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  • Sangue Navajo (Navajo Blood) is a crowning storyline of awesome. It starts when two millionaires shoots four Navajo kids For the Evulz, and both the governor of Arizona and the military authorities try and pass the murder for self defense. Tex replies to that by burning a fort to the ground, capturing his whole garrison and two squadrons from another fort and reporting to the press in Washington what was happening and why, informing the public opinion that a new Indian war was about to start because two murderers were being protected by the authorities, resulting in the Department of Defense stopping any combat action against the Navajos (this as soon as a general read the articles on the Washington Post) and the Congress ordering the arrest of the murderers. Then Tex tops that by obtaining that it will be the Navajos to arrest the murderers, because they deserved death but they were to be sentenced and executed by law but the Navajos still had the right to make sure they would be arrested.