Crowning Moment of Awesome (All of Episode 24 for Seina: He gets sacrificed to a god. By "god", we mean "Humongous Mecha". And by "sacrificed", we mean "made to pilot". It has to be seen to be believed.)
(Seiryo gets one in the last episode. His proposal is nothing short of pimptastic. Placing the ring on the rose, and then simply saying "For you birthday, my dear."? Classy and classic.)
Crowning Moment of Funny (After being admitted into the GP academy, Seina is chosen as a representative of the freshman class. When he gets up before the whole school to make a speech, his luck causes the academy speaker system to dial itself up to eleven, resulting in the entire place being leveled when Seina opens his mouth.)
From the English Dub. "Dump everything that isn't helping us fly." "No, I just got no batteries for that!" "Get a boyfriend." "I thought we were trying to lose dead weight."
Nightmare Fuel ( Upon taking control of the mech in Episode 24, Seina uses the force of his will to slowly crush a ship into a small ball, complete with a shot of the horrified crew. It's a very strange scene for such a lighthearted show.) Somehow made worse by the fact that the usual Crowning Music of Awesome starts playing as it happens. Picture "The Rising Spirit" playing while Gaara crushes people. It's that much of a disconnect.
Rescued From the Scrappy Heap (Seiryo Tennan qualifies. In the Tenchi OVAs he's an unlikeable fop who shows up just long enough for Tenchi to win a duel with him by default thanks to Mihoshi's bad piloting. In this series he's a credible threat and a genuinely likeable character, even if he is still a BadassButt Monkey.)
The Scrappy: NB (and some other elements of Watanabe's humor) wore out their welcome with some of the audience. Officially? Well, in the crossover episode with the Tenchi Muyo! cast that Masaki Kajishima directed, NB literally spent the whole time in a doghouse.