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Just who the hell do you think we are?"
Kick reason to the curb and go Beyond the Impossible! That's how Memetic Mutation rolls!
- "Don't believe in yourself! Believe in the me who believes in you!" [1]
- "Your drill is the drill that will pierce the heavens!" [2]
- This might actually have gotten a reference in the soundtrack - one of the songs is called "Omae no XXX Ten wo Tsuke!" or "Pierce the Heavens with Your XXX!"
- "Go Beyond the Impossible and kick reason to the curb! That's the Gurren-Dan way!"
- "A real man never dies even if he's killed!"
- "Your drill is the drill that will pierce the heavens!" [2]
- Bruce Ironstaunch. [5]
- Shopping Kamina's Cool Shades, or even Simon's weird-ass star-shade-goggle-things, onto a character makes them instantly badass, or even more badass, as the above image demonstrates.
- Kamina Jesus: Who the hell do you say I am?!
- Even Shinji. Case in point. (NSFW)
- 40%! [6]
- 8:52 is the hour that real men go beyond all known laws of reality, become heroes, and ascend to the realm of GARhalla. [8]
- Yoko's fourteen, by the way. [13]
- Yoko is the wielder of the Kiss of Death. [14].
- Sorairo Days can make any epic moment even more epic. (Mild Code Geass R2 spoilers)
- For that matter, along with Sorairo Days, Ten wo Tsuke, Happily Ever After, and Libera Me From Hell are also known to be favorites to superimpose over a Crowning Moment of Awesome. For greatest effect: Ten wo Tsuke should come when you're going to pull off something completely awesome. Happily Ever After should be used after recovering from a Heroic BSOD (Or a similar moment that makes you shout "He's back!". And Libera Me From Hell should be reserved only for those about to enter the illustrious halls of GARhalla in an ultimate Heroic Sacrifice.
- Combined with a Youtube Poop meme from Rugrats to produce these clips.
- "My bro is dead, HE'S GONE! BUT! He's here in my heart, and on my back, he continues to live through me! If you're going to dig, dig to the heavens! Even if it means my grave, I'll dig through, once I did THAT MEANS I WON! Who the hell do you think I am?! I'm Simon, I'm not Kamina's little bro. I'M ME! SIMON THE DIGGER!" [15]
- Viral Marketing is so easy a Beastman can do it. [18]
- Referenced by at least one fansub: "This is a free fansub! Not for sale, rent, eBay or beastmen!"
- Simon is such a bad ass that he defeated the big bad with essentially his car keys is gaining popularity. It started on this wiki, reached a Youtube video of the Simon vs. Lordgenome fight, and will start to speed up.
- Simon and Viral defeated an entire fleet solely with the power of their combined awesome. [19]
- Yelling "FINISHING MOVE!!!" gives the Giga Drill Breaker its power. [20]
- ↑ Many of Kamina's phrases are repeated/modified for the inspiring hamminess, this one often with "me" replaced with something else. Other examples are listed below.
- ↑ Almost always used with "drill" replaced by something else.
- ↑ Alternatively "Are you aware of who exactly I am?!", due to Nia's Japanese Politeness.
- ↑ Three songs used in Gurren Lagann OST have a Surprisingly Good English Rap Track with the chorus of "Do the impossible, see the invisible, row row fight the power!" Sometimes "FIGHT" and/or "POWAH" are replaced with something else - for example, "Clean the Uncleanable, Wash the Unwashable, Row Row Take a Shower!"
- ↑ A background character with No Name Given who gives the Bicep-Polishing Gesture to Rossiu upon his announcement that Simon will be executed. Became a One-Scene Wonder Ensemble Darkhorse (mostly with American audiences) who got a lot of fan art of him beating up Rossiu, due to the cultural misconception explained on the Bicep-Polishing Gesture page.
- ↑ Word of God that the last few episodes of Gurren Lagann cost roughly 40% of the entire show's budget.
- ↑ Simon's response to Nia's claim that as long as the success chance isn't exactly 0, it's as good as 100% to him. Embodies the characters' habit of surpassing all expectations, even if physics itself is against them.
- ↑ Used in reference to Kittan's Heroic Sacrifice with Libera Me From Hell blasting in the background. His big moment started at approximately 8:52, and his final moments were just seconds before 8:53 on the timestamps. Kamina's Dying Moment of Awesome also occurred at around 8:52 of episode 8.
- ↑ A crossover meme with Code Geass, due to Rossiu and Lelouch sharing a voice actor and Rossiu being a Well-Intentioned Extremist. See the Code Geass Meme page for more info.
- ↑ A British poll to change the country's flag (currently the Union Jack) that allowed people to submit their own flag designs. The winner was the Union Jack with the Dai-Gurren logo superimposed in the center.
- ↑ Mocking the
terribleQUALITY animation in the fourth episode. - ↑ A popular AMV using a certain Crowning Music of Awesome from Mulan with footage from Gurren Lagann.
- ↑ Fans are still reeling from the Word of God that Yoko is fourteen years old.
- ↑ A referrence to how both Kamina and Kittan died soon after kissing Yoko
- ↑ After Kamina's death resulted in Simon spending several episodes in a Heroic BSOD to end all BSODs, with this speech he performs a spectacular He's Back moment that swiftly became legendary.
- ↑ Kamina's (and later Simon's) Finishing Move, reciting these three words became shorthand for epic.
- ↑ Norio Wakamoto doing his interpretation of Giga Drill Breaker. There are at least three different You Tube videos featuring this voice clip with various comments on its "manliness". Common interpretation of the *beep* in the middle is that the uncensored version would annihilate the speakers and everything near them.
- ↑ Someone decided to make a pun regarding the character Viral and the term "viral marketing". Cue endless drawings of Viral in a business suit.
- ↑ Referencing one scene where on their first stint piloting together, they took out an fleet of invading ships more or less by giving an epic speech and then fist pumping.
- ↑ During the fight against Lordgenome, when Simon tried a Giga Drill Breaker, he didn't yell "Finishing Move" beforehand, and Lordgenome deflected it. That probably wasn't the actual cause, but who knows?