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This page is for characters from The Annoying Orange and Liam the Leprechaun. Also covers Crossover characters whose series don't have their own pages yet, but only to the extent of their appearances in those Crossover videos.
Tropes associated with all or most of the foods:[]
- Ambidextrous Sprite: They have two left eyes or two right eyes depending on which way they're facing.
- Animated Actors: Some videos show them to be these. Daneboe is apparently their director.
- Anthropomorphic Food
- Invisible Anatomy
- Only One Name: With some exceptions.
- Species Surname: More like Species Only One Name--the few with full names have standard Species Surnames.
- Uncanny Family Resemblance
Annoying Orange[]
Voiced by: Dane Boedigheimer (Daneboe)[]
First appearances: The Annoying Orange & The Annoying Orange OUTTAKE[]
- Annoying Laugh: Of course.
- Anti-Hero: Type II.
- Badass Beard: In Epic Peel Time.
- Boke and Tsukkomi Routine: Boke to Pear's Tsukkomi.
- Catch Phrase:
- "Hey, hey apple!" (or anything else he's talking to) and "I'm not X! I'm an orange!"
- "KNIFE!" (or any other tool)
- "You're an apple!" (used as an insult to anything that's annoying him)
- More minor ones include "WHOA!", "Uh-uh!", "I'm bored," "Ooh!", "YAY!", "I really liked _______", "You're not laughing!", and "What? Too soon?".
- Captain Obvious: "I'm an orange!"
- Character Blog: He's on Facebook, Twitter, and the official blog.
- Cloudcuckoolander: His whole shtick.
- Cool Shades: In Flower Power!, Orange Goes Hollywood, Epic Peel Time, FPS Orange, Poison Apple, Annoying Orange - Easter Island, and Buddy Cops.
- Exactly What It Says on the Tin: He's an orange. He's annoying.
- Even Evil Has Standards: More like "even annoying has standards" in his case.
- In Annoying Pear, he was sick and talked Pear into stepping into his role for a day. Pear's attempts make Turnip cry, which Orange admonishes him for, implying that although Orange likes to annoy others, he hates to make them cry.
- In Best Fiends Forever, he stated to Grapefruit that you can't shout out "Knife" if there's no knife.
- Eye Beams: In an Attack of the 50 Foot Whatever clip from Mystery Guest.
- Gasshole: Can be this at times, but he does it on purpose.
- Heterosexual Life Partners: With Pear.
- Meaningful Name: Say "an orange" real fast.
- The Hero
- Jerkass: At times. Whenever Orange gets annoyed himself, he becomes incredibly irritating and repulsive on purpose.
- Jerk with a Heart of Gold: He may be the most annoying and obnoxious fruit in the kitchen, but nevertheless, Orange is a pretty hilarious, loyal and is usually pretty cheerful for most of the time. He also has a softer spot too, like his major crush on Passion Fruit.
- McNinja: In Kung Fruit he learns the ancient ways of the Ninja Fruit from the Ninja Fruit apple.
- Motor Mouth: As a side-effect of being on Caffeine Bullet Time in ZOOM! Made even more hilarious by the theme music being sped up in the background.
- The Nicknamer: A shtick of his is to take his current companion's name and alter it in some way, much to their annoyance.
- Obfuscating Stupidity: Orange usually appears about 98 cents short of a dollar, but this appears to be just an act. For example, in Annoying Orange vs. Gecko (Geico Spoof) he pretends to not know what a lizard is, but he seems to already know in the earlier episodes Orange of July (he calls Watermelon a giant orange-eating lizard) and Going Walnuts (in a Flash Back, he calls Avocado a lizardberry). In the latter episode, he also makes a Stealth Pun that goes over Walnut's head ("Nutcracker? Sweet!" for "nutcracker suite").
- The Other Darrin: A rare prop example--he's always voiced by Daneboe, but in YouTube Meets Daneboe and The Annoying Orange!, Super Bowl Football, Annoying Orange Saw, and Smosh: I LOST MY HAIR!/I LOST MY HAIR! (EN ESPAÑOL), he's "played" by different oranges instead of the usual Stock Footage.
- Pity the Kidnapper: Jigsaw can't stand him.
- Pungeon Master
- Screwy Squirrel
- Sitcom Arch Nemesis: For Liam the Leprechaun and almost every one-shot character.
- Verbal Tic: Oh, come on. Do we even have to say it?
- Vocal Evolution: Not a very big one, but if you listen to his voice in Plumpkin and his voice in Crabapple, you'll definitely notice a difference.
Voiced by: Dane Boedigheimer (Daneboe)[]
First appearance: The Annoying Orange[]
- Ascended Extra
- Boke and Tsukkomi Routine: Tsukkomi to Orange's Boke.
- Character Blog: He's on Facebook, Twitter, and the official blog.
- The Comically Serious: Can be this on some occasions.
