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The list of NPC's and characters from other Tekken media include:
Tekken Tag Tournament 2[]
A Masked Luchadora who appears only in TT2 and Revolution. She's actually Julia Chang, subbing for an actual luchadora friend of hers who was injured and thus unable to join the Iron First King tournament. Julia's times as Jaycee also turn out to be canon, which is VERY rare for Tag Tournament stuff.
- Ass Kicks You: Can use her hips and her butt to attack her foes.
- Boobs of Steel: Big boobs, big punches and throws.
- Legacy Character: Three ladies have played the Jaycee role: the original unseen one, Julia herself, and brioefly Michelle.
- Masked Luchador: Ayup!
- Ms. Fanservice: As sexy as she's strong. As Julia she is fanservicy too, but not as much comparatively speaking.
Lili de Rochefort's personal butler, who shows up constantly by her side in cutscenes. He's made playable in TT2, albeit as a DLC character-
- Battle Butler: Mostly Played for Laughs
- Dance Battler: He fights with Lili's old moveset. Hilarity Ensues.
- Old Retainer: For the Rocheforts.
- Promoted to Playable: Yesh.
Tekken Revolution[]
A beautiful vampire lady who, according to Word of God, slept for centuries in a cellar hidden deep within the Rochefort mansion. 7, which has her as a DLC, explains the rest of her backstory: 600 years ago Eliza spent a long time chased around by the Archers of Sirius (the exorcist group now led by Claudio Serafino), so she stumbled inside a building that would later become part of the Rochefort's Big Fancy House and passed out asleep for centuries. Now that she's free, she needs to replenish her energy - and what better than drinking people's blood, even better if it involves getting that of the new Archers?
- Cute Monster Girl: A beautiful woman who also is a bit monster-like.
- Dark Is Not Evil: She isn't openly malicious, just concerned with getting the blood she needs.
- Lady in Red: A Raven Hair, Ivory Skin beauty, who favors red in her clothes.
- Long-Lost Relative: In 7, Lili shows up and says Eliza is her sister. Very weird, one hopes it'll be cleared later.
- Miss Fanservice: And. How.
- Sleepyhead: The lady looks like she'll pass out asleep at any second. In one of her winposes, she simply collapses to the floor / ground and falls asleep there.
- Vampires Are Sex Gods: It's no wonder that the local vampire lady is a beautiful bombshell.
A young Russian girl who's found in the middle of a battlefield by one of the Jack-2 robots, and became his Only Friend and sort-of Morality Pet. After Jack-2's destruction in 2, she grows up into a Hot Scientist and spends the Time Skip looking for ways to bring him back; with lots of efforts and more than one failure (she could rebuild him but was unable to recreate his gentler personality), she succeeds. She's now a scientist for the G Corporation.
- Hair of Gold: The less villainous known member of the Corporation, and a blonde.
- Hot Scientist: A beautiful woman who is also VERY booksmart.
- Ill Girl: In Tekken the Motion Picture, Jane has an unnamed illness that makes her feverish and gives her seizures. The subplot involving her, Jack and later Lei and Dr. Bosconovitch centers on, among other things, finding her a cure. The doc manages to give her an experimental med, but there's no time for a definitive one. Still, both doc and patient survive (thanks to Lei's efforts and Jack's Heroic Sacrifice) so she surely was cured afterwards.
- Morality Pet: For Jack, no matter the version. Left VERY clear in Jack's Tekken 5 ending.
- Parental Abandonment: Jane's parents were killed in the same conflict that led her to find Jack. The Motion Picture enforces it via showing a flashback where Jack finds her sobbing over the corpse of a blonde woman who surely was her mother.
- Token Good Teammate: She may work for Kazuya, but is one of the few good people in his Corporation. She's probably there just because they let her "keep Jack alive" via creating new models.
A Japanese man who's a member of the Tekken Force, then joins his close friend and boss Lars' rebellion.
- Bash Brothers: With Lars.
- Mission Control: Plays this role to Lars in Scenario Campaign.
- Number Two: Lars'.
- Red Shirt: Will he be one, since he's a very close associate to The Hero and his clothes are both in red and black? Sadly, yes. Poor Tougou kicks it near the end of the Campaign.
- Undying Loyalty: Towards Lars
The Reporter[]
An Intrepid Reporter whose family was killed off in the wars kickstarted in 6, and from then on follows the moves of the Mishima Zaibatsu as an associate of Lars Alexandersson. He more or less narrates the story in Tekken 7.
