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File:TMNT Mutant Mayhem poster.webp

The next installment in the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles franchise after Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, and the first Ninja Turtles movie after Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: The Movie.

The evil mutant fly Superfly plans to spread a mutation wave that will turn all the residents of New York into mutants. The Ninja Turtles team up with April O'Neil to stop Superfly and his army of mutants.

Examples of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Mutant Mayhem include:
  • Ambiguously Human: Everything in this movie (right down to her name) points towards Cynthia Utrom being an Utrom (most likely Krang), but this is never confirmed in the movie itself.
  • Age Lift: April O'Neil is a teenager, just like in Rise and the 2012 show.
  • Adaptational Curves: April O'Neil in this movie is chubby.
  • Adaptational Heroism: Baxter Stockman is for the most part an heroic character in this movie.
  • Adaptation Species Change: Bebop and Rocksteady started out as animals rather than humans.
  • Celebrity Paradox:
    • The Turtles mention the Hulk being accepted in Avengers: Endgame. Regarding the Marvel Cinematic Universe and this film, Paul Rudd (Mondo Gecko) plays Ant-Man, and Hannibal Buress (Genghis Frog) plays one of Spider-Man's teachers. Regarding the MCU and the TMNT franchise, Chris Evans (Casey Jones in 2007's TMNT) plays Captain America. And regarding Hulk and the franchise, Fred Tatasciore (Rocksteady in 2012's Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and Repo Mantis in Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles) voiced the Hulk througth multiple Marvel media.
    • The Turtles mockingly call Leo "Batman" after he does a Batman-esque voice. Omitting the fact that John Cena (Rocksteady) plays Peacemaker in the DCEU, Batman had multiple crossovers with the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles througth the years.
    • Donnie says Mickey's face looks like Stewie from Family Guy (crossed with Arnold from Hey Arnold). Family Guy did multiple Cutway Scenes featuring the Turtles.
  • Decomposite Character: Superfly is an adaptation of the "Stockman Fly" concept, while Baxter Stockman in this movie remains human.
  • Lighter and Softer: Than 2007's TMNT, the last theatrical animated film starring the Turtles. TMNT had an overrall dark tone closer to the Mirage comics whose villains were played enterily straight, had disturbing imagery in the form of the 13 monsters, and centered on the drama between Leo and Raph. Mutant Mayhem, on the other hand, has a comedic tone more in-line with the 1980s cartoon, while Superfly, througth not a harmless villain, has a much more entertaining vibe to him, the mutants are geniunely fun to watch and fall into Creepy Cute at worst, and any relationship issues among the Turtles and Splinter is not Played for Drama as the one between Leo and Raph in the 2007 film.
  • Mythology Gag:
    • As the Turtles try to come up with excuses for why they returned home late, Mikey can be heard claiming it had to do with a cat. This is probably a nod to Klunk, a stray cat Mikey adopted in the comics and the 2003 series.
    • A truck in Splinter's flashback features a logo resembling a Triceraton, a recurring species from TMNT media.
    • Much like the 1990 film, the beginning of the film establishes a series of robberies commited by the main villain throught goons have been occurring througth the city.
    • Before mutating, Splinter was friends with a cockrach named Kevin, possibly named after TMNT co-creator Kevin Eastman. His looks as a young mutant also resemble Eastman's during the 70s.
    • Mikey being inspired to use "Cowabunga" by Mondo Gecko comes from the 2012 show.
    • One of the drawings of Splinter seen in the credits resembles his design in Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.
    • The turtles wear yellow-colored belts with their initials that look a lot like the ones seen in the toyline tie-in to the 1980s show. Similarly, the beach t-shirt Mikey wears near the end is intended to be an homage to the "Beachcombin' Mike" action figure.
  • One-Winged Angel: Superfly eventually mutates into a giant hybrid of several different animals
  • Race Lift: April O'Neil is black, just like in Rise.
  • Saved for the Sequel: The Shredder.
  • Truer to the Text:
    • Splinter isn't Hamato Yoshi.
    • The designs of the Turtles hew closer to their comic designs that the ones in Rise. They also have the right weapons, and Leonardo is the leader from the get-go.
    • Baxter Stockman isn't a kid, and he doesn't turn into a fly.
    • Wingnut is closer to the one in the 1987 show compared to the two Wingnuts from the 2012 show.