- Cool Shades: In Naval Orange, FPS Orange, and Annoying Orange - Easter Island.
- Deadpan Snarker
- Genre Savvy: In Kitchen Carnage.
- Heterosexual Life Partners: With Orange.
- The Lancer
- One-Scene Wonder: Was this for a while, but then he reappeared in Passion of the Fruit and Luck o' the Irish, but was still a one-scene-at-the-end character. This role was completely dropped starting with Muddy Buddy, where Pear was seen throughout the entire episode.
- Only Sane Fruit: While he can sometimes be just as annoying as Orange, he will often act as this if there is nobody else to do it.
(while Orange is being cloned in Million Clones) |
- Vocal Evolution: His voice got higher after his first appearance, but eventually went back down.
Midget Apple[]
Voiced by: Dane Boedigheimer (Daneboe)[]
First appearance: Crabapple[]
- Ascended Extra
- Badass Mustache: In Buddy Cops.
- Berserk Button: "It's Little Apple!"
- Catch Phrase:
- The usual one:
Character X: [insert sentence that has "Midget Apple" in it here] |
- Character Blog: He's on Facebook, Twitter, and the official blog.
- Cool Car: Has his own monster truck.
- Cool Shades: In Buddy Cops.
- Deadpan Snarker:
Marshmallow: Hey! Sorry I'm late for the party! |
- Do Not Call Me Paul: He insists that his name is Little Apple, but he's almost never called that. Even he has slipped up and called himself Midget Apple instead of Little Apple (or almost done so), in Plants vs Zombies: Mini Game #10 and Annoying Orange 2.0!!!
- Heterosexual Life Partners: With Marshmallow.
- Nice Hat: In The Fruitbowl.
- Pint-Sized Powerhouse: At least in Wishful Thinking's It's a Wonderful Plot, where he was shown to have beaten up Grapefruit.
- Ridiculously Cute Fruit: Though not to the same extent as Marshmallow.
- Those Two Guys: With Marshmallow.
- Your Size May Vary: In Crabapple, he's smaller than Crabapple, but in later episodes he's probably about the size of Crabapple. And in Annoying Orange meets Charlie the Unicorn (Spoof), he's nearly the size of a normal apple.
Voiced by: Dane Boedigheimer (Daneboe)[]
First appearance: Saw 2: Annoying Death Trap[]
- Alien Among Us: The High Fructose Adventures episode "Marshmalia" reveals that he's from the planet Marshmalia.
- Ambiguous Gender: Given The Un-Reveal in Daneboe Exposed #5: Annoying Orange Exposed, Ask Orange #1, Ask Orange #2: Toast Busters!, Ask Orange #3: A-TOY-ING ORANGE!, and Ask Orange #4: Master Chef! He's always referred to using male pronouns, but this has been Hand Waved by Word of God.
- Ascended Extra
- Badass Adorable: See Made of Iron below.
- Badass Mustache: In Buddy Cops.
- Beware the Nice Ones: As seen in Best Fiends Forever, Annoying Orange vs Angry Birds: MARSHMALLOW, and Buddy Cops.
- Big Eater: At least when it comes to bacon, as seen in Epic Peel Time.
- Character Blog: He's on Facebook, Twitter, and the official blog.
- Cloudcuckoolander:
Midget Apple: OK, that's one more vote for Double Rainbow, and three more for Chocolate Rain. What's that bring the total to, Marshmallow? |
- Cool Shades: In Party Rock (ft. DeStorm), Annoying Orange - Easter Island, and in an upcoming High Fructose Adventures episode.
- Cuteness Proximity: He sparked this reaction from many viewers.
- Heterosexual Life Partners: With Midget Apple.
- Made of Iron: On top of the unexplained recoveries, he's unaffected by a saw in Saw 2: Annoying Death Trap, and even survives being dunked in hot cocoa at the end of Wishful Thinking.
- Nice Guy: He's nearly happy and friendly to nearly everybody in the kitchen.
- Nice Hat: In an upcoming High Fructose Adventures episode.
- Ridiculously Cute Marshmallow
- Sneeze of Doom: As seen in Sneezing Marshmallow (Sneezing Baby Panda Spoof) and The Amnesiac Orange. (For some inexplicable reason, he sneezes glitter.)
- Those Two Guys: With Midget Apple.
- Unexplained Recovery: He's set on fire at the ends of Saw 2: Annoying Death Trap and Happy Birthday!, but is shown undamaged in later episodes.
- Verbal Tic: Yay!
Passion Fruit[]
Voiced by: Justine Ezarik (iJustine)[]
First appearance: Passion of the Fruit[]
- Action Girl: Annoying Orange vs Angry Birds: PASSION FRUIT reveals her to be a black belt.
- Ascended Extra
- Character Blog: She's on Facebook, Twitter, and the official blog.
