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Return of the Blossoming Blade Ten Great Sects

A map which is notably missing the famous Huashan Sect

The Ten Great Sects is a staple organization in the wuxia genre. It is a faction consisting of the ten strongest sects in the jianghu belonging to the orthodox path. It commonly includes Huashan Sect, Wudang Sect, Shaolin Sect, Diancang Sect, Qingcheng Sect, Kongtong Sect, Emei Sect, Kunlun Sect and the Gaibang. Sometimes it may also include the Zhongnan Sect. Unlike clans, the sects will recruit members based on talent instead of relying on blood relation.

Mount Hua Sect
Also called Huashan School. An orthodox sect ranked among the top 10 sects in the jianghu. They're based on top of the volcanic Mt. Hua, and often enjoy the profits of a long legacy. Their martial arts are particularly iconic, as their sword style sometimes produces (plum / cherry) blossoms.
Shaolin Monastery
An orthodox sect ranked among the top 10. They follow buddhism and shave their heads. It's basically what it says on the tin, just a tad bit more fantastical.
Beggar Sect
Basically a group that specializes in information-gathering using their great social capital of connections and network. Since their work requires them to work undercover, they usually appear as beggars wearing cheap and raggedy clothes. They're usually depicted as pretty decent fighters.

Examples of Ten Great Sects include:


Anime and Manga[]

Comic Books[]

Fan Works[]


  • Sakra: Features the Beggars' Union.


  • Plum in the Golden Vase: The text does not mention the sect, but does mention the mountain. "The telling of this tale is enough to knock the peak of Mount Hua askew; Its revelation is sufficient ot make the Yellow River flow backward."[1]

Live-Action TV[]


New Media[]

Newspaper Comics[]

Oral Tradition, Folklore, Myths and Legends[]



Professional Wrestling[]

Puppet Shows[]


Recorded and Stand Up Comedy[]

Tabletop Games[]


Video Games[]

Visual Novels[]

Web Animation[]

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Web Original[]

Western Animation[]

Other Media[]

Real Life[]