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  • This:

Simon: You made it work out well. As expected from you, Leeron.
Leeron: I'm not satisfied with words of praise, I want your burning heart!
Viral: Can I kill him?
Simon: Not now.

    • There's another part where Viral pulls a knife on Leeron for... being Leeron.
      • It's especially funny if right after Leeron says it, you pause every frame and look carefully at Viral's face. His hair fluffs up, his eyes get's hilarious.

Leeron: Think of someone hard enough, and you'll be sent straight into their arms!
Viral: *Backs up, pulls out knife* Think of me and you DIE!

  • Also, the increasingly bizarre faces on the member of Team Gurren (especially Attenborough) during Leeron's explanations.
  • And, of course, the scene where Kamina almost shoots his own nuts off.
  • We're not sure if this line was exactly the same in the original, or even if it was really supposed to be funny, but this line of dialogue from the dub was just begging to be added (especially thanks the completely serious way it's said):

Viral: We took some bad damage just now. That thing is too big. I just don't think our drill is gonna be enough!
Simon: You mean we're gonna need to use an even bigger drill?


Yoko: Ug, you and your creepy toys.
Leeron: Honey, you couldn't handle my creepy toys.

  • This speaks for itself.
  • The uncut version of Episode 6 — the obligatory Hot Springs Episode—is absolutely freaking hysterical from start to finish, as it is literally all about Kamina's mission to see Yoko's bare breasts. Highlights include, but are not limited to: Kamina throwing hysterical screaming fits of rage every single time a chance to see the girls naked is snatched away from him; Gimmy sticking his finger up Simon's bum when ordered by Kamina to "find a hole", sending Simon flying into the air and thus able to see the nude girls for a split-second—the sight of which prompts Kamina to smack his own bum repeatedly while demanding that Gimmy stick a finger in it; Kamina's success in eventually getting Simon to join him as an enthusiastic participant (drilling a hole in the wall while singsonging, "Drill drill drill drill...", no less) in the quest to see Yoko's breasts... and that's not even half of it.
    • Here's an excerpt
    • What it appears Simon's doing before the camera pans back to show his drill...
    • "I saw... down to their shoulders!"
    • The aftermath of that episode's battle. Yoko jumps up and down while the girls are cheering, and after a whole episode of it stubbornly staying on, her top flies off... to the Crowning Music usually reserved for awesome drilling-through-stuff moments. Even Lagann sports a hilarious expression.
    • The cut version is pretty funny too, especially the scene where almost everyone is crammed into Lagann. That includes Yoko and the Black sisters. In swimsuits. Just look at Simons face when all the boobs (and one ass) are practically shoved right next his face. He's in pure bliss.
  • The show's dub trailer had this text speed past the screen at the end:

"Producers are not responsible for random fits of giddy delirium. Well, okay, maybe we are, since we produced the show that induces said giddy fits of anime induced happiness, but if you watch anime you have to expect that sometimes and we're not paying to have that grin on your face surgically removed no matter what, so there. Remember to eat and take in liquid while watching marathon sessions (defined as non-stop viewing sessions lasting more than 6 hours) and PLEASE go to the bathroom if you feel the urge, that's why they invented pause buttons. Also, chew your food slowly, close your mouth while eating, bathe regularly and always say please and thank you when asking for the creamed corn. Gurren Lagann is a work of fiction and any resemblance to actual personalities is not only purely coincidental, but also indicates that people who see said resemblances are probably living way too deep in their own fantasy worlds. Do not attempt to imitate behavior or actions seen on this show, unless you are a really hot babe who wants to dress up like Yoko, in which case, we're all for it. Gurren Lagann is available at the finest video retailers, if they don't have Gurren Lagann tell them to get it for you. Now!"

