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This page is for characters from The Annoying Orange and Liam the Leprechaun. Also covers Crossover characters whose series don't have their own pages yet, but only to the extent of their appearances in those Crossover videos.


Tropes associated with all or most of the foods:[]

Annoying Orange[]

Voiced by: Dane Boedigheimer (Daneboe)[]

First appearances: The Annoying Orange & The Annoying Orange OUTTAKE[]


Voiced by: Dane Boedigheimer (Daneboe)[]

First appearance: The Annoying Orange[]


 (while Orange is being cloned in Million Clones)

Pear: This is a terrible idea! No good can come from this!

Voice: It's not terrible, Pear. What better way to thank the subscribers than to make a million Oranges?

  • Vocal Evolution: His voice got higher after his first appearance, but eventually went back down.

Midget Apple[]

Voiced by: Dane Boedigheimer (Daneboe)[]

First appearance: Crabapple[]


 Character X: [insert sentence that has "Midget Apple" in it here]

Midget Apple: Hey! It's Little Apple! (or a variation of that)


 Marshmallow: Hey! Sorry I'm late for the party!

Midget Apple: Hello?

Marshmallow: Hi! I'm Marshmallow! Will you be my friend?

Midget Apple: Get me out of this cupcake and I'll be your best friend!



Voiced by: Dane Boedigheimer (Daneboe)[]

First appearance: Saw 2: Annoying Death Trap[]


 Midget Apple: OK, that's one more vote for Double Rainbow, and three more for Chocolate Rain. What's that bring the total to, Marshmallow?

Marshmallow: Unicorn!

Midget Apple: That's not a number!

Marshmallow: Yes it is! Unicorns are number one! YAAAY!


Passion Fruit[]

Voiced by: Justine Ezarik (iJustine)[]

First appearance: Passion of the Fruit[]


 Passion Fruit: Look, everybody. The important thing right now is to just remain calm.

(Orange hiccups)


Passion Fruit: No, no, NO! Everybody just shut up!



Voiced by: Bob Jennings (Bobjenz)[]

First appearance: Passion of the Fruit[]

Grandpa Lemon[]

Voiced by: Kevin Brueck[]

First appearance: Grandpa Lemon[]


Voiced by: Dane Boedigheimer (Daneboe)[]

First appearance: Ask Orange #1[]


Voiced by: Craig Benzine (Wheezy Waiter)[]

First appearance: Mystery of the Mustachios[]

Leprechauns, etc.[]

Liam the Leprechaun[]

Played by: Bob Jennings (Bobjenz)[]

First appearance: Liam The Leprechaun in a Tree![]


Voiced by: Bob Jennings (Bobjenz)[]

First appearances: Liam The Leprechaun - Liam Uses Magic To Destroy The Monster Rainbow! [Interactive] & Liam The Leprechaun - Liam Sings To The Monster Rainbow! [Interactive][]

Leprechaun Boss[]

Played by: Kevin Brueck[]

First appearance: Liam The Leprechaun - Liam Vs. Grapefruit! (Characters From The Annoying Orange!)[]

Other Characters[]

ZOOM Energy Drink[]

Voiced by: Bob Jennings (Bobjenz)[]

First appearance: ZOOM!!![]


Voiced by: Kevin Nalty (Nalts)[]

First appearance: The Annoying Orange[]

First speaking appearance: No More Mr. Knife Guy[]

Dane Boedigheimer (Daneboe)[]

Played by: Dane Boedigheimer (Daneboe)[]

First appearance: This video[]

First speaking appearance: Golf Gone Bad[]


Voiced by: Dane Boedigheimer (Daneboe)[]

First appearance: Donkey Kong: The Movie[]


Played by: Toby Turner (Tobuscus)[]

First appearance: The High Fructose Adventures of Annoying Orange[]

Tropes associated with minor characters (and Crossover characters whose series don't have their own pages yet):[]