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Tekkaman the Space Knight is about the adventures of the titular Space Knight, a young man named George Minami, and his fight to find a "Second Earth" as their Earth has undergone...problems.
The series is better known in America for its almost Adam Westlike tone than Japan's version.
In the early 1990s, a revamped version, Tekkaman Blade, was made.
Currently streaming on Anime Sols.
Tropes exhibited by this series:[]
- Alien Invaders: The Waldarians and their mutant creations, complete with flying saucers.
- Big Bad: Lord Doburai
- Blade on a Stick: Tekkaman's Tek Lancer, known as the Space Lance! in the dub.
- Capcom vs. Whatever: Appears in Tatsunoko vs. Capcom, joined later by Blade.
- Captain Obvious: Tekkaman in the dub.
- Cliff Hanger: The ending, see below
- Cut Short: The show was meant to be a 52-episode series. The show's original Japanese airing was a complete ratings failure however, and resulted the show to be cut down to 26.
- The Dragon: Rambos
- Evil Knockoff: The Waldarians steal blueprints and make an evil Tekkaman in one episode, though the original Tekkaman and Pegas note the poor construction.
- Hey, It's That Voice!: Lupin the Third plays Andro in the Japanese original. Tekkaman himself is Ken the Eagle and Go Mifune.
- Lull Destruction: In Japanese, Tekkaman is pretty much The Quiet One. This didn't quick stick in the dub.
- No Indoor Voice: Dub Tekkaman isn't content with just stating the obvious all the time. He also has to say it as loudly as possible.
- Ridiculously Cute Critter: Mutan, who actually proves quite useful.
- Robo Speak: Pegas in the dub.
- Sacrificial Lamb: The robot army in episode 13 give up their lives by using their circuits to form a bomb to free Pegas from a trap.
- Shape Shifter: Various Waldestar underlings and occasionally Rambos himself.
- Wave Motion Gun: VOLTEKKA!
- Whip It Good: The Tek Win, also known as the Space Lariat! in the dub.