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  • Anvilicious: All of the adults are intentionally made to come off as this.
  • Fridge Brilliance: The Conspicuous CG is one of those tropes that breaks the illusion, and therefore the viewer has no suspension of disbelief... but that's the point; you're not supposed to think Planet Drool is real. The audience is just like the rest of the adults in the film that think Max's dreams are ultimately fake. It's not until Sharkboy, Lavagirl, and Mr. Electric come to Earth at the end that their existence is validated.
  • Iron Woobie: Lavagirl.
  • Jerkass Woobie: Linus/Minus. He only wants to destroy the dream world because his dreams are broken, which explains his negative attitude.
  • Narm: Several instances, mostly the ridiculous faces Mr. Electric keeps making. Though it could be justified as his faces seem to be on purpose.
    • Also, Max's parents' horrendous acting when admitting their love for each other in the climax of the movie. Dear God...
  • Retroactive Recognition: Is that JACOB BLACK as Shark Boy?!
  • So Bad It's Good: To a fair amount of viewers.
  • Tear Jerker: Max crying over Sharkboy and Lavagirl, who appear to be dead.
  • Toy Ship: In-universe examples: Max with Marissa and Lavagirl with Sharkboy.
  • The Woobie: Max. He's a bully magnet and just wants to be left alone to dream in peace. Interestingly inverted at the end when his own invention makes him realize that he's only been dreaming for himself and didn't care enough about others, implying that everyone else needed his help and The Woobie was actually all of them.