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A character sheet for the main cast of the Italian Western comic series Tex Willer.
Tex Willer[]
The main lead, whose life story the narrative follows.
- The Ace
- Agent Scully: Aliens, dinosaurs, black magic, zombies, ghosts, people returned from the dead. He has met them all, some multiple times. Yet he keeps claiming "I don't believe in anything I can't stick my finger into."
- Badass
- Badass Longcoat
- Heartbroken Badass: After Lilyth died, Tex not only rampaged the mandatory revenge, he was ouright depressed and spent three years doing pretty much nothing but avoiding people and slacking.
- Back in the Saddle: After an eventful youth he left the adventuring life of violence for some years to live with his wife Lilyth in the Navajo reservate. Some ten years later Carson came to ask him to return to the Texas Rangers. At that point Tex was already so full of the "nice and quiet" ordinary life he pretty much Jumped At the Call.
- Beneath the Mask: Looks like and is often dismissed as a mere hardened though guy; is both intelligent and gold-hearted.
- Berserk Button: Questioning his honor or abusing a weaker person, such as being racist towards someone of minority.
- Born Lucky: And he knows it, to Carson's chagrin.
- Celibate Hero: The only one to ever win his love was Lilyth, and she's dead. His comment on the issue was "my road will never end again", hinting he finds relationships restricting. Compare this to how he generally dislikes being controlled in any way.
- Chronic Hero Syndrome: According to himself, he has faced so much injustice during his life he hates it in all of its forms. His lower class origins might have much to do with this.
- Cool Horse: Dynamite during the early years. He tamed Dynamite himself when he was part of a wandering rodeo circus.
- The Cynic: While he at first might seem like a rather optimistic guy, that's only him having great faith in his own skills. His view of the world and the humankind is rather bleak, and counts as A World Half Full at best.
- Determinator: Never ever gives up. Ever. That's why he's still alive.
- Going Native: From the start he found no place in the white society, being restless and reckless. He only settled down when finding a home among the Navajos.
- Good Is Not Nice: Tex is always nice to women and kids. For the rest: "I'm a forgiving man... but never twice for the same person."
- Guile Hero: Uses both his wits and his guns to solve problems.
- The Gunslinger
- Farm Boy: He was born in a poor cattle ranch.
- Fastest Gun in the West
- Fictional Texas Ranger: Tex has had a rather on-off relationship with the Rangers: quitting and re-joining in turns according to in how good terms he happens to be with the bosses. Now he has been in good terms with the organization for a long time.
- Former Teen Rebel: Tex has self-admitted troubles dealing with authority, or any kind of control laid on him by the society.
- A Friend in Need: Helps his friends and uses their help. A great part of the stories start with such a help request, and his network of friends covers all of North America.
- Everything Is Big in Texas: Originally from Texas, until moved to live in the Navajo reservate in Arizona.
- Happily Married: With Lilyth, for as long as it lasted.
- The Hero
- Hidden Heart of Gold: Hidden under thick layers of macho stoicism.
- Honor Before Reason: His own code of honor, that is.
- Hot-Blooded: His true nature is passionate, but he doesn't allow himself to show his "weak" emotions, only anger. For a The Hero Tex is easily provoced into violence, gets insulted and insults others, and shows no respect for the poor jaws of even the people high in the society's pecking order.
- Hypocrite: Tex lies without a second thought to drive his own goals, but if anyone dares to call him out, immediate asskicking is quaranteed. He also expects everyone else to respect the law and has special kind of hatred for the rich people who believe themselves to be above the laws - yet he's more than happy to break them himself.
- I Work Alone: Originally Tex avoided company or long-standing relationships of any kind. Carson was the first one to manage to break his isolationism, and even that required some real work. Years later Tex would still claim Carson was clinging to him and impossible to get rid of, while it's obvious he was always happy to see him when they met.
- In Harm's Way: Growing middle-aged hasn't cured his adrenaline addiction. While he wishes the wild west would be less wild for the sake of the people living there, he acknowledges he couldn't enjoy living in a peaceful surrounding.
- Jack Bauer Interrogation Technique: Not only because he has to, he enjoys it.
- Like an Old Married Couple: Tex and Carson, I'm looking at you.
- The Lost Lenore: Lilyth to him.
- Magnetic Hero
- Maligned Mixed Marriage: Married a Native woman. Has had troubles for it from both the European settlers and by the other Natives, some of whom refuse to accept him as one of them.
- Men Don't Cry: No, not even when their beloved dies. We're macho here, okay?
