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  • Wang Jinrei's ending in Tekken 5: it's really rather sad how Wang had to destroy the Tragic Monster Jinpachi's become, but their last talk together puts a lot of emphasis on the "Tragic" part.
    • His ending in 6 is damn sad too. Even more so, there's the strong implication that he dies.
  • Kazuya's ending in Tekken 5. Before he kills Jinpachi, he has a brief flashback from when he was a child, sparring with him.
    • His ending in Tekken 1 is a bit sad as well. Sure, he finally got revenge on Heihachi, and the ending had a somewhat upbeat tone. But upon hindsight, that moment leads to Kazuya turning into the monster he becomes for the rest of the series.
  • Baek's 6 ending is enough to draw a tear from anyone. As he takes an attack from Azazel which was intended for his pupil and son-in-all-but-blood Hwoarang, he retaliates with a large kick and puts an end to the monster, only to collapse lifelessly to the floor. Hwoarang, as the faithful student/adoptive son he is, rushes to check on his master/foster father and calls out to him, but gets no response and lets out an anguished scream of Master!! to the sky. Poor guy...
    • Also in 6, there's Miguel Caballero Rojo's backstory. He was a wild young man rejected by near everyone save for his younger sister, opposed to her upcoming marriage but then gave her his blessing - and as seen in the intro to the game, the wedding was crashed and blown up by the Mishima Zaibatsu and Miguel was the Sole Survivor. He pulls his sister's lifeless body from the rubble, holds her in his arms, and then screams to the skies in pure anguish and despair. . .
  • Being a workaholic can be detrimental to one's social life, as described in Lei Wulong's Tekken 4 prologue. Not only were his cases unsucessful, but losing his girlfriend in the process was the kicker to everything.
  • Jin probably has it the worst. Being separated from his beloved mother at age fifteen, having trusted and been taken under the wing of his Jerkass grandfather for four years just to be betrayed by him at age nineteen, the constant battle against the Devil Gene in him, how he pushes away the two friends and Morality Pets he still has left (Xiaoyu and Hwoarang) so he won't hurt or endanger them, resorting to starting World War III all to end to his cursed heirloom fully intending to kill both Azazel (the source of the Gene) and himself to do it... What more could a player ask?
  • Many of the Tekken Tag Tournament 2 special win poses are funny or cute, but some of them actually qualify as this:
    • Jun and Kazuya: He crosses his arms and refuses to directly look at the woman who approached him without fear in the past, while she either walks away without even stopping to stare at the man she failed to redeem, or does stop and then sadly stares at him over her shoulder. Some players have compared such attitudes to those of a divorced couple.
    • Jun and Jin: A similar one, with her sadly looking at her grown-up son who's struggling so much and him trying not to glance at his beloved mother.
    • Miguel and Jin: Miguel angrily shakes his fist at the man who caused the death of his sister, but cannot hit him because he's his partner and it's clearly killing him on the inside.
    • Leo and Kazuya: Exactly the same as above, with Leo as the frustrated one since Kazuya killed their mother and they can't do anything against him right now.
    • Asuka and Feng: Almost the same as well, with Asuka being angry and desperate for being the partner of the guy who trashed her dojo and sent her dad to the hospital.
  • Tekken 7 explains in its Story Mode the root of the Mishima clan's Dysfunction Junction and how it became the Big Screwed-Up Family it is in the present. It's an horrible, heartbreaking tragedy from the beginning to the end. From Heihachi's beloved wife/Kazuya's just as beloved mother Kazumi Hachijou being the true carrier of the Devil Gene, to her deciding to kill Heihachi on her family's orders since he's said to be the one who'll plunge the world into darkness (even when she loves him and Kazuya), to Heihachi actually killing Kazumi in self-defense and then crying a Single Tear over it, to the ravine incident coming from him wanting to see if Kazuya had the same Devil Gene, to the now adult and completely evil Kazuya finding out that Kazumi also wanted him dead in case he did inherit the Gene and showing sadness for what's pretty much the first time in the franchise in the present. . .
  • Miguel's character episode. He manages to beat the stuff out of Jin for the chaos he caused that took away Miguel sister's life. When Jin asks Miguel to kill him, Miguel replies to live with the humiliation of defeat by his hands rather than killing him while he's defenseless, that would in the process that would outright turn him into a villain just as worse than the Mishimas.
