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Tekken Chinmi, otherwise known as Ironfist Chinmi or Kung Fu Boy, is a long-running martial arts manga authored by Takeshi Maekawa. It stars the titular young boy Chinmi from a restaurant boy into a grand master, world class martial artist... specifically Kung Fu. And this has no relationship to the Tekken video game series.

Chinmi is a young boy gifted in martial arts, and was prophesized to be a master of martial arts training under Dai Rin Temple, so he is scouted there, trains hard under various trainers in the Temple, and developing as a martial artist with a soul. He's later trained in the arts of rod-fighting and gained a friendly rival named Xu Fang. After his rod-fighting, he's sent to train under Master You Sen about fighting outside training grounds. It was one of his greatest experiences, even though You Sen died due to sickness along the way. Chinmi afterwards traveled the world utilizing his martial arts skills to help people, in a rather episodic format, for a manga.

Things took a more serious turn when Chinmi got called back to fight a renegade student of You Sen, Oudow, who completely owned Chinmi in the first run, but eventually defeated using the temple's forbidden technique 'Thunder God' Fist. Since Dai Rin temple runs on Thou Shalt Not Kill, after using that, Chinmi left in Heroic BSOD, thinking Oudow is dead, but Oudow lived, had an epiphany and left in peace. Afterwards, Chinmi is promoted into an instructor in the Dai Rin temple and gained many students.

After a bit of an adventure saving the hometown of his rebellious student Gundi, Chinmi is summoned by the Emperor himself to participate in a tournament, and reunite with Xu Fang... except he's Brainwashed and Crazy by an assassin who plotted to kill the Emperor. Chinmi entered the tournament to save both Xu Fang and the Emperor from the assassination plot, while befriending a kick-based martial arts expert Dan Dan. In the end, Chinmi reigned as champion and managed to fulfill the mission.

The second set of the manga, retitled 'Shin Tekken Chinmi' revolves around when Chinmi is being called to investigate an inactive temple in Ka Nan region, only to find it under the tyrannical rule of King Jirai and his general Boru and lieutenant Soubi. Alongside 'Sword Master' Pushin and former princess-turned rebel leader Hojun, Chinmi set out to free the entire region, culminating in a fatal duel with Boru (and of course Chinmi wins).

This continues in another arc whereas after hearing his deeds in Ka Nan, the Emperor sent Chinmi, along with Xu Fang and Dan Dan to infiltrate the navy after hearing reports about possible dissent.

Then there's another single-arc adventure called 'Tekken Chinmi Legends', in which while traveling the world teaching kung fu, Chinmi and Gundi stumbled upon a plot of kidnapping of a foreign land princess named Mito by a group of bandits.

There is an anime adaptation, produced by Toho and Ashi Productions and aired on TV Asahi in 1988. Focusing on Chinmi's training as a boy and aimed at a younger audience than the manga, and perhaps trying to take advantage of the popularity of the Ranma 1/2 manga, it quickly fell off the radar, lasting only 20 episodes, but later became popular in the Arabic-speaking world.

Tropes used in Tekken Chinmi include:
  • Absurdly Sharp Feet: Frog Kung Fu user Bi Kei has a REALLY sharp feet that he could cut down trees in one kick.
  • Action Girl: Very few. There's Koulan, a stage performer who isn't really an official martial artist, but still kicks much asses with just stage knowledge. And then there's Badass Princess Hojun.
  • Badass: Chinmi himself gets pretty Badass, but the title goes to those who forces him to use 'Thunder God': Oudow and Boru. Amongst the teachers, the most Badass would be Master You Sen.
  • Bald of Awesome: Dan Dan.
  • Blood Knight: Despite working for a Complete Monster, Boru is this through and through.
  • Brainwashed and Crazy: Xu Fang in the Tournament Arc
  • Canon Foreigner: The anime version introduces two original characters: Lychee, a prankster ninja girl and sort of a love interest for Chinmi, and the handsome, erudite Laojiu, another of Chinmi's seniors.
  • Complete Monster: Most filler villains could count... but King Jirai from Shin takes the cake.
  • Crazy Awesome: During the earlier runs, Chinmi seems to run on this. He's less crazy as the series progresses, but still awesome.
  • Cross-Dressing Voices: Chinmi is voiced by Chika Sakamoto in the anime.
  • Deceptive Disciple: Oudow used to be You Sen's apprentice.
  • Damsel in Distress: Early scenario ladies seems to serve as this, and recently Princess Mito.
  • Eagle Land: Type 2 all the way during the You Sen arc. At least Dick Stainer is implied to have gotten better after his fight.
  • Early Installment Weirdness: The first few chapters are distinctively much more fantastic, compared to the more realistic later ones.
  • Everyone Calls Him "Barkeep": The old man who recruited Chinmi into Dai Rin is just referred as 'Old Man'.
  • Extremity Extremist: Dan Dan and also Bi Kei for feet. For fists, Dick Stainer
  • Germans Love David Hasselhoff: Popular in Indonesia and still held in high regard, since it's one of the country's very first officially translated manga. The anime was also popular in Arabic-speaking countries despite flopping in Japan.
  • Gratuitous English: The anime has some in its theme songs: "Action," "Motion," "Kung Fu Boy," "Please, my hero."
  • Handicapped Badass: Chinmi's rod teacher is blind... but still very Badass.
  • Heel Face Turn: After beating Bi Kei, Chinmi manages to persuade him to train in Dai Rin temple from scratch.
  • Joke Character: Pushin from 'Shin'. And HOW.
  • Kuudere: Hojun was really cold, stiff and serious on her whole arc. Once it ends, however, she had one Cry Cute moment which shows her gratitude, releasing her pressured emotion.
  • Mega Manning: One of the reasons why Boru is damn Badass and dangerous, he learns enemy moves with just seeing once. He even learns 'Thunder God' this way!
  • Psycho for Hire: Soubi.
  • Shout-Out: The anime was obviously influenced by the success of the Ranma 1/2 manga (although it didn't last long enough to be a competitor to the Ranma anime). The anime original characters, Lychee and Laojiu, could be considered stand-ins for Shampoo and Kuno, respectively. And in case it wasn't obvious, the show credits a "Ranma Saotome" as one of its color coordinators.
  • Trickster Mentor: Master You Sen. To wit:

"Chinmi, go buy wine."

-proceeds to knock Chinmi out in the middle of darkness of night-
When Chinmi came back battered- "Oh, I was the one who beat you up. *After a What the Hell, Hero?* Lesson One: Detect your enemies even when you cannot see!"
  • The Worf Effect: Seems to be the reason why Ryuukai (Chinmi's first teacher) exists. After his debut and teaching Chinmi about the closest thing you can get for Made of Iron, he proceeds to get owned by Wong (an one-arc villain), then by Oudow. Afterwards, he's just relegated to lead Dai Rin fighters to own Mooks.