- Mighty Whitey: Joins a Native American tribe, ultimately becomes its leader. Subverted in that he only becomes the chief via marriage - in this fictionland Navajos have high chiefs, and the position is hereditary. Therefore marrying the chief's daughter and only child makes him the "crown prince".
- The Mourning After: Ah, true love and peaceful family life... how uneventful you are. Instead, heartbrokedness makes for more interesting heroes. Adios, Lilyth!
- Nerves of Steel
- Never Gets Drunk
- No-Holds-Barred Beatdown: Tex is not above beating the loving life out of who ever he considers to be in the need of it.
- Oblivious to Love: Sometimes to such extends one wonders if he's just pretending he doesn't get it as his modus operandi to deal with the ladies.
- Papa Wolf: Played with. He first allows Kit into the most dangerous of places and situations, and then worries his heart out for his safety. (Though he has very little success when trying to keep Kit out of the danger's way, so perhaps he just doesn't bother any more.) If anything then does happen to Kit...
- Parental Abandonment
- Disappeared Dad: His father, Ken Willer, was murdered by cattle thieves when he was a young adult. Naturally, retribution followed.
- Disappeared Parental Substitute: On the Willer home ranch lived also a man called Gunny Bill, a veteran of the Mexican war, who taught Tex to shoot. Yes, he was killed too.
- Missing Mom: His mother died at some point during his early life. All we know of her is her name: Mae Willer.
- Perfectly Arranged Marriage: Tex originally married Lilyth to save his skin, but soon realized she was just the right woman for him.
- Playing with Fire / Stuff Blowing Up: Tex gets MythBusters levels of exited when he gets to burn or explode something. Therefore, he eagerly finds excuses to do so.
- Rags to Riches: After being poor for all of his life, he becomes first a member and then the leader of the Navajo tribe. Later gold is found from the Navajo mountains, and in the precent Tex always has as much money as he needs.
- Reasonable Authority Figure: Grows up to be one, even though (or because) he himself has had so much problems dealing with authority figures in his life.
- Rescue Romance: How he and Lilyth met? He had been caught by the Navajos, was tortured by them and about to be killed when Lilyth stepped in and proclaimed he belongs to her.
- Retired Badass: Tried it, when he married Lilyth and finally seemed to find a place he could call a home in the Navajo reservate. Of course, the universe didn't let it last.
- Retired Outlaw: He was often on the wrong side of the law when younger (but those dead guys totally had it coming), but switched the sides and joined the Texas Rangers.
- Roaring Rampage of Revenge: To revenge first his father, then his brother, and most notably his wife. And some other times too, when situations have required it.
- Screw the Rules, I'm Doing What's Right: Once again, he doesn't only do this out of necessity, but he actively enjoys breaking the rules.
- Sibling Yin-Yang: His Dead Little Brother Sam was a sensible, cautious man who just wished to live a quiet, honest life running his ranch. Tex... not so much.
- The Stoic: His outer appearance.
- Not So Stoic: He never shows happiness beyond a faint smile, and sadness not even that much; but he can and will show emotion in the form of anger.
- Unstoppable Rage: When he loses his temper. It happens a lot. It's up to Carson then to try to minimize the casulties.
- Vitriolic Best Buds: With Carson. He's always very respectful towards Tiger.
- Walking the Earth: In his troublesome youth. He's now all settled down in the Navajo reservate, only leaving it when a need arises, or some of his friends calls him for help.
- Working Class Hero: While he is both very aware and very proud of it, he also has high esteem for real education, and has made sure his son is going to be better read than he himself.
Kit Carson[]
More than a friend: a hermano. Met Tex in the Texas Rangers, and over the years became inseparable with him.
- Badass
- Back in the Saddle: Some time after Tex left the Texas Rangers to live with the Navajos, Carson was Kicked Upstairs to Desk Jockey jobs. Let ten years pass, and he pays a visit to Tex to ask him to return to the old days of adventure. Tex heartily agrees, and Carson too is happy to be on the field again.
- Boisterous Bruiser
- Braids, Beads, and Buckskins
- Casanova: Has this reputation (to his great dislike), but is actually The Charmer targeting the women. Unlike the Casanova who predates on women to get sex Carson genuinely likes women and knows how to speak to them, which is why they in turn instinctively like him back.
"Mr. Carson, be honest with me, am I fat?" "You're femininely softly curved." |
- Butt Monkey
- Cool Old Guy
- Foil: Word of God says all the three compadres are foils to Tex: Carson is the older Tex, Tiger is the Native Tex, and Kit is the younger Tex. Carson also has an opposite personality to Tex.
