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James "Jimmy" Isaac Neutron[]
- Adorkable
- Anime Hair: Lampshaded consistently.
- Berserk Button: Do not, I repeat, do NOT give Jimmy an F. Denzel Crocker in the Jimmy Timmy Power Hour learns this the hard way.
- Big Damn Heroes: ALL THE TIME. Often Lampshaded, in fact.
- Big No: In The Tomorrow Boys, after learning he gets married to Cindy. In a bit of Leaning on the Fourth Wall, the scream cuts to a commercial. When the show comes back on, Sheen comments that he had been screaming for four minutes straight.
- Catch Phrase: Originally "Gotta blast!" "Think, think, THINK!" and "Brain blast!". The show eased off on these as it went on, eventually getting rid of them entirely. (One exception is "And now, my latest invention, the (insert plot-related-device here!)", which stayed for most of the series' run.)
- Comic Trio (he's the straight man)
- Crazy Prepared: His watch, whose powers depend mainly on the plot. Can include lasers, freeze rays, magno-rays, GPS, tracking devices...you name it, there's probably a gadget for it tucked away in there.
- Designated Hero: Causes many of the problems he has to fix.
- Future Loser: In the 'bad future' of The Tomorrow Boys, Future!Jimmy is a slack-jawed loser, wanted by the evil dictator Libby, with a five-o'clock shadow and Cindy as a wife. Current!Jimmy is less than impressed.
- Gadgeteer Genius
- "Hell Yes!" Moment: Often. Especially when he's given up all hope...and then his friends forgive him for being arrogant/apologise for being stupid/come back to save him.
- Insufferable Genius: At times, but often more pronounced when Cindy's around.
- Kid Hero
- Little Professor Dialogue: Justified partially in that he does actually have an IQ of 210.
- Ridiculously Successful Future Self: In the 'good future' of The Tomorrow Boys, Jimmy is the first person to ever win the Nobel Prize in bulk.
- Science Hero
- Sesquipedalian Loquaciousness: A frequent user and abuser.
- She Cleans Up Nicely: A rare male example. When Jimmy shows up in a tux for Jet Fusion's wedding to Beautiful Gorgeous in My Big Fat Spy Wedding, Cindy promptly gets little hearts in her eyes. (Literally!)
Cindy: "So Neutron's the best man? Yeah, more like the best NERD! I bet he'll look like a total..." (Jimmy shows up outside the church in a tux. Cue fade to pink background, eye-hearts and hair patting) "...HUNKMUFFIN." |
- Another example is during Love Potion #976-J, when Jimmy cleans up for his date with Cindy. Said almost word-for-word by Cindy.
- Slap Slap Kiss: With Cindy. All the time.
- The Smart Guy: Duh.
- TV Genius: Oh, so much.
Carlton "Carl" Ulysses Wheezer[]
- The Chew Toy
- Comic Trio
- Cowardly Sidekick
- Loose Lips: Sheen helps him a lot with this one. They're often the ones to reveal the secret plan to the enemy, generally via Suspiciously Specific Denial.
- Nerdy Inhaler
- Shrinking Violet
- Sickly Neurotic Geek (What else can you expect with a surname like 'Wheezer'?)
- Rob Paulsen
- Sensitive Guy and Manly Man: Sensitive Guy to Sheen's Manly Man.
Sheen Juarrera Estevez[]
- Accent Adaptation (In the Latin American dub, he speaks with a Japanese accent, possibly because the translators thought that he's Japanese-American, instead of Hispanic, and his name should be pronounced "Shin")
- Beta Couple: His sweet princess, Libby.
- Cloudcuckoolander: In a minor but interesting play off of the idiot sidekick schtick. Sheen isn't exactly stupid (at least before Flanderization set in), he's just very, very scatterbrained.
- Comic Trio
- Extraverted Nerd
- Goofy Print Underwear (Limited Edition Ultra Lord Underwear! Only available in Japan!)
- Hollywood Tone Deaf: His singing is so bad, it actually puts the music-hating Twonkies to sleep.
- Loony Fan (He's obsessed with cartoon superhero Ultralord)
- Loose Lips: See above.
- Plucky Comic Relief
- Sensitive Guy and Manly Man: Manly Man to Carl's Sensitive Guy.
- Shout-Out: His name appears to be one to Charlie and/or Martin Sheen, both of whom were born with the last name Estevez
- The Slacker
- Spin-Off: Gets his own one of these, Planet Sheen.
Cynthia "Cindy" Aurora Vortex[]
- Action Girl: Knows karate.
- Alpha Bitch
- Bare Your Midriff: As Special Girl.
- Belligerent Sexual Tension: with Jimmy.
- Cannot Spit It Out: More because of pure stubbornness than anything, really.
- Deadpan Snarker
- Defrosting Ice Queen
- Dumb Blonde: Averted, she was actually the smartest kid in her school BEFORE Jimmy Neutron showed up.
- Genius Bruiser: About as strong as she is smart.
- Goofy Print Underwear (Polka dot panties)
- Hint Dropping: Unfortunately, Jimmy seems to permanently be holding the Idiot Ball when it comes to interpersonal relations.
- Puppy Love: with Jimmy. (Are you starting to get an idea of their relationship yet?)
- The Rival: to Jimmy.
- Slap Slap Kiss: with Jimmy.
- Tsundere
Liberty "Libby" Danielle Folfax[]
- Beta Couple (with Sheen)
- Black Best Friend
- Closer to Earth
- Promoted to Opening Credits
- Sassy Black Woman
- Shipper on Deck: She's FOREVER pleading with Cindy to just tell Jimmy how she feels and get it over with!
- Do-Anything Robot He does eleven billion and four things! Except clean up after himself.
- Non-Human Sidekick
- Robot Buddy
- Robot Dog
Hubert "Hugh" Beaumont Neutron[]
- Bumbling Dad
- Cloudcuckoolander
- Idiot Ball: Holds it consistently, like it's his firstborn child.
- "Jump Off a Bridge" Rebuttal: Twisted.
Jimmy: "Aw, but Dad! All my friends are going!" |
Judith "Judy" Neutron[]
- Closer to Earth
- Genius Ditz: Not ditz per se (she's certainly the intelligent one in her marriage with Hugh and more rational than he is) but she has her moments of ditziness. There are also numerous moments where she demonstrates it's definitely from her side of the gene pool that Jimmy gained his intellect.
- Mama Bear
Nick Dean[]
- All Girls Want Bad Boys
- Paper Tiger: He's the ultimate cool dude, the girls all dig him, and he's supposed to be tough. In the movie his part of the plan is to take care of the Big Bad while the others rescue their parents. One look at his competition, though, and he goes screaming like a little girl.
- Screams Like a Little Girl