Terramex, also known as Cosmic Relief, is an old Video Game by Grand Slam Entertainment. It involves the search for Professor Eyestrain, who predicted that a meteor would strike the Earth. Others laughed at him and he retreated into his laboratory in the mountains. Now, however, the meteor is nearing the Earth and only Professor Eyestrain can stop it. The player must pick one of five adventurers and find the professor.
Tropes used in Terramex include:
- All There in the Manual: The whole story.
- Everything Trying to Kill You: Acid rain, dragons, snakes that pop up from the very rocks...
- Human Cannonball
- It's a Wonderful Failure: When you die, you get to see the meteor strike the earth.
- Multinational Team: Sort of. You get to choose among five incredibly stereotypical characters: the German Herr Krusche, the French Henri Beaucoup, the British Fortisque-Smithe, the American Big John Caine and the Chinese Wu Pong.
- National Stereotypes: Look at the player characters. Just look at them.
- One-Hit-Point Wonder
- Punny Name: Professor Eyestrain.
- Schrodinger's Player Character