- Closer to Earth: During The Exploding Orange, while Orange has the hiccups:
Passion Fruit: Look, everybody. The important thing right now is to just remain calm. |
- Nice Girl: Usually polite to her friends and one of the more mature fruits in the kitchen.
- Only Sane Fruit
- Spell My Name with an "S": Her name is occasionally listed as one word ("Passionfruit").
- The Smurfette Principle: She's the only recurring female character.
- Tertiary Sexual Characteristics: Has lipstick and makeup.
- Vocal Evolution: In Passion of the Fruit, her voice is higher than in later episodes. (She doesn't have the high voice in PASSION FRUIT!!!, but that video doesn't count since iJustine playing herself as a passion fruit, not the character Passion Fruit.)
Voiced by: Bob Jennings (Bobjenz)[]
First appearance: Passion of the Fruit[]
- Ascended Extra
- Back From the Dead: In Frankenfruit, despite appearing alive in the earlier episodes Liam The Leprechaun - Liam Vs. Grapefruit! (Characters From The Annoying Orange!) and Liam The Leprechaun - Lousy Limericks.
- Badass Mustache: In Buddy Cops.
- Bad Liar: Mostly on his Facebook and Twitter pages, but occasionally in the series as well.
- Cast as a Mask: In April Fruits Day, he disguises himself as Midget Apple and while in disguise is voiced by Daneboe instead of Bobjenz.
- Character Blog: He's on Facebook, Twitter, and the official blog.
- Cool Shades: In Poison Apple.
- Drop in Character: He lived in another house until Best Fiends Forever.
- Heel Face Revolving Door
- I Fight for the Strongest Side: In Kung Fruit he becomes Coconut's servant after Coconut uses Kung Fruit on him, and in Wishful Thinking's It's a Wonderful Plot he joins in on insisting that Midget Apple's name is Little Apple after Midget Apple beats him up.
- Jerkass: In earlier episodes.
- Jerk with a Heart of Gold: Become friends with Orange and Co. in later episodes.
- Kick the Dog: Burning Marshmallow's picture of Princess Butterfly Kiss in Best Fiends Forever. The results were not pretty.
- Nice Hat: In Buddy Cops.
- Small Name, Big Ego
- Unexplained Recovery: He's cut up at the end of Passion of the Fruit (and confirmed to be dead in Grapefruit's Revenge), but reappears in Liam The Leprechaun - Liam Vs. Grapefruit! (Characters From The Annoying Orange!) (which is set before Grapefruit's Revenge) and Liam The Leprechaun - Lousy Limericks, both prior to his coming Back From the Dead in Frankenfruit.
- Hand Waved on Grapefruit's Facebook page: "As long as as [sic] grapefruit's [sic] exist I shall exist and that's that bubby!" (though this claim is dubious at best; see Bad Liar above).
Grandpa Lemon[]
Voiced by: Kevin Brueck[]
First appearance: Grandpa Lemon[]
- Ascended Extra
- Back From the Dead: In Frankenfruit.
- Badass Grandpa/Cool Old Guy: He rides motorcycles, and even does motorcycle jumps.
- Badass Mustache: In Buddy Cops.
- Character Blog: He's on Facebook and Twitter.
- Cool Old Guy: Even if Orange annoys him he doesn't get exasperated at all.
- Gasshole
- Nice Hat:
- In Orange Potter and the Deathly Apple, as Grandpa Lemondore, he wears a wizard hat.
- In Buddy Cops, as Chief Lemon.
- Posthumous Character: In Orange Potter and the Deathly Apple, as Grandpa Lemondore, he only appears in a Dead Person Conversation with Orange Potter.
- Robe and Wizard Hat: In Orange Potter and the Deathly Apple, as Grandpa Lemondore, he wears a wizard hat.
- Senior Sleep Cycle: he manages to fall asleep while getting cut in half.
- Sleepyhead
- Unexplained Recovery: Unlike Grapefruit, Grandpa Lemon only made more appearances after coming Back From the Dead.
Voiced by: Dane Boedigheimer (Daneboe)[]
First appearance: Ask Orange #1[]
- Ascended Extra
- Catch Phrase: "Ewww, gross!"
- Character Blog: He's on Facebook and Twitter.
- Expy: Of the Squash from Plants vs. Zombies.
- Gentle Giant: He hates killing off objects and foods in the kitchen.
- The Klutz: He's always clumsy by accidentally squashing various things in the kitchen.
- Mad Libs Catchphrase: In his Catch Phrase, he sometimes replaces "gross" with other things.
Voiced by: Craig Benzine (Wheezy Waiter)[]
First appearance: Mystery of the Mustachios[]
- Character Blog: They're on Facebook and Twitter.
- My Name Is Not Durwood: The ones in Mystery of the Mustachios.