- Deadpan Snarker: He's so snarky you'd think he needs oiling.
- Fictional Texas Ranger: Carson was a member before Tex and unlike him has stayed loyal to them through years. Perhaps because of this his career has been more impressive. While we don't know his exact rank, he's implied to be a higher officer.
- Grandma, What Massive Hotness You Have!: He's charming and he knows it.
- Gun Slinger: These days, yes. Earlier in his long and adventurous life he has been a Hunter-Trapper and an Army Scout, among other things.
- Historical Domain Character: Not quite, but named after and perhaps also partially inspired by the real Kit Carson, a frontierman and a soldier of the Old West.
- Honorary Uncle: To the other Kit.
- I Need a Freaking Drink: More prone to drinking - and getting drunk - than Tex (who won't spit into the glass either), but not to the level of being The Alcoholic.
- The Lancer: To Tex. Loves to argue with him about his decisions... then goes along with them anyway.
- Last-Name Basis: Tex sometimes does call him Kit, but most often he's Carson to everyone. "Look, it's Tex and Carson!"
- Like an Old Married Couple: Tex and Carson, I'm looking at you.
- The McCoy
- The Medic: Not a doctor, and they all have to have some basic skills with injuries, but Carson sometimes has shades of this.
- No Guy Wants an Amazon: He prefers feminine women. Also it doesn't hurt if they're busty.
- Obfuscating Drunkedness and Obfuscating Distracted-By-Sexy: Knows his role and how to use it.
- Old Master: Many, many younger opponents have made the mistake of dismissing him because of his age. Most often it was their last. Carson is an old fox and knows every single trick in the book and then some. He didn't survive to this age in such a dangerous enviroment by luck.
- Older Sidekick
- Only Sane Man: Takes this role amongst the True Companions, attempting to be the voice of reason especially to Tex. It rarely works, yet sometimes he does get the last word.
"If you had listened to the older and the wiser this wouldn't have happened." |
- Silver Fox
- Smoking Is Cool: Cicars are way cool.
- Southern Gentleman: We don't know which state he's originally from, but he does have shades of this trope. He likes both to drink and to play cards (and unlike Tex he can get drunk or lose), he's well-behaved and well-spoken, and always very chivalrous to women.
- The One That Got Away: Lena Parker. They're now having a Long-Distance Relationship. Word of God even says Lena's daughter Donna is his illegimate child.
- Team Chef: The resident cook. His coffee is especially praised.
- Team Mom: Well...
- Vitriolic Best Buds: With Tex. Constantly Lampshaded by the younger Kit.
"Are they always like this?" "They enjoy it!" |
Kit Willer[]
Son and the only child of Tex and Lilyth.
- Ambiguously Brown / But Not Too Foreign: How light or dark his skin is varies.
- Badass
- Badass Bookworm
- Badass Native: He clearly identifies himself as a Navajo instead of a white.
- Badass in Distress: It's very common of Kit to get kidnapped (justified by many people specially seeking to use him against his father) or injured in a way that's totally life-threathening but won't leave a scar. If we were unforgiving readers, we'd be wondering how can he be in such a good health with both lungs full of bullet holes... However, he doesn't lose his Badass credibility, as he often finds a way to help himself instead of needing to be saved.
- Boarding School: To ensure his education, Tex sent him from the reservate to various schools, the first of which was a missionary school kept by Catholic monks, and last of which was a Military Academy. However, Kit dropped out and came back home.
- Boisterous Bruiser: Enjoys life. Especially life filled with gun fights.
- Character Development: Started out extreemly wild, has matured and calmed down to some extend.
- The Chick: The other three have practically brough him up together. While they shrug off their own wounds and mostly stay calm about each other's injuries, something happening to Kit allows them to show more emotion. Also he sometimes acts as a mediator between the friendly arguing of Tex and Carson
- Cunning Linguist: English, Spanish and Navajo. Here, those are his native languages. He can also speak at least French and some German, plus various Native American languages, such as Lakota.
- Dead Guy, Junior: Expect Carson is still alive and kicking.
- Depending on the Writer: His personality and how much attention he gets as a character varies greatly on who is writing the story in question. This is partly because some writers feel if given too much attention he starts robbing it from his father.
- Doom Magnet: Anyone who becomes either a close friend or a lover to him is quaranteed to die or be Put on a Bus.
- Fearless Fool: Has grown out of it somewhat, but sometimes still pulls off stunts running mostly on Rule of Cool and Conservation of Ninjutsu. The others aren't amused by them.
