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  • From the movie:
    • "Hello, toast! I greatly admire your ship!"
    • Tough Jerk Jock Nick screaming like a little girl and running away and Cindy's "My hero?"
    • This dialogue:

 Nick: That is the Stupidest Thing I've Ever Heard!

Sheen: No, this is the stupidest thing you've ever heard: blah-blah-blah-blah-gooble-dooble!

    • The "Self-Destruct sequence"

 Ooblar: *Takes a small metal square from Goddard*

Jimmy: *over speaker phone* Warning! Warning! You have initiated Self Destruct Sequence Alpha!

Ooblar: Oh, that's my bad! Back in you go! *reaches to put the plate back*

Jimmy: Self Destruct Sequence is now engaged.

Ooblar: Nononononono! I put it back! Do you understand me!?

Jimmy: This unit will yield a 50-megaton nuclear blast in exactly 10 seconds.

Ooblar: That's not good!

Jimmy: Please clear a 30 square mile area, thank you and have a nice day. *a yellow smiley face on a spring pops out and opens up to reveal a timer* 10...9...8...


 Hugh: A chimney sweeper! Do you sing and dance?

Hugh: "Having your planet blown up could ruin your whole week!"

  • "I Dream of Jimmy", full stop.

 Jimmy: Carl, can't you see this is a dream? There's llamas in the classroom, Libby came rowing into class with a plastic leg...

Carl: Her paddle broke!

  • When they're all at each other's throats in "Battle of the Bands", except Carl, who's just yelling "DRUM SOLOOOO" over and over again in a bad Liverpudlian accent.
  • The opening of "Lady Sings the News" has Jimmy switching the images of the local news anchor's and weather-girl's heads with those of Sheen and Carl, respectively. Carl discovers what happens on the screen when he spins around in Jimmy's room...

 Carl-head-on-weathergirl: Come on, Anchorman! Spin your head with me!

  • "Retroville 9"
    • After Jimmy admits he's been using advanced bats and mitts he gives his team a Rousing Speech saying they can win without them, and the match still ends with them having gotten 0 points.
    • At the end they go see a Godzilla Expy, and when Sheen sees that it's laughably small it breathes fire in his face. He then asks Jimmy if he knows the Japanese word for "ambulance".
  • The entirety of "Grumpy Young Men", though some highlights include:
    • Sheen staring at the standee for an M-rated game in an attempt to spite the cashier after he throws the trio out, after which the cashier throws an ice cream cone at him.
    • Goddard's reaction to seeing Old!Jimmy, which is to let out a stock horror movie scream.
    • Old!Sheen complaining about how kids today wear their pants.
    • Old!Jimmy being carried across the street against his will.
    • Old!Jimmy convincing Old!Carl and Sheen to step through the Chronotron with offers of prune whip on the other side, followed by them trying to squeeze through and Goddard pushing them through the gate with seconds to spare.
    • Carl eating Jimmy's bowl of experimental truth serum and promptly spouting out deranged secrets, including liking Jimmy's mom and not really believing in Ultra Lord.

 Sheen: (covering his ears) LALALALA LALALA!

  • "And the gold under our lawn to use in case Dad decides to give all our money to telemarketers! ...Again."