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[[File:NaoguiartsColor-_Thawing_Permafrost_Cover_TVTropes_1334.png|frame|Mizore and Dan, the lead characters.] ]In October 2009, Chaosbahamut123 submitted the original version of Thawing Permafrost. It was a tangle of Author Avatars, Wish Fulfillment, and Plot Holes. The series spanned a total of two complete fics and one incomplete fic.

Cut to April 2011, and Chaosbahamut123 (now Wandering Wordsmith) submits a rewrite of the original Thawing Permafrost. There were improvements. Lots of them.

Set three years after Season I of the Rosario+Vampire manga, the plot centers around a new, British, human transfer student named Dan, who comes to Yokai Academy because he wants to study abroad and his parents refuse to fork out the money for an international college, and has no idea about the existence of monsters. There, he meets his homeroom teacher Mizore Shirayuki, who finds out that he is human after one lesson with him. After a meeting with the Chairman, Dan is offered the chance to return to the human world, or stay under Mizore's guardianship. He opts for the latter, and his adventures and mishaps snowball from there.

Currently ongoing, the new series contains the old gang from Rosario+Vampire and a new cast, with some taken and developed from the original Thawing Permafrost. As of chapter thirty-five, the third story arc is finished, and Thawing Permafrost is moving into the final arc of the book.

Thawing Permafrost can be found here, and a trope list in dire need of some love can be found below.

Thawing Permafrost provides examples of:[]

  • Accidental Pervert: Dan, Mizore, the school bus and forward momentum do not mix.
  • Action Survivor: Dan has had lucky breaks against two villains (Kotsubo and Masumi), despite his reluctance to fight them. Directly, at least.
  • Aerith and Bob: Played straight. There's Kaiyo, Kia, Mizore, Masumi, Kotsubo and... Dan. Justified, because he's an international student.
  • All-Ghouls School: Yokai Academy. Bar one student.
  • An Ice Person: Mizore Shirayuki.
  • Another Dimension: Yokai Academy is situated in the Borderlands, a dimension literally on the edge of the Human World.
  • Author Avatar: Averted - almost. In the original Thawing Permafrost, Dan was a direct port of the author into Rosario+Vampire's universe. In the rewrite, he's been developed to stand alone as his own character, though trace elements of being an Author Avatar (like the name) still exist.
  • Authority Equals Asskicking: Nekonome-Sensei, and Mizore can apply as well.
  • Awesomeness By Analysis: Dan fancies himself as a good judge of character, and actually guesses Mizore and Kotsubo's foul past. When put into a dangerous situation, however, it doesn't work nearly as well.
  • Badass Boast: Ruby and, shortly after, Kaze.
  • Beautiful Dreamer: Dan sees Mizore as this, when she sleeps next to him during the Summer Break arc.
  • The Big Guy: Iwao. Important because he is befriended (through means only hinted at) by Kia, therefore becoming Dan's friend.
  • Bloody Murder: Kaiyo's true form as a Kuchisake-Onna turns the blood from her scars into very large claws.
  • Body Horror: WW took the Kuchisake-Onna from Japanese folklore and tweaked the being's true form.
  • Boy Meets Monster
  • British Accents: Discussed by Kia.

 Kia: (Upon hearing Dan say the word 'father') "I knew I missed you for something."


 Dan: "The only cuisine they serve here probably requires a squeezy bottle and one very soft tongue."
