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  • All-Star Cast: Top to bottom filled with veteran name actors.
  • Hey, It's That Guy!: Filled with character actors you're bound to recognize, including Samantha Mathis, David Paymer, and Anne Haney.
  • Production Posse: Sorkin's "good luck charm" Joshua Malina has his usual small role, along with a bunch of other actors who would pop up in later Sorkin projects, including Martin Sheen (A. J./President Bartlet), Anna Deavere Smith (Robin McCall/NSA Nancy McNally), and Nina Siemaszko (Beth Wade/Ellie Bartlet).
  • Reality Subtext: This film was made during the Clinton administration, when two main criticisms of the then-president concerned Hillary Clinton's influence in presidential matters, and about Bill Clinton's extramarital affairs.

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