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 Benji: "Will you have a boyfriend when we get back to Sydney?"

Tick: "...Maybe."

Benji: "That's good."

  • Crowning Moment of Awesome: "There. Now you're fucked."
  • Crowning Music of Awesome: The gang performs "I Will Survive" for a group of Aborigines, with native instruments playing in the background.
  • One-Scene Wonder: There are a couple:
    • The Aborigine man performing with the gang during "I Will Survive" is onscreen for maybe a minute, but steals the show with his fabulous disco drag.
    • Cynthia, the Filipino stripper/prostitute.
  • Role Association: All three main actors are generally associated with stern, manly roles, quite often villainous. Priscilla, by contrast, defies you to watch The Matrix ever again without imagining Agent Smith humming merrily to himself as he practices dance moves in a green sequined frock. And let's not even start on what it will do to your perceptions of Elrond...