid's show than its action and story driven predecessor. It did not help that after its debut, TTG was Cartoon Network's ratings darling and one of its most popular shows, occupying much of its timeslots.