- Paper-Thin Disguise: In Mystery of the Mustachios, Orange and Pear immediately recognize them as Pistachios, but the Pistachio-eating human apparently was fooled.
- Product Placement: The ones in Mystery of the Mustachios are specifically Wonderful Pistachios, and their bag appears prominently at the beginning of the episode.
Leprechauns, etc.[]
Liam the Leprechaun[]
Played by: Bob Jennings (Bobjenz)[]
First appearance: Liam The Leprechaun in a Tree![]
- Catch Phrase:
- "Aw crap!"
- He also tends to say "You got it!" just before granting wishes.
- Character Blog: He's on Facebook and Twitter.
- Characterization Marches On
- Cool Shades: In Liam The Leprechaun - St. Patrick's Day Rocks!!!
- Everyone Calls Him "Barkeep": Not in-universe, but he's frequently called Leprechaun, The Leprechaun, or rarely just Liam.
- The Fair Folk: Was this in his pre-Annoying Orange appearances, especially in the NBK 24/7 series.
- Flanderization
- Good Costume Switch
- Hair-Trigger Temper
- Leprechaun
- Literal Genie
- Mysterious Middle Initial: Food Court reveals that his full name is Liam T. Leprechaun. The "T" could stand for "The," though.
- Nice Hat
- No Ontological Inertia: When he gets squashed (see They Killed Kenny below), anyone he's transported gets sent back to where they were before.
- Really Seven Hundred Years Old: He's 200 years old, which is young for a leprechaun.
- Species Surname: Food Court reveals that "Leprechaun" is his surname.
- Teleporters and Transporters
- They Killed Kenny: He gets squashed at the ends of three different episodes: Luck o' the Irish, Annoying Orange vs. FRED!!!, and Food Court. Handwaved in Liam The Leprechaun - Liam Vs. Grapefruit! (Characters From The Annoying Orange!), which picks up from where Luck o' the Irish left off and shows that squashing him sends him back to the leprechaun world rather than harming him (though in Liam's Top Ten Most Annoying Annoying Orange Videos he claims to have to go through "months of painful recovery").
- Three Wishes
- Transplant: He was originally a Wicked Awesome Films character, but eventually became part of the Annoying Orange cast.
- Unexplained Recovery: See They Killed Kenny above.
- Your Size May Vary: He usually appears around as small as the foods, but is human-sized in Liam The Leprechaun in a Tree! and The Annoying Orange Behind the Scenes : The Partners Project Out-Takes.
Voiced by: Bob Jennings (Bobjenz)[]
First appearances: Liam The Leprechaun - Liam Uses Magic To Destroy The Monster Rainbow! [Interactive] & Liam The Leprechaun - Liam Sings To The Monster Rainbow! [Interactive][]
- Animate Inanimate Object
- Four-Leaf Clover
- Gasshole: Can be this at times, but he does it on purpose.
- Non Standard Character Design: He's "played" by a cartoon clover leaf rather than a real one.
- Teleporters and Transporters
Leprechaun Boss[]
Played by: Kevin Brueck[]
First appearance: Liam The Leprechaun - Liam Vs. Grapefruit! (Characters From The Annoying Orange!)[]
Other Characters[]
ZOOM Energy Drink[]
Voiced by: Bob Jennings (Bobjenz)[]
First appearance: ZOOM!!![]
- Character Blog: He's on Facebook and Twitter.
- Eyeless Face
- Klatchian Coffee
- Large Ham
- Third Person Person
- Unexplained Recovery
Voiced by: Kevin Nalty (Nalts)[]
First appearance: The Annoying Orange[]
First speaking appearance: No More Mr. Knife Guy[]
- Animate Inanimate Object: Well, sometimes.
- Catch Phrase: "Aw crap, I did it again!"
- Character Blog: He's on Facebook and Twitter.
- Suddenly Voiced: In No More Mr. Knife Guy, Happy Birthday!, Annoying Valentines, Annoying Orange: Annoying Valentines (Sitcom Version), Mommy and Me, and Ask Orange #4: Master Chef!
- Your Size May Vary: He's MUCH larger than usual in Annoying Orange at VidCon!.
Dane Boedigheimer (Daneboe)[]
Played by: Dane Boedigheimer (Daneboe)[]
First appearance: This video[]
First speaking appearance: Golf Gone Bad[]
- As Himself
- Catch Phrase: "Say no to drugs, say yes to jumping!"[1]
- Cool Shades: In Laser Pointer Hack!
- Creator Cameo
- Mad Libs Catchphrase: In his Catch Phrase, he sometimes replaces "jumping" with other things.
- Nice Hat: Often wears a cap.
Voiced by: Dane Boedigheimer (Daneboe)[]
First appearance: Donkey Kong: The Movie[]
- Breaking the Fourth Wall: Speaks to both the viewer and the characters.
- Interactive Narrator: Though he's really more of an announcer.
