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- Ask That Guy With the Glasses
- Chester A. Bum
- The Cinema Snob
- The Nostalgia Critic
- Suburban Knights
- TGWTG Year One Brawl
Doug Walker[]
- From the Edward R. Spoof: The judge suddenly acting like a immature child and calling Doug Walker "Mister Threaty McThreatPants".
- The Most Disturbing Aristocrats Joke Ever.
- Video Game Confessions' first episode involved Mario, which can best be summed up by this sentence:
Dominic: Where was I? Oh, right. His wife's a kinky slut. |
- Link hitting on Sheik, then pathetically backtracking when Zelda takes off the mask. And then Samus Aran comes in...
- while it may be a small thing, I always get a chuckle over the Video Games Confession for Sheik/Zelda:
- Link hitting on Sheik, then pathetically backtracking when Zelda takes off the mask. And then Samus Aran comes in...
Dominic: She had this story involving a pig-man... Eh, it didn't sound that epic anyway. |
- Video Game Confessions turns Samus into a godlike Heroic Sociopath with a hilariously hair-trigger personality (namely, a Berserk Button that is nearly impossible not to press-body issues) as well as a Crosses the Line Twice approach to everyone (her..."logic"...being that she's reminding them that a body is a fragile thing by inflicting great pain on it). Just watch it. This Troper doesn't know about you, but she officially became my favorite character.
- The Solid Snake episode. Hearing all the insane things the killer did to Snake's parents is funny enough, but there's the little issue about how Snake, being cloned, doesn't really HAVE parents... which, when Doug learned about it, immediately followed up with Dominic confronting Snake about it. What happened from then has to be heard to be believed. Why? Well... here's the line where things get interesting:
Dominic: I said, "I know what this is; you like your box, you can't explain why, it's some sort of childish connection, and you made up some bullcrap story for it." ...then, all of a sudden, the box started talking. |
- The Princess Daisy episode is probably the most clever one in the entire series. And also one of the most hilarious.
"... So I asked very kindly..." |
- The Portal episode. 1. Chell being a political radio talkshow host before the tests, and 2. Killing herself simply because she was offered a piece of cake.
- From "Theme Song Lyrics," a song about the devil incarnate stealing the viewer's soul, set to the sweet and gentle theme song of Doogie Howser, M.D..
- Anyone who remembered Doug's meltdown over Doug in the Nicktoons review was expecting big things from the show's theme lyrics. It doesn't disappoint.
- Doug "playing" The Conduit: I'm trying to pick up a grenade.
Bargo: Be careful, you're gonna die soon. |
- Reverend Nutt Job. Just....... Reverend Nutt Job.
- The commentary for The Garbage Pail Kids Movie review shows that it is one of the few movies that annoys Doug both in character and out of character. Hilarity Ensues.
- Rob's imitation the Garbage Pail Kids.
- "Oh no, Santa Christ! They got Santa Christ!" (as Santa Christ) "I'm not ugly, ho ho. I just want to bring...Sega Genesises to the world."
- The Tommy Wiseau Show. You do not want to serve Doug Walker a Frivolous Lawsuit.
- The PodOmatic interview with Nostalgia Critic, Nostalgia Chick, and Linkara involved Doug, about 25 minutes in, ranting about 3D movies while doing an impression of Chris Tucker. It also had Lindsay Ellis doing a snarling insult of a company shipping policies in a German accent, then having an Ooh, Me Accent's Slipping into an East Indian one.
- The Tommy Wiseau Show Live: (to a Hetalia cosplayer) "Yes you, the Nazi. I loved you in Inglourious Basterds."
- Made even better in that the person was cosplaying as ENGLAND, not Germany.
- Doug riffing on Boys Beware. 'Nuff said.
- His parody of Heath Ledger's Joker as he practices his various backstories.
- From Doug's trip to Austria:
- Complaining about his hotel room, which switches to a whisper halfway through because the walls are so thin he got slapped with a noise complaint.
- Super Dickmann's.
"I think it speaks for itself." |
- After noticing that nearly all the buildings in Austria, as a result of age, need posters to cover up the damage:
"This isn't a city anymore! Its a fucking poster gallery!" |
- Doug makes his opinion of modern art abundantly clear.
- Following on from the Nostalgia Critic episode about cereal mascots, he pauses in the middle of a tour of Vienna to make a detailed survey of how Austrian-localised cereal mascots differ from their American counterparts.
- Pigeons fighting over Bugle crumbs while the Mortal Kombat theme plays.
- While in a room of eerie-looking puppets:
"It's Julie Taymor's playhouse! ...I'm sure only like, 5 of you got that joke, but the 5 who did are gonna be laughing..." |
- The "Put that cookie down" Stupid Statement Dance Mix playing throughout the entire trip to the Arnold Schwarzenegger Museum.
- The "Mozart's balls" Running Gag.
- This response from a guide after all of Doug's Snarking:
"I am never watching your show again." |
- When he discovers that if you sign the Schwarzenegger Museum guestbook, the signatures will be sent to Schwarzenegger, he gives us two - "I have gotten to the choppa...and it is good!" and "Dis house has warmed de cold harded".
- From his riffing of a Casper cartoon:
- Doug constantly reminding the viewer that "it's not that kind of story"
- The ghost of Christopher Walken
- Come on Fox, do a barrel roll.
- At the beginnning:
"Bud." |
- His take on the infamous rant from Downfall.
- When Doug loses his voice, we get THIS.
- Still, I feel bad about not giving you guys anything this week...here's "Ask That Guy" raping Ma-Ti. And then the twist at the end.
- "Darn".
- Fear and Loathing in ShadoCon had a long string of 'em.
- "Bob Dylan! Get it away! Get it away!"
- Batman's constant attempts to get a hug.
- Along with this video at the same convention.
- There is a sex trade... of sock puppets.
- The story about the old couple behind him when he saw Black Swan. "She's turning into a swan!"
- Which finally resulted in: "CHICKEN!"
- His "Top 10 Films I Hate But Everyone Else Loves" list. It's hilarious to see him go nuts over films like Matilda, District9 and Moulin Rouge.
- The "Top 10 Films Doug Likes But Everyone Else Hates" list has him describing what he liked about Star Trek Nemesis and commenting that he's being such a geek.
- In the "Doug's Top 10 WORST Clichès" list, while discussing the Jittercam trope, he goes "A little shaking is okay, but nobody runs like thiiiis! *flails around wildly enough to make his hat fall off*
- Doug riffs on the little-known educational short Soapy! The Germ Fighter, and characterizes the titular soap-costumed mascot as a pedophiliac, severely obsessive-compulsive, murderous, sexist Complete Monster possibly beyond the ken of Man. For laughs.
- Kyle Hebert is an A**HOLE!. Just...all of it.
- And the bonus video of Eric Vale improvising that he's going to rape Hebert, with none of the people filming making a peep because they want to see just how far it'll go. It takes Vale knocking Hebert's head into the table to make them break.
- From Doug's "Top 11 Nostalgia Critics I Will Never Do," he opens the video by noting that it's been raining a lot. Then as he reaches number 9, we hear it begin to hail. Doug pauses, then cries "And it's hailing! It's fucking hailing!"
- Well, he DID say that Chicago had suddenly become Seattle, and God knows our weather does that.
- Dishy Pasta Bra
- Doug's reaction to Kony 2012