  • Yoko's moment of Hypocritical Humor in episode 12: "What's with those absurd outfits?" (referring to bathing suits, which isn't so different from what she wears all the time.)
    • Also, when the Black Sisters come out wearing bathing suits. Kittan throws himself in front of them and tries to shield them with his body as the other male memebers of team Dai-Gurren ogle them. The girls continue talking about the sea, oblivious.
  • Combined with Mood Whiplash on one occasion. Simon is arrested, and put in those old-school wooden handcuffs, kind of like a stockade. Cut to the wide angle, and we can see Boota is wearing a smaller but otherwise identical pair of cuffs.
  • Boota's reaction to Yoko's return. Just that shot of him running as fast as he can...
  • Episode 7, three words: "...Who are you?" The head tilt just makes it.
    • Humongous mecha head tilts will do that.
    • And Viral's quote "PUT SOME CLOTHES ON!" had me in stitches.
  • Lagann-Hen has Lordgenome HAAAKAAAAIIIING Cathedral Lazengann. Also counts as a Crowning Moment of Awesome
  • Also from Lagann-Hen. During the redone dream sequence, Kamina and Simon are chatting away, when Kittan pops out of the box, saying "Hey, hey, don't forget about me!". There's a pause where both of them stare at Kittan, and Kamina breaks the silence witha quirky "who are you again?" with the above mentioned head tilt just adding icing on the cake.
  • Parallel works 2. Epic pachinko. It's especially hilarious how Yoko, Simon and Kamina get into it. Then there's Leeron looking like he's having an orgasm for no apparent reason.
  • This summary of the series is hilariously spot-on (ads NSFW).
  • Viral's Sweet Dream, it's not Exactly What It Says on the Tin, for Viral.
  • An attempt in the manga to reverse the combining process. Kamina tries to create Lagann Gurren, which involves Gurren balancing on Lagann...which is then crushed under its weight.
  • In any other context it would be a Tear Jerker, when Nia rejects Simon when he proposes to her, as she doesn't fully understand the question at the time. But in this series, the total Mood Whiplash makes it hilarious. Romantic music plays, Simon and Nia are looking over the city as Simon says it's time to move on from their former identities and truly be together, he pulls out the ring, says the actual words, they look into each other's eyes..."NO WAY!"
  • In the spin-off gag manga, Adiane has Viral dress up as a cat girl so he can go undercover in human society.
  • While he's preaching to Simon that he should defeat his hunger with fighting spirit, Kamina's stomach growls as well. Cue Kamina saying "Uh... me too?" followed by a blush and a nervous laugh.
  • Episode five, an otherwise gloomy episode, has the little gem of Kamina taunting Rossiu. Father Magin just carries on lecturing while Kamina chants "Man or mouse? Man or mouse?" in the background, oblivious.
  • Kittan's attempts at interrogating Nia, which quickly become clear to have about as much likelihood of success are interrogating something that can't talk. Kittan demands information, and Nia asks why he thinks she's knows anything, to which he replies it's because she's the enemy, and Nia asks him what's an enemy. Kittan says it's someone who pisses you off, and then Nia asks him WHAT THAT means, and he's got no reply apart from rage.
  • "Leeron is gay. He is gay. He loves my asshole. Asshole". Guys, I think Gainax is trying to tell us something.
  • Leeron once scared Gimmy off of his computer by making a hideous face and saying "I'll eat you!"
  • Kamina trying to pull his sword on Leeron when he hits on him.
  • Yoko's Yaoi Fangirl moment.
  • In the Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann manga rendition of the Hot Springs Episode, the heroes discover that the spring they've been bathing in is really part of a giant enemy Ganmen. The Fan Service girls are scooped up in a cage, their... delicate parts obscured by blurry pixels, with the enemy threatening to kill them if Simon and Kamina does not surrender and step out of the Gurren-Lagann. Kamina's response? Sure, "as long as you remove those damn blurry parts so I can see what I think I'm seeing!" They do. The girls were wearing bikinis all the time. Kamina is not pleased. (Neither are the girls, for that sake.)
    • This is, in fact, in the uncut version of the episode. Twice.
  • Little Witch Academia, a more recent anime of Trigger decided to include a particularly juicy shout-out to Gurren Lagann in one of the episodes where the witches create a giant robot and use a GIGA DRILL BREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEAK! Even cooler/funnier about it is that it's the 10th anniversary of Gurren Lagann, which means... TRIGGER IS CELEBRATING!