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One of the most successful cartoon bands ever.

This Filmation series on CBS was based on the popular Archie comic books, chronicling the comic misadventures of Archie Andrews and his friends in the town of Riverdale.

One element in the TV series not previously featured in the comics was that Archie led a bubble gum rock quintet: He and Reggie were guitarists, Betty was the tambourinist, Veronica was the keyboardist, Jughead was the drummer and Hot Dog, Jughead's canine pet, was the conductor. The Archies released several singles and albums; one of their songs, "Sugar Sugar", was a major hit.

Spin-offs and successor series included:

  • Sabrina and The Groovie Goolies, which centered on Riverdale's teenage witch, her two aunts and the denizens of Horrible Hall
  • Archie's Fun House, which featured a Giant Jukebox and a live-action audience of children
  • Archie's TV Funnies, which featured animated adaptations of newspaper comic strips such as Dick Tracy
  • The U.S. of Archie, in which identical ancestors of Archie and his friends participated in American historical events
  • Archie's Weird Mysteries, which follows Archie and his friends encountering supernatural weirdness in Riverdale

Tropes used in The Archie Show include:
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