- Intrepid Reporter: There's nothing he won't do to get info on the Mishima Zaibatsu and help topple it
- Non-Action Guy: A companion to Lars, but not exactly a fighter.
- Revenge: Not unlike Miguel, he lost his loved ones in the war and wants to have this against Jin for starting the chain of actions that led to their deaths. Thankfully, Lars convinces him to not do it.
Eddy's master[]
A Badass Grandpa and Capoeira expert, who forged an Intergenerational Friendship with Eddy Gordo while both were in jail. He is also Christie Monteiro's beloved grandfather.
- Healthcare Motivation: The old man is ultimately released but health was ruined by his years in jail, and a desperate Eddy sides with the Jin-led Zaibatsu in hopes to save him. He still dies.
- No Name Given: Nobody knows what name he goes by.
- The Old Convict: Plays this role in-story, mentoring a younger man and becoming his best friend.
- Parental Substitute: Eddy's
- Raised by Grandparents: Implied to have raised Christie, since her parents are nowhere on sight.
Dr. Emma Kliesen[]
A German Hot Scientist who worked for the Mishima Zaibatsu and then the G Corporation, plus Leo Kliesen's mother. She was killed in mysterious circumstances, and her child suspects Kazuya himself ordered it. She also was a mother figure for the boy who'd become Steve Fox
- Deceased Parents Are the Best: Leo adored her, and they visit her grave regularly as shown in the OP sequence for 6.
- Hot Mom: It's clear that Leo got their very good looks from her.
- Missing Mom: Leo's.
- Motherly Scientist: Said to have been this to the people she worked with. Definitely: she was so horrified at the idea of having children bred and then experimented on, she faked little Steve's death and made sure he'd be raised away from the Zaibatsu.
Other Tekken Media[]
Shin Kamiya[]
From the CG movie Tekken: Blood Vengeance. A mysterious, kind-hearted, VERY handsome but also very brooding young man who once attended the Mishima Polytechnical School, and was a good friend of Jin Kazama; now he lives and studies in a Boarding School in Kyoto — but seems to keep something very important that both the Mishima Zaibatsu and the G Corporation want, so they send out agents (Alisa, for the first; Xiaoyu, for the second) to capture him.
- Bandage Babe: A Rare Male Example, since one of his arms is covered in bandages. Hiding his Power Tattooes.
- Batman Gambit: When the Mishima Zaibatsu came to kidnap him, Shin let himself be caught so he'd be able to confront Heihachi on what he did to him and his companions.
- Boyfriend Bluff: At some point Shin needs to talk to Xiaoyu and goes meet her, but Alisa is nearby. He then pulls this to make sure that they'll be able to talk on their own and without Alisa's intervention.
- Bungled Suicide: Sorta. Shin has tried to commit suicide several times, but none has worked. In fact, Xiaoyu first met him when he threw himself off a rooftop and she saved him.
- Dark and Troubled Past: Something horrible happened to Shin when he was younger, leaving him mantally scarred and somehow unable to die. It's later explained that he's the Sole Survivor of a bunch of Mishima Polytechnical students who were experimented on by Heihachi, which deeply traumatised Shin and gave him near Complete Immortality - and he hates it.
- Heterosexual Life Partners: Shin and Jin used to be close friends in the past. And Jin is furious at Heihachi after he kills the poor dude.
- It Has Been an Honor: In his Famous Last Words, he thanks Alisa and Xiaoyu for being his friends. Thne he turns to Jin and begs him to take care of everything else.
- Nice Guy: A very kind young man, if very sad and depressed. With good reasons.
- Promoted to Playable: Almost. He was one of the characters in the Original Character Poll that would determine which new chara would be featured in Revolution; however, Eliza beat him to the punch.
- Pretty Boy: He's very, very good-looking.
- Sacrificial Lion: Shin has all the signs that he'll be one, what with having two megacorps after him and being a friend of the protagonists who cannot exactly fight. He can fight - but he does so against Heihachi, and unsurprisingly plays the trope straight via dying in the arms of Xiaoyu and Alisa and motivating Jin even more to fight against the old man.
- Shower Scene: He has one that serves as Foreshadowing, as it lets the viewer see his until-then always covered Power Tattoo clearly.
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