- Crowning Moment of Awesome: Everyone gets one, in one way or another. Yes, even Hal. Especially him.
- Crowning Moment of Heartwarming: Two instances come to mind:
- When Shavi ignores Veitch's macho posturing and hugs him before descending into the underworld. Turned Up to Eleven when Veitch hugs him back.
- When Caitlin discovers the identity of the mysterious black knight who's been haunting her. It's her dead husband, Grant, come back to keep an eye on her. Doubles as a Tear Jerker when he has to return to the afterlife with their son.
- High Octane Nightmare Fuel: The Redcaps. Their name comes from their habit of making hats out of the flesh and organs of their victims.
- Tear Jerker: Quite a few. but none quite as much as Veitch's final Heroic Sacrifice, which not only kills him and his opponent, but wipes all trace of him from Existence, so his heroism can never be remembered.
- Wangst: in this case justified - firstly they had messed-up lives which they had to overcome to become the badasses they had to be to do the job, and then later they discovered that all of it had been engineered by the Golden Ones to get them back to full-strength.