- No Name Given: In his first Annoying Orange appearance (The Annoying Trailer) he's called "Voice" by Orange, but other than that he hasn't been named.
- Johnny the announcer from Fruit For All sounds the same as Voice, and they may be the same character.
Played by: Toby Turner (Tobuscus)[]
First appearance: The High Fructose Adventures of Annoying Orange[]
- Canon Foreigner
- Mad Scientist
- Spell My Name with an "S": His name is misspelled as "Nervil" in the closed captions of "Marshmalia" (despite the correct spelling being listed in the opening credits).
- Token Human
Tropes associated with minor characters (and Crossover characters whose series don't have their own pages yet):[]
- The Alcoholic: Nick Nolte from the NBK 24/7 series.
- Always Someone More Annoying: The other orange from More Annoying Orange, who is so annoying that he managed to annoy Orange.
- Ambiguously Gay: Glitter Groin from WTF is that?! and ASK AARON ANYTHING #1.
- Animate Inanimate Object
- Annoying Laugh: The other orange from More Annoying Orange has a laugh even more annoying than the original Orange's.
- Anthropomorphic Personification: YouTube from YouTube Meets Daneboe and The Annoying Orange!
- Arrogant Kung Fruit Guy: Coconut from Kung Fruit.
- As Himself:
- Bobjenz and Kevin Brueck in WTF is that?! and The Onion Ring.
- Kevin Brueck in WTF is that?! and The Onion Ring.
- iJustine in PASSION FRUIT!!! In the form of a passion fruit, but still.
- Asteroids Monster: Gummy Worm(s) from Gumbrawl - Extended Version.
- Back From the Dead:
- Ginger from No More Mr. Knife Guy gets cut up at the beginning of the episode, and his soul appears at the end.
- Pineapple from Pain-apple and Cucumber from Cruel as a Cucumber in Frankenfruit. (Both of them later appear in Annoying Orange Comedy Roast!).
- Bad Boss: Lord Moldywarts (The Fruit That Must Not Be Named) from Orange Potter and the Deathly Apple.
- Bad Future: Evil future Orange from Back to the Fruiture comes from such a future.
- Badass Mustache: Apple Trebek from Fruit For All.
- Barbie Doll Anatomy: The Trolls from Trollin', Previously On, and The Leprechaun Trap.
- Baleful Polymorph: Bobjenz, Kevin Brueck, Theresa Barket, and Dan Heinan are turned into onion rings in The Onion Ring.
- Big Friendly Dog: Daneboe and Bobjenz' pit bulls both count as this, though the "friendly" part doesn't necessarily apply when it comes to Anthropomorphic Food or other Animate Inanimate Objects.
- Bigfoot, Sasquatch, and Yeti: Bigfoot appears in Annoying Orange Presents - Grapefruit's Totally True Tales: Bigfoot.
- Breath Weapon: Big Rock Candy Monster from the High Fructose Adventures episode "Marshmalia".
- Canon Foreigner:
- A few characters from The Annoying Orange Presents Kitchen Carnage/The Annoying Orange Presents Kitchen Carnage HD.
- Plenty of characters from The High Fructose Adventures of Annoying Orange.
- Canon Immigrant: StarFruit from The Annoying Orange Presents Kitchen Carnage/The Annoying Orange Presents Kitchen Carnage HD and U Can't Squash This (U Can't Touch This Spoof).
- The Captain: Captain Blueberry Beard from Naval Orange.
- Captain Color Beard: Captain Blueberry Beard from Naval Orange.
- Character Blog:
- Cantaloupe from The Amnesiac Orange, The Annoying Orange Presents Kitchen Carnage/The Annoying Orange Presents Kitchen Carnage HD, and Annoying Orange Comedy Roast! is on Facebook and Twitter.
- StarFruit from The Annoying Orange Presents Kitchen Carnage/The Annoying Orange Presents Kitchen Carnage HD and U Can't Squash This (U Can't Touch This Spoof) is on Facebook.
- The Trolls from Trollin', Previously On, and The Leprechaun Trap are on Facebook and Twitter.
- The Cob from Wazzup Blowup and Wazzup Blowup Extended Scene is on Facebook and Twitter.
- Mushroom from In the Dark is on Facebook.
- Dr. Bananas from Dr. Bananas is on Facebook.
- Laptop from Ask Orange #1 is on Twitter.
- Chick Magnet:
- Jalapeño from Jalapeño.
- Red and Golden Delicious from Teenage Mutant Ninja Apples.
- Cloudcuckoolander: Gary Busey from the NBK 24/7 series.
- Cool Shades:
- Cucumber from Cruel as a Cucumber, Frankenfruit Annoying Orange: Frankenfruit OUTTAKES, and Annoying Orange Comedy Roast!
- The Cobs from Wazzup Blowup, Wazzup Blowup Extended Scene, Orange Goes Hollywood, and Annoying Orange Comedy Roast!.
