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The new Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles series features a verifiable bevy of characters occupying multiple factions. Tropes concerning them are below:

The Hamato Clan[]

In General:

Hamato Yoshi/Splinter[]

Hamato Leonardo[]


This robot ally to the turtles is constantly blown apart only to be put together again.


The turtles encountered this mutant aligator in the sewers being assaulted by Kraang. Created as a living weapon, the very mention of the word "Kraang" sends him into an Unstoppable Rage

The Foot Clan[]

Tropes applying to the whole of the Foot[]

Chris Bradford[]

Formerly a famous martial artist, he is now Shredder's right hand man.

Tropes that apply to Brad[]


This armed thief became closely allied with the Shredder, and eventually got himself mutated.

Mutagen Man[]

This slime monster has a major vendetta with the TMNT. Formerly a fan of them called the Pulverizer, he is now a deranged and unstoppable monster.

Tropes that apply to Mutagen Man[]

Anton and Steranko[]

Chrome Dome[]

Other baddies[]

The Creep[]

  • Captain Ersatz: To Bloodsucker from the Mirage comic, a character still owned by his creator Rick Veitch, who refused the work-for-hire contract on his work.
  • Green Thumb: Victims sucked dry of mutagen are turned into harmless plants.
  • Expy: He has obvious similarities to Jason Voorhees, and has similar powers to Cell.