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 Nostalgia Critic: (Singing) I'm just a cheap toxic-ite from Transsexual... (Looks over at the Nostalgia Chick in confusion)

Nostalgia Chick: "Did that make any sense?"

Nostalgia Critic: "No."

Nostalgia Chick: "Are you ever going to mention it again?"

Nostalgia Critic: "Probably not."

Nostalgia Chick: "Big Lipped Alligator Moment!"

      • WEAPONIZED by The Nostalgia Chick in The 1 Year Anniversary video. She says the words, and what happens next perfectly fits the criteria for a BLAM.
    • During the Critic and Nerd crossover review:

 "But why worry about that when you can sing along to giant surfing alligators — wait, what?!"

  • Broken Base: Downplayed. Now that enough time has passed, most viewers want to put Change the Channel behind them and enjoy both Team Lupa videos and Team Doug videos, but there are still a few viewers out there that still hold either pro-Team Lupa/anti-Team Doug views, or pro-Team Doug/anti-Team Lupa views.
  • Fan Nickname: Since the two sides of Change the Channel never bothered to name themselves, this sites uses "Team Lupa" to refer to the former contributors, and "Team Doug" to refer to the other side (Doug, Brad, Rob, Larry, Michaud, Tamara, Malcolm, etc.)
  • Harsher in Hindsight: Just about every time, here and in other sites, Channel Awesome is described as one big happy family and/or a Team Lupa reviewer described as being on friendly terms with a Team Doug reviewer.
  • Gratuitous Special Effects: Many reviewers use special effects such as when The Nostalgia Critic had a laser shootout with The Angry Video Game Nerd. The effects add quirky, funny elements to the videos but would not normally be expected in movie reviews..
  • Memetic Badass: Santa Christ! he fight monsters for fun and hang out with Mr.T and even if you are able to kill him, he will raise again in the third day, in fullfilment of the awesomeness!
  • So Bad It's Good: Melvin, Brother of the Joker.
  • Tear Jerker: Yes, they have a page.
  • The Woobie: Pretty much everyone, as Change the Channel and the resulting divide between Team Lupa and Team Doug ended up Breaking the Fellowship.