- Party Rock from Party Rock (ft. DeStorm) and Annoying Orange Comedy Roast!
- Tom Cruise from Annoying Orange Meets Tom Cruise and Annoying Orange 2.0!!!, and by extension...
- The Broccoli leader from Close Encounters of the Annoying Kind and U Can't Squash This (U Can't Touch This Spoof) (doubling as Sinister Shades).
- MysteryPotatoMan from Muddy Buddy and Annoying Orange Comedy Roast!
- Evil future Orange from Back to the Fruiture (doubling as Sinister Shades).
- Broccoli from Orange Goes Hollywood.
- Rockinrutabaga from Equals Annoying Orange (Equals Three Spoof).
- Ham Williams, Jr. from The Fruitbowl.
- The Rock Lobster from Party Rock (ft. DeStorm).
- Sour Milk from Buddy Cops.
- Zombie George Washington in ASK ZGW: Highway To Bwains.
- StarFruit from The Annoying Orange Presents Kitchen Carnage/The Annoying Orange Presents Kitchen Carnage HD and U Can't Squash This (U Can't Touch This Spoof) sometimes wears them.
- Unicorn DJ Princess Buttercup from the High Fructose Adventures episode "Marshmalia".
- Two characters from an upcoming High Fructose Adventures episode.
- Cross-Dressing Voices:
- Grapefruit's sister from Grapefruit's Revenge is voiced by Bobjenz.
- Orange's mom from Mommy and Me is voiced by Daneboe.
- Midget Apple's mom from Mommy and Me is voiced by Daneboe.
- Pear's mom from Mommy and Me is voiced by Daneboe.
- The Ditz: YouTube from YouTube Meets Daneboe and The Annoying Orange!
- Do Not Call Me Paul: The Magic Clam from Magic Clam prefers to be called an oyster.
- Early-Bird Cameo: One or more of the characters who have Character Blogs got them shortly before actually appearing.
- Everything's Deader with Zombies: Zombie George Washington from ASK ZGW #5: Bacon Bwains!!!, ASK ZGW: Highway To Bwains, Ask Orange #4: Master Chef!, and WazZOOM.
- Eye Beams: Cuddles in Daneboe Exposed #6: HACKED!!!
- Eyeless Face:
- ZIP from ZOOM!!!, Annoying Orange vs Angry Birds: ZOOM, Liam's Top Ten Most Annoying Annoying Orange Videos, Annoying Orange Comedy Roast!, The Fruitbowl, and WazZOOM.
- Iron Fist from Kung Fruit and Ask Orange #4: Master Chef!.
- The plastic explosives from Fake N Bacon.
- Eyepatch of Power: Captain Blueberry Beard from Naval Orange.
- Facial Markings: Peabo, Freundlich, Hector, and the other Marshmalian marshmallows (besides Marshmallow's dad the Marshmallow King) from the High Fructose Adventures episode "Marshmalia".
- Fortune Teller:
- Fortune Cookie and Miss Fortune Cookie from Fortune Cookie and Annoying Orange: Fortune Cookie SITCOM VERSION.
- Gypsy from Liam The Leprechaun - Misfortune Teller.
- Gasshole:
- The other orange from More Annoying Orange.
- YouTube from YouTube Meets Daneboe and The Annoying Orange!
- Genre Savvy: Red Raspberry from Rap-berry and The Annoying Orange Presents Kitchen Carnage/The Annoying Orange Presents Kitchen Carnage HD. "Everybody knows about the kitchen. There's this orange, and he's totally annoying...and he hangs out with this dopey pear...and a bunch of other fruits...and if you wind up on the wrong side of the counter, you get knifed!"
- Good Angel, Bad Angel: Angel Orange and Devil Orange from Cruel as a Cucumber. All they do is offer suggestions on how to annoy Cucumber, but Angel Orange's ideas are nicer.
- Grumpy Bear: Crabapple from Crabapple and U Can't Squash This (U Can't Touch This Spoof).
- Heel Face Turn: After their leader dies, the Broccoli minions from Close Encounters of the Annoying Kind, Frankenfruit and Annoying Orange: Frankenfruit OUTTAKES make Orange their new leader.
- Hive Mind: The Eggs from Food Court.
- I Know Kung Faux: Coconut from Kung Fruit is a master of Kung Fruit.
- Jerkass: Apple from Kitchen Carnage.
- Kamehame Hadoken: YouTube from YouTube Meets Daneboe and The Annoying Orange! uses a "Hoduken" at one point.
- Killed Off for Real:
- Most of the foods that Orange annoys.
- Kris Kristofferson at the end of NBK 24/7: They're Vampires! [Ep2]
- Klatchian Coffee: ZIP from WazZOOM.
- Kraken and Leviathan: The Kraken from Annoying Orange vs Angry Birds: GRAPEFRUIT.
