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  • Beam Me Up, Scotty: In the original Back to the Future review, the Nerd said that he would rather eat out the rotten asshole of a roadkill skunk. For whatever reason, the theme song dropped that one word, and the line became cemented as such from there.
  • The Danza: Mike, Matt, and Lee in OverAnalyzers.
  • Hey, It's That Guy!: Stuttering Craig and Handsome Tom, who did ScrewAttack's (the site that hosts the Nerd's videos) Top Ten Lists, appear as the Ghost of Christmas Past and the Ghost of Christmas Present.
    • The 2010 Christmas episode features music by Bear McCreary, best known as the lead composer for Battlestar Galactica.
  • I Knew It!: After the Back to The Future re-revisited episode, he mentioned that he had other game to re-revisit. Their expression in the Nerd's face gave very obvious hints that he was going to re-revisit the Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde NES game. One month later, this is the game that he re-revisited. Possibly it could count as Foreshadowing too.
  • Mean Character, Nice Actor: James Rolfe is a pretty nice guy, don't let the Nerd fool you.
  • Old Shame: While not ashamed of his older works, he admits there were elements in certain reviews he wishes he'd done differently. The "Re-Revisited" series spawned from such wishes.
  • One of Us: He's a Godzilla fan.
  • Schedule Slip: Justified when he went from two videos a month to one, since the amount of work began to really exhaust him... and he is working on a movie.
    • Back when he only had planned to make a trilogy of videos, the first two, of Castlevania II and Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde came out on May 7 and May 15, 2004, respectively. The third, The Karate Kid, came out on February 10, 2006, for almost a two-year gap between those videos.
  • Talking to Himself:
    • The Nerd occasionally exchanges dialogue (at least as much as he can with a being whose vocabulary consists mainly of variations of 'fuck' and 'die') with Super Mecha Death Christ, also voiced by James.
    • With clones of himself.
    • The Shit Pickle, and more recently, Nerdy Turd.
    • With the real James Rolfe!
  • Throw It In: Mike Matei seemingly improvised a lot of his lines in the Wizard of OZ review. You can see James struggling not to crack up in a few shots.
  • What Could Have Been: James Rolfe commented about unused ideas for the Nintendo World Championship episode, which included one in which the two versions of the cartridge unleashed a magical power when combined, and another that spoofed The Maltese Falcon, with gangsters approaching the Nerd, willing to kill for the game.