The American Astronaut is 2001 Space Western Science Fiction musical about space captain Samuel Curtis in middle of a Chain of Deals to give the Venusians a new king and earn a few bucks while being chased by the mentally-unbalanced Professor Hess to sabotage his plans.
In this original take of Sci Fi, space is mostly guided by roughnecks and all spaceships seems to be easy repaired with hammers giving it a feeling of Used Future for truckers, with goes along pretty well with the awesome music, this can only be described as a Firefly musical with Flash Gordon serial props.
Also by the same people (and in the same vein) is Stingray Sam, an episodic serial which can be played on screens of all sizes, including mobile phones.
- Absent Aliens
- Arc Words: "It's my birthday."
- Non Sequitur Scene: The whole space barn sequence.
- Berserk Button: You don't dare to forget Professor Hess' birthday, you just don't...
- Body Horror: The reason the miners from the space barn can't return to Earth.
- The Captain: Sam Curtis.
- Chekhov's Gunman: Bodysuit
- Chain of Deals: Sam must return the late king of Venus to his family in Earth, to do so, he must provide Venus with a new king; so he will give the owner of Jupiter a woman and he will give in return The Boy Who Saw A Breast. The woman in turn, is a clone of Eddy, the owner of the Ceres Crossroads who wanted a cat.
- Disintegrator Ray: Wielded by Professor Hess; it turns people into a pile of ash.
- Everyone Calls Him "Barkeep": The Boy Who Saw A Breast.
- Evilly Affable: Professor Hess.
- Foe Yay: Sam and Hess.
- Ho Yay: Sam and The Boy Who Saw A Breast.
- Indy Ploy: Curtis seems fond of these ones.
- I Just Shot Marvin in the Face
- Knight Errant: Curtis.
- Lady Land: Venus.
- Mars Needs Women: Jupiter needs women and Venus needs men.
- Morally-Ambiguous Doctorate: Professor Hess.
- No Woman's Land: The entire planet of Jupiter is an all-male mining Company Town whose sole entertainment is listening to The Boy Who Saw A Breast describe ("briefly and arrogantly") his encounter with said body part.
- One-Gender Race: Venusians are all women, except for their king they need to mate. Jupiter men are actually hired and brought from all the space system.
- Oh Crap
- Planet of Hats: Everyone in Jupiter is a miner, everyone in Venus is a Southern Belle and Ceres is just a small bar.
- The President's Daughter: The prince of Jupiter, AKA The Boy Who Saw A Breast.
- The Professor: Hess.
- Schizo-Tech: Rayguns, spaceships, portable cloning devices and yet we still use razorblades to shave.
- Southern Belle: Everyone on Venus, seriously.
- Squick: The Jupiter ruler's new wife is a clone of Eddy, if you saw Eddy you understood what I mean.
- Space Pirate: The Blueberry Pirate. Who steals fruit.
- Space Western
- The Unintelligible: Bodysuit.
- The Un-Reveal: The audience is left in the dark about Sam and the Professor’s shared past when the movie enters into a slideshow-like montage of Sam and the Boy just as Sam begins to explain. Nevertheless, they both seem to find the story hilarious.
- Used Future: This version of space consists mostly of grease monkeys, miners and hard-boiled thieves.
- Villainous Breakdown: Is not unusual for Professor Hess to fall into this every once in a while.
- What Do You Mean It's Not Awesome?: A Space Cowboy Science Fiction Musical!
- We Will Use Manual Labor in the Future
- You All Meet in An Inn: Ceres' Crossroads, set on Ceres.