- Latin Lover: Jalapeño from Jalapeño.
- Light Is Not Good: The Monster Rainbow from Liam The Leprechaun - Double Rainbow, Triple Rainbow, MONSTER RAINBOW!!! [Interactive] and its three Multiple Endings Liam The Leprechaun - Liam Bows To The Monster Rainbow [Interactive], Liam The Leprechaun - Liam Uses Magic To Destroy The Monster Rainbow! [Interactive] and Liam The Leprechaun - Liam Sings To The Monster Rainbow! [Interactive].
- Mad Scientist:
- Dr. Interwebz from YouTube Meets Daneboe and The Annoying Orange!
- The unnamed scientist from Frankenfruit.
- Dr. Bananas from Dr. Bananas.
- McNinja:
- Ninja Baby from the Daneboe Exposed series, Annoying Orange Presents - Grapefruit's Totally True Tales: Bigfoot, He Will Mock You, and Bacon on a String.
- The Ninja Fruit apple from from Kung Fruit.
- Multiple Head Case: Celery from Excess Cabbage and Best Fiends Forever.
- My Name Is Not Durwood: A common reaction to Orange's Nicknamer tendencies.
- Nice Hat:
- Captain Blueberry Beard from Naval Orange.
- EM&EM from Epic Rap Battles Of Kitchenry (ft. NicePeter).
- Ham Williams, Jr. from The Fruitbowl.
- Justin Bieberry from ASK AARON ANYTHING #1.
- President Snowball from The Hungry Games (Hunger Games SPOOF).
- No Celebrities Were Harmed:
- Lady Pasta from Lady Pasta and Annoying Orange Comedy Roast!
- The Broccoli leader from Close Encounters of the Annoying Kind and U Can't Squash This (U Can't Touch This Spoof) (who was played by Evan Ferrante as Tom Cruise from Annoying Orange Meets Tom Cruise).
- Apple Trebek from Fruit For All.
- EM&EM from Epic Rap Battles Of Kitchenry (ft. NicePeter).
- Ham Williams, Jr. from The Fruitbowl.
- Justin Bieberry from ASK AARON ANYTHING #1.
- No Indoor Voice: Zombie George Washington from ASK ZGW #5: Bacon Bwains!!!, ASK ZGW: Highway To Bwains, Ask Orange #4: Master Chef!, and WazZOOM.
- No Ontological Inertia: The Magic Clam from Magic Clam, with the exception of Copper Lincoln.
- Non-Singing Voice: Lady Pasta from Lady Pasta and Annoying Orange Comedy Roast! is voiced by Lauren from Key of Awesome, but the Lady Pasta song is sung by Sarah from The Gregory Brothers.
- Non Standard Character Design:
- The Terror-Dactyl from Blast The Annoying Orange! Liam The Leprechaun Gets His Own YouTube Channel! and Liam The Leprechaun - Liam Vs. Grapefruit! (Characters From The Annoying Orange!).
- The evil unicorn from Liam The Leprechaun - Passionfruit's World Peace (Starring iJustine & Daneboe!) and Liam The Leprechaun - Lousy Limericks.
- The Circling Birdies from The Amnesiac Orange.
- Robot Abraham Lincoln from ASK ZGW #5: Bacon Bwains!!!
- Robot from Blast The Annoying Orange! Liam The Leprechaun Gets His Own YouTube Channel!
- The laptop-using buddha from Blast The Annoying Orange! Liam The Leprechaun Gets His Own YouTube Channel!
- One-Scene Wonder: Steve the Strawberry from Back to the Fruiture, who is seen for about half a second before being blasted to juice with a futuristic ray gun, to which Pear responds "Aw, poor Steve!" (This was a reference to Daneboe's pre-Annoying Orange videos where food gets killed, in which the first one to go is usually named Steve.)
- Pirate: Captain Blueberry Beard and his blueberry crew from Naval Orange.
- Plant Aliens:
- The Broccoli from Close Encounters of the Annoying Kind, Frankenfruit Annoying Orange: Frankenfruit OUTTAKES, U Can't Squash This (U Can't Touch This Spoof).
- Commander Broccoli from the High Fructose Adventures episode "Marshmalia".
- Punny Name: Miss Fortune Cookie from Fortune Cookie and Annoying Orange: Fortune Cookie SITCOM VERSION.
- Rhymes on a Dime: Mirror from Poison Apple.
- Santa Claus:
- Appears in Annoying Orange - Ginger Man and Annoying Orange - Midget Rudolph.
- The Santa Claus doll from Sandy Claus.
- The four chocolate Santas from Annoying Orange - Marshmallow's Christmas Sock and The Fruitbowl.
- Seadog Beard: Captain Blueberry Beard from Naval Orange.
