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Fridge Horror[]

  • In one episode of The Adventures of Jimmy Neutron, Hugh borrows Jimmy's latest invention--a remote-control that fast-forwards and rewinds real life. He uses it for some humorous and harmless things at first, but later Judy sees an angry mob bringing him home, and one woman claims that "He made me experience the miracle of birth...again and again and again!" Which means that Hugh watched a woman give birth to her child, then rewind it so it was pushed back in, then she pushed it out again, and this went on for some time...and earlier it was established that you feel everything happening when you're "rewound."
  • In the special "Win, Lose, or Kaboom", the cast are forced to participate in a Game Show in which all teams but the winner get their home planet destroyed. At first, things aren't looking so well for Earth's team, and the host warns Jimmy that teams who lose the first two events (of four) in a row get their home planet destroyed 99.99% of the time. The only way the host could know that exact number would be if the game had been played at least 10,000 times... meaning that at least 30,000 planets with civilization have been destroyed.

Fridge Logic[]

  • In the episode "Stranded," Jimmy is supposed to be one of the smartest of his time and he doesnt even know that Australia is a continent. He and Cindy should have both known that is a country and a continent.
    • To be fair, Jimmy could have made a mistake and then kept it going, betting that Cindy would eventually give up.