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For the Nostalgia Critic, see here.
For the Nostalgia Chick, see here.
- So why does Giant Robotic Donkey Kong Jesus Riding A Puff Of Smoke make stomping sounds?
- He's stomping up and down on the puff of smoke itself, which creates soundwaves so powerful they shake the ground.
- In Alone In The Dark, one of Christian Slater's contacts informs him that the missing people had nothing in common, except that they all grew up in the same orphanage. Spoony goes on a rightful rant about this really large similarity being practically dismissed. But isn't it odd that he didn't even briefly compare it to a similar reveal from a certain game he spent at least ten videos lampooning?
- Maybe he just thought mentioning a game in that movie review wouldn't add much? I think it wouldn't... I also highly doubt FFVIII was the first one either.
- It's also possible that they planned to, but it got cut either for another joke or it was just out of place. According to the Behind the Scenes video, there were more than a few jokes they came up with that didn't quite make the cut.
- I'd say signs point to yes, since in the Linkara Blog, he makes a 90's Kid joke about FFVII
- I'll have to double-check, but I'm fairly cartain he does mention it in his commentary on the video.
- He pointed out the similarity between FFVIII and Santa with Muscles, because it was a plot-twist there. In Alone in The Dark, you know from the beginning that it's about children from an orphanage who were sold to a scientists.
- In the same review, they rant about how shooting the crazed, posessed dude, whom they later find out has a compromised nervous system, doesn´t react to being shot. Firstly, being shot is in most cases not instantly lethal, lest to someone who can´t control his own body anymore. Secondly, shooting him in the knee was a good move, considering that damage to the knew could prevent him from chasing him, despite that guy not feeling anything, and lastly, being impaled through the heart is lethal, no matter how posessed you are. Yeah, that just bugs me.
- Why would Linkara respond to the Nostalgia Signal? He's certainly comic-savvy enough to know that the Batsignal is used to summon... you know... Batman. Wouldn't he be looking for the Critic (or Chick) to answer the call?
- The Critic installed the Nostalgia Signal, and for some reason he can't really remember why. No one necessarily said that he had to respond to the signal he'd established. Also, it's a joke.
- The signal also comes from his house, so him answering his own signal from his house may mean that there's likely a chance the Nerd broke in to fight him.
- Considering he did a video of the top 11 worst Superman film moments of all time, the Critic seemed awfully uninformed about Superman's decision to dispose of all nuclear weapons.
- Do you not think that should be the 12th worst Superman film moments?
- He could have possibly blanked that bit out of his memory in sheer horror, and Linkara didn't have the heart to remind him directly.
- From a real-life perspective, a good portion of the review was likely written by Lewis (Linkara). In fact, he might have got top billing in the credits for writing. Maybe it still wasn't on Doug's mind before the writing began.
- There's also a bit of a disconnect in the way the Critic approaches his 'list' reviews and how he does his 'recap' reviews; the recap reviews usually seem to be done in a fashion as if the Critic is approaching this movie for the first time even though he's probably (and presumably) seen them before, presumably to give his comic reactions more punch. The 'list' reviews seem to assume that the Critic has seen them before. A Willing Suspension of Disbelief moment, perhaps?
- Not always. Sometimes he refers to a movie in the past tense like he's just seen it and then he's recapping what he saw to the audience. The whole premise of writing around the real Doug's lost voice in the Good Son and Alone in the Dark reviews wouldn't have made sense otherwise. But still, the character of The Nostalgia Critic likely has seen most of them as a kid.
- Why did the Nostalgia Critic, Spoony and Linkara review Alone in the Dark? It is too recent to be nostalgic, they never make comparisons with the original games (except just a line from Spoony) and has nothing to do with comics (though there may be a comic book adaptation but is not mentioned).
- As they review wildly disparate things, they couldn't just do a video game, a movie, or a comic book- that wouldn't be fair to two of them. So they chose a video game movie, to be unfair to only one. They do not make comparisons to the original games for times' sake- the video was fairly long as-is, and too long and the web-viewers lose interest.