- Sinister Shades:
- The Broccoli leader from Close Encounters of the Annoying Kind and U Can't Squash This (U Can't Touch This Spoof) (doubling as Cool Shades).
- Evil future Orange from Back to the Fruiture (doubling as Cool Shades).
- Speak of the Devil: Lord Moldywarts (The Fruit That Must Not Be Named) from Orange Potter and the Deathly Apple.
- Spell My Name with an "S": "Princess Butterfly Kiss" is misspelled as "Princess Butterflykiss" in the closed captions of Best Fiends Forever.
- Spell My Name with a "The":
- The Cobs from Wazzup Blowup, Wazzup Blowup Extended Scene, Orange Goes Hollywood, and Annoying Orange Comedy Roast!
- Suddenly Voiced: Toaster in Juice Boxing and Annoying Orange - Juice Boxing SITCOM VERSION.
- Suspiciously Similar Substitute: Commander Broccoli from the High Fructose Adventures episode "Marshmalia" is one for the Broccoli leader from Close Encounters of the Annoying Kind and U Can't Squash This (U Can't Touch This Spoof).
- The Swarm:
- The fruit flies from Fortune Cookie, Annoying Orange: Fortune Cookie SITCOM VERSION, Pet Peeve, and Fake N Bacon.
- Talk Like a Pirate: Captain Blueberry Beard from Naval Orange.
- Tastes Like Purple: The Blue Juice Box from Juice Boxing, Annoying Orange - Juice Boxing SITCOM VERSION, and Annoying Orange Comedy Roast!. (He claims to taste like blue raspberry.)
- Temporary Scrappy: The other orange from More Annoying Orange.
- Tertiary Sexual Characteristics: Grapefruit's sister from Grapefruit's Revenge has a bow and makeup.
- Third Person Person: ZIP from WazZOOM.
- Took a Level In Jerkass: The tomato in "April Fruits Day". Out of anger, she shouts "KNIFE!" at Orange, causing a knife to cut Orange, only for orange to flatten and to reveal that it was not Orange, but Midget Apple. Orange soon says "Knife?", and the tomato soon gets sliced by it.
- Troll: The Trolls from Trollin', Previously On, and The Leprechaun Trap.
- Unexplained Recovery:
- Pumpkin is cut open (and carved into a jack-o'-lantern) at the end of Plumpkin, but he comes back intact at the end of Crabapple.
- A whole bunch of characters in Annoying Orange Comedy Roast! It's even given a Lampshade Hanging near the end.
- Red Raspberry from Rap-berry in The Annoying Orange Presents Kitchen Carnage/The Annoying Orange Presents Kitchen Carnage HD
- Another whole bunch of characters in U Can't Squash This (U Can't Touch This Spoof).
- Apple in the High Fructose Adventures episode "Marshmalia".
- Unicorn:
- The evil unicorn from Liam The Leprechaun - Passionfruit's World Peace (Starring iJustine & Daneboe!) and Liam The Leprechaun - Lousy Limericks.
- Princess Butterfly Kiss from Viral Vote and Nyan Nya Orange (Nyan Cat SPOOF), whose picture appears in Wazzup Blowup, Wazzup Blowup Extended Scene, and Best Fiends Forever.
- The unicorn from Rap-berry.
- Marshmallow's mom from Mommy and Me. Fry-day (Rebecca Black Friday Parody), Liam's Top Ten Most Annoying Annoying Orange Videos, Annoying Orange - Marshmallow's Christmas Sock, and The Fruitbowl.
- Unicorn DJ Princess Buttercup from the High Fructose Adventures episode "Marshmalia", whose horn falls off at the end of the episode.
- Vocal Dissonance: Marshmallow's dad the Marshmallow King from the High Fructose Adventures episode "Marshmalia".
- Voodoo Doll: The pincushion from The Voodoo You Do! and The Voodoo You Do! SITCOM VERSION.
- Waddling Head: The Bwainiacs from ASK ZGW: Highway To Bwains.
- Winged Unicorn: One appears in Daneboe Exposed #9: Daneboe Apocalypse, Nyan Boe, Annoying Orange Presents - Grapefruit's Totally True Tales: Bigfoot, and Ultimate Marshmallow Tease.
- You All Look Familiar: Apple, Banana, Tomato, Cantaloupe, Pineapple, Strawberry, StarFruit, Lime, Fred FiggleCorn, Fruitcake, and Red Raspberry in The Annoying Orange Presents Kitchen Carnage/The Annoying Orange Presents Kitchen Carnage HD.
- You Gotta Have Blue Hair: Dr. Interwebz from YouTube Meets Daneboe and The Annoying Orange!
- Your Size May Vary: Zombie George Washington is normal-sized in ASK ZGW #5: Bacon Bwains!!! and ASK ZGW: Highway To Bwains, but is Liam the Leprechaun's size in Ask Orange #4: Master Chef! and WazZOOM.