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  • Broken Base: Which version is the better version: the NES or Arcade version? Heck, just comparing the music between the two versions (higher fidelity versus smoother instrumentation) can cause a fight.
  • Most Annoying Sound: The buzzing noise when you're electrocuted.
  • No Problem with Licensed Games: The Arcade and NES versions are both fondly remembered by fans.
  • Surprisingly Improved Sequel: The NES version despite its previous game was a TMNT game In-Name-Only had characters from the show, ranging from: Bebop and Rocksteady, Granitor, to General Tragg, had a very fluid battle system and set the stone for the next two TMNT console games.
  • That One Boss:
    • Krang takes way more damage than anything before him and will hit you with a kick attack that does a lot of damage and has a lot of reach whenever you get near him, meaning about the only reliable way to hurt him is with jump attacks.
    • Shredder, despite already being the final boss. Between his duplicates making it almost impossible to tell which is the real Shredder, and his One-Hit KO attack (which if he and a clone use is guaranteed to kill you), the final battle can be downright infuriating. This is on top of him being fought immediately after the above mentioned Krang.

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