- Just to add; Linkara also does some video game stuff (just not as high-profile as his comic reviews), so rather than being unfair to one of them they may have just just gone with the one factor that two of them shared.
- The commentary mentions that one early idea was for them to review Bloodrayne, which has been a video game, a movie, and a comic book series. That would allow each of the three to contribute their own material. But the video game and comic books aren't nearly as terrible as the movie, and Alone in the Dark was much better known.
- The comic book and game being better are not cited as reasons for why they didn't review them - Spoony said he couldn't find the copy of Bloodrayne (it was a scanned copy on the DVD).
- Simply because he got a lot of requests for it and it's such a terrible movie it deserves to be mocked at any point anyway.
- As they review wildly disparate things, they couldn't just do a video game, a movie, or a comic book- that wouldn't be fair to two of them. So they chose a video game movie, to be unfair to only one. They do not make comparisons to the original games for times' sake- the video was fairly long as-is, and too long and the web-viewers lose interest.
- How can Chester A. Bum afford to watch all these movies? Not to mention that he's been "brushing up on" Red Dwarf. I've only seen a couple of Bum Reviews so I dunno if there's an official explanation.
- He's a priest, so maybe his church has a lot of media-related activities he gets to go to?
- That Guy with the Glasses pays for his theater ticket, and in return the Bum agrees to make a review for his website.
- I assumed he snuck into the theater.
- What do you think he uses the change on?
- ...I dunno, what? I thought he was given the film to review to keep warm.
- Anyone want to explain to me why NC's Alone In The Dark review, which is over seven months old, was suddenly advertised on the home page (as well as on the twitter account)? If they just did it because they felt like it...All right. Is that it? No reason?
- Maybe it's just a popular review? The review was Linkara, The Critic, and Spoony at what's probably their most vitriolic, plus, it's Uwe Boll, then again, this argument isn't valid, because it doesn't precisely explain why they're advertising a very old video, but I think it's because it's a popular video.
- Can't say why exactly, but why now may have something to do with the second anniversary special coming soon.
- Perhaps they're being re-uploaded in better quality format?
- The review was placed behind the review for "Home Alone 3", and the title on the carousel read "Home Alone in the Dark" with the caption, "Now for something completely different." I assumed it was a joke, to make people think something had changed when nothing had.
- I think the reason it was re-featured was because it's a crossover and the 2nd anniversary is coming up.
- To elaborate on that, there have been fewer updates lately than usual (probably because of the 2 years anniversary coming up) so I assumed they brought it back to give the viewers something in the meantime. It's not the only video that popped back up, by the way.
- Several other crossover videos have been shown (though unlike the Alone The Dark one, they were actually recorded at the hotel in Chicago for the Brawl in 2009).
- Is there a way to read text versions of the reviews so I don't have to watch the videos?
- The TGWTG Wiki has transcripts of all of NCritic's reviews, as well as a handful of stuff from other people.
- Why would you want to do that?
- How come Lupa, Linkara and Spoony are still around in the future in which seahorses took over the world and don't look any older even though the future!Critic has clearly aged (and is acting like Christopher Lloyd )?
- They're speaking through time from 2010. They're not actually speaking from the future. How? How do they keep hacking into the Critic's...camera I guess...in the first place?
- It's magic, I don't have to explain it.
- So, looking at episode 54 of Ask That Guy With The Glasses does Ask That Guy With The Glasses have a portal that leads to a crowd in Austria?
- Chester A. Bum has a Prius. But still needs to beg for change. Que?
- He needs change because he just spent his money on a prius. How does this not make sense.
- He's a bum. Priuses I assume still cost thousands of dollars, and I'm pretty sure you can't give a credit card to someone without a zip code.
- Well ofcourse he's a bum, he spent all his money on a prius. I'm impressed he was able to collect enough change to purchase it, but wish he spent his money a little more responsibly.