- Foil: Word of God says all the three compadres are foils to Tex: Carson is the older Tex, Tiger is the Native Tex, and Kit is the younger Tex.
- Give Him a Normal Life: Being born poor into a violent world where the strong rule, Tex wanted Kit to have something better. He sent him to schools, wishing him to get a career in the army. However, Kit wanted to be a The Gunslinger like his dad, dropped the school and came back.
- Good Parents: Tex tries his best. Most notably accepts (after some objects) Kit's decision to turn down the respectable life he had arranged for him, letting him follow his own dreams.
- Halfbreed: Half European, half Navajo. While looks more like a white, identifies himself as a Navajo.
- Hero Worshipper: Hero worships his father, has every right to. Yet sometimes there's signs of more mixed feelings. Kit is also trapped under the gigantic shadow of his father, both as a character and a person.
"Fine then! You've decided for me. And as usual, it's impossible to change your mind." |
- Hidden Depths: Seems carefree and laidback, but sometimes is seen questioning his life and what he wants from it. He is well aware the lot he has chosen isn't the rosiest one.
- Honor Before Reason
- Hot-Blooded
- I Just Want to Be Badass: His goal in life: to become a hero of the frontier just like his dad and his dad's friends.
- In Harm's Way: An adrenaline junkie extraordinaire.
- Jumped At the Call: Not only waited by the phone, but made calls for the call.
- Like Father, Like Son: Go on and tell it to him, hearing it never gets old for him.
- Missing Mom: Lilyth.
- Nice Guy: All around likeable.
- Plucky Guy: People keep dying around him but he continues to be cheerful.
- Proud Warrior Race Guy: Often when in a tight spot, he scolds himself saying something along the lines "You're a Navajo, you should do better than that."
- Raised by Natives: Grew up in the central Navajo village.
"It takes a village to raise a child." |
- Red Oni, Blue Oni: Red to Tiger's blue.
- Smarter Than You Look
- The Smart Guy
- Someone To Remember Her By: He's all that Tex has left of Lilyth.
- Young Gun
"I heard you're already a better shot than your father." "I practise a lot." |
- Warrior Prince: Not too often but sometimes we're reminded Kit is the rightful heir of becoming the next chief of the Navajo tribe after his father.
Tiger Jack[]
A Navajo warrior and the other "brother" Tex has.
- Aloof Big Brother: Not blood brothers, but fills this role for Kit.
- Badass
- Beware the Quiet Ones: Bullying Tiger is a bad, bad idea.
- Big Brother Mentor: To Kit.
- The Big Guy
- Braids, Beads, and Buckskins
- Cold-Blooded Torture: Out of the True Companions Tiger is the one most ready to use really brutal ways.
- Empty Shell: A potential character interpration.
- Foil: To Tex. Word of God says all the three compadres are foils to him: Carson is the older Tex, Tiger is the Native Tex, and Kit is the younger Tex.
- Heroic BSOD: When he learns of Taniah's suicide. An extremely ill-timed loss of function, as he's Exploring the Evil Lair with Tex at the moment and about to be attacked by the mooks.
- Honor Before Reason: Soundly inverted: Tiger is a very sensible, practical person who rather avoids fights if he can walk out of them.
- Knife Nut
- Made of Iron: Can and will take obscene amount of maiming.
- The Mourning After: A widower like Tex: it originally brought them so closely together.
- Noble Savage
- Proud Warrior Race Guy
- The Quiet One
"He is so silent I sometimes feel I'm riding with my own shadow." |
- Reality Ensues: Being the best bud of The Hero doesn't save him from being seen as a simple, dirty Indian by the whites. He often declines going into bars with his friends to avoid argues.
- Red Oni, Blue Oni: Blue to Kit's red.
- Roaring Rampage of Revenge: After his young wife, Taniah, was Made a Slave, raped by the said slave owner, and committed a suicide.
- Scarily Competent Tracker
- Shell-Shocked Veteran: Never in the army, but the life on the frontier is war-like enough on its own right.
- Smarter Than You Look: He's far more than a mere Dumb Muscle. Tiger has been spotted discussing the culture of the Paleo-Indians.
- The Stoic: While Tex is Hot-Blooded beneath the surface, Tiger is truly stoic to the core.
- Used To Be A Boisterous Bruiser
- Warrior Poet
- Weapon of Choice: Rifle and knife, opposed to the revolvers used by the other three.
- Zen Survivor
- Back to Tex Willer