Chiller from Chiller (with free MP3!!!): We're in the freezer/And something evil's lurking behind Pear/Under the moonlight/You want to run, but you know you wouldn't dare.
Funny Aneurysm Moment: In Luck o' the Irish, Orange mentions that marshmallows make him gassy--slightly disturbing in hindsight now that Marshmallow is one of Orange's best friends.
Hilarious in Hindsight: In The Onion Ring, Bobjenz explains that his dog Big Papi is eating an onion because he's out of cantaloupe. Over eight months later, The Amnesiac Orange introduced the character Cantaloupe, voiced by Bobjenz.
Internet Backdraft: Fans of Cartoon Network are not taking the announcement that the show's own series will be on said channel too well.
Mondegreen: In Annoying Orange 3 OUTTAKES, Orange makes random noises out of boredom, but at one point it sounds like he says "I...hate...that...dick!"
Moral Event Horizon: Arguably happens when Grapefruit burnt Marshmallow's picture of Princess Butterfly Kiss.
Most Annoying Sound: "Hey! Hey apple!" Although in Sandy Claus Orange makes a screaming noise that he actually claims to be the most annoying sound in the world (heard again in Picture Contest).
Older Than They Think: Liam the Leprechaun's pre-Annoying Orange appearances aren't very well-known, especially his appearances in the NBK 24/7 series.
In Hey YOUTUBE!!!, Orange's eyes are more red than orange. An annotation was added in which he explains "My eyes are red because I have been crying. Crying because I'm so happy to have my own YouTube channel!!!"
Spotlight-Stealing Squad: Obviously, Orange is still the main character in each episode, but Pear, Midget Apple and Marshmallow have been getting perhaps a little too much screen time lately.