My crazy's working a lot better than your sanity. |
The Alien Series, written by Gini Koch, is a Science Fiction Romance Novel set in modern times. If Men in Black and Miss Congeniality had a baby, this would be it.
Marketing manager Katherine “Kitty” Katt steps into the middle of what appears to be a domestic dispute turned ugly. And it only gets uglier when the man turns into a winged monster, straight out of a grade-Z horror movie, and goes on a killing spree. Though Kitty should probably run away, she springs into action to take the monster down.
In the middle of the chaos a handsome hunk named Jeff Martini appears, sent by the “agency” to perform crowd control. He’s Kitty’s kind of guy, no matter what planet he’s from. And from now on, for Kitty, things are going to be sexy, dangerous, wild, and out of this world.
- Touched by an Alien
- Alien Tango
- Alien in the Family
- Alien Proliferation (December 2011)
- Action Girl - Kitty has killed aliens with a pen, an iPod and hairspray.
- Angst Coma - When Martini's empathetic abilities overload, his body shuts down in self-defense.
- Arranged Marriage - In Alien Tango Kitty learns Martini is betrothed in one of these, not that he or his arranged bride ever agreed.
- Battle Couple - As shown on the covers, Kitty and Martini believe that the couple who kicks ass together stay together.
- Bizarre Alien Biology - A-Cs may look human, but their internal organs are radically different. For one thing, they have two hearts.
- Converting for Love - Serene attends catechism classes at a Catholic church, despite being exiled for her family's religion, because she's trying to get closer to her Catholic crush.
- Crazy Jealous Guy - Kitty's type, although she's not sure if she's attracted to them or they're attracted to her.
- Martini gets upset when Kitty spends time alone with other men and even tries to make her change her ringtone, "My Best Friend", for her male best friend.
- Kitty's ex-boyfriend Brian was so clingy and demanding that she dumped him for it. Ten years later, he's still not over her.
- Cupid Hates Odd Couples - Subverted. Jeff and Christopher, cousins, both fall for the same woman. But neither steps aside for the other and the Love Triangle is resolved when the woman chooses one.
- Deadpan Snarker - Those around Kitty, especially Christopher.
- Did You Just Punch Out Cthulhu? - Kitty kills Mephistopheles, a fugly so feared they nicknamed him for an infamous demon.
- Dogged Nice Guy - Martini proposes marriage within five minutes of meeting her. He persists despite her apparent lack of interest. Not as creepy as it sounds due to his empathy letting him know her emotions.
- Drives Like Crazy - Kitty. Who also Pilots Like Crazy when someone makes the mistake of letting her into a jet fighter's cockpit.
- Mr. Fanservice: Alpha Centaurions are all gorgeous, to the point where a former model is mistaken for one of them.
- Fantastic Racism - The Alpha Centaurions came to Earth as political refugees, exiled from their home planet for their religion.
- First Girl Wins - Inverted. Kitty has multiple love interests and wannabe love interests, but the first guy the reader meets, Jeff Martini, is the one she falls in love with.
- First-Name Basis - Even after Kitty starts dating Jeff Martini, she still refers to him by his last name. It isn't until almost six months later that she starts calling him Jeff.
- Genius Ditz - Kitty is easily distracted, nicknames everything and generally lives up to the stereotype of the dumb, shallow blonde. But she has a gift for making weapons out of anything she has on hand, astonishing strangers the first time they see her in a crisis. Those who know her consider more of a Bunny Ears Lawyer.
- Good People Have Good Sex - Frequently and multiple times a night. Apparently aliens have high stamina.
- Hello, Nurse! - Alpha Centaurions are all gorgeous, to the point where a former model is mistaken for one of them.
- Hopeless Suitor - Brian's still in love with his ex-girlfriend Kitty, who's happily settled down with someone else. To the point where she doesn't even recognize him when they meet again.
- Human Aliens - The aliens from Alpha Centauri look human; actually, they're all droolingly gorgeous. It's hinted later on that humans and A-Cs are subspecies of the same species, as the Ancients may have ensured.
- Human Outside, Alien Inside: The Alpha Centaurans have two hearts, among other differences.
- Interspecies Romance - Kitty's from Earth, Martini's from Alpha Centauri. The older generation of A-Cs think of interspecies marriage of taboo; the younger generation are campaigning for the right to marry who they choose.
- Love At First Sight - Martini proposes marriage to Kitty within five minutes of meeting her.
- Love Triangle - multiple.
- Jeff and Christopher both fall for Kitty.
- Serene's in love with Brian, who's still in love with his ex-girlfriend Kitty, who's very much over him.
- Marry for Love - Since Interspecies Romance is forbidden by the A-C religion, many members of the younger generation are campaigning for their right to marry for love instead of religion.
- Mistaken for Cheating - Martini suspects Kitty of cheating on him. While his current clues (she works overtime with one man and has a specific ringtone for another) are flimsy, he does have reason to suspect since she cheated on him once before.
- Murder the Hypotenuse - One of the minor villains in Alien Tango is Kitty's ex-boyfriend's psycho stalker, who sees Kitty as a threat to her (imaginary) relationship and tries to blow her up.
- Named After Their Planet - The Alpha Centaurions. From Alpha Centauri.
- Oblivious to Love - Over and over and over...Kitty is good at puzzles but terrible at figuring out social clues. Including one occasion when she laughed at a marriage proposal, thinking it a joke.
- Official Couple - Kitty may have, at last count, four men in love with her, but only one of them is on the covers with her.
- The One That Got Away - Kitty is this to Brian.
- Parental Marriage Veto - Martini's parents veto his choice without ever meeting Kitty, since she's the wrong species. They even try to force him into an Arranged Marriage to get out of it.
- Puppeteer Parasite - The jellyfish parasite aliens inhabit unwitting humans and when those lose control of their emotions, the alien can control their body.
- Stalker with a Crush - Serene is willing to do anything for her friend Brian, even converting to his religion. Unfortunately, he thinks they're just friends.
- Unlucky Childhood Friend - Chuck proposes to Kitty at the end of Alien Tango; she turns him down as gently as she can.
- Yandere - The inappropriately named Serene, who deludes herself into thinking that the handsome astronaut is more than just her friend.