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"Walt Flanagan is a shopkeeper of dubious repute. |
Tell Em Steve Dave is a podcast that broadcasts on Kevin Smith's S.I.R. network (and is available for download on Smodcast.com and iTunes) every Friday.
It's a mixture of stories and arguments between Kevin Smith's longtime friends Walt Flanagan, Bryan Johnston and tech guy Brian Quinn.
- Abusive Parents: Bryan claims this, and there's stories of him getting into Good Ol Fashioned Fisticuffs with his father, Edgar.
- Adults Are Useless: There are stories from Walt and Bryan's childhood that could easily fall into this category.
- All There in the Manual: You may have to go back and listen to old Smods or Highlands: A Peephole History to get some background on some of the stories they tell.
- Ascended Extra: BQ was the so-called 'Tech Guy' and rarely, if ever spoke in the first episodes, but now is a full-fledged co-host. Walt has even said that he's now the star of the show.
- Ming Chen is on every other week.
- Ask a Stupid Question: Constantly.
- Batman Cold Open: The ads at the start of the pod can seem this way.
- Bully Hunter: Q says he was one when he went to school.
- Butt Monkey: Poor Ming...
- Crossover: With Smodcast and the lost Highlands: A Peephole History.
- Deadpan Snarker:
- Walt takes the cake, but all are prone to it.
- Early Installment Weirdness: The first few episodes had a musical bed and soundclips from Mallrats. Plus Q rarely, if ever spoke.
- Jack Bauer Interrogation Technique: Discussed whether any of the three could do it to terrorist suspects for their country.
- Lame Comeback: They've each had a few.
- May-December Romance: Bryan and his girlfriend Suzanne. He's told that they met when he was in his late teens/early twenties and she was 4 or 5 at the time. (They met up years later and started their relationship.)
- Noodle Incident: Occasionally, but it's bound to happen with 3 friends who have known each other for over 10 years (over 30 in Walt and Bryan's case).
- Spin-Off: From S Modcast. Also spun-off Pucknuts, Highlands: A Peephole History, I Sell Comics and the upcoming tv show Comic Book Men.