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"Hello, and welcome back to The Asexuality Chronicles." |
The Asexuality Chronicles is an original Web series by a Smith College senior who identifies as asexual. Each installment is an unscripted (in most cases) list of asexuality-related terminology, story about her experiences an asexual, anecdote about sexual orientation in general, or something of the like. As asexuality is relatively unknown sexual orientation, the purpose behind the series' existence is to educate the Internet masses on asexuality in a way the creator hopes is personal and interesting.
The series can be found on Blip.tv here, though it was initially launched on YouTube.
This series/vlog provides and discusses examples of[]
- Abusive Parents: Mentioned in "Asexuality and Mental Illness".
- Acting for Two: Acting for four, actually, in “Sh*t Ignorant People Say to This Particular Asexual”.
- Angrish: Sometimes when she’s really pissed off, she’ll just stutter angrily for a bit.
- Asexuality: Of course.
- All Women Are Prudes: Lambasted in “All Women Are Not Demi”.
- Be Yourself: Invoked in “Asexuality and Mental Illness” and “Here’s to a New Year/It Gets Better”.
- Berserk Button: Do NOT tell her asexuality is a disorder, or that she hasn’t met the right person yet. It might be the last thing you ever do.
- Bread, Eggs, Breaded Eggs: From the summary of “Thoughts on Jonah Mowry and Kyra”: “Homophobia, asshattery, or homophobic asshattery”.
- Broken Bird: She comes off as this somewhat during "The Construct of the Unassailable Asexual", more so in “Asexuality and Mental Illness”.
- Buffy-Speak: Sometimes this happens, since her vlogs are unscripted.
- Cluster F-Bomb: “How I Felt Invisible During Issues in Queer Studies Class”. And how.
- Dark and Troubled Past: Hinted at in “Asexuality and Mental Illness”.
- Determinator: Her attitude toward asexual visibility. Also, she somehow managed to fight her way through suffering from major clinical depression while growing up in an abusive household in order to be comfortable with her rare sexual orientation. Damn.
- Epic Rocking: For Valentine’s Day, she wrote a song for her girlfriend that clocks in at 7 minutes 31 seconds.
- Exactly What It Says on the Tin: The summary of “Valentine’s Day 2012”.
- Face Palm: She does this often when confronted with things that idiots say about asexuality. Sometimes it's more like "Face-Desk".
- Follow the Leader: She jumped on the “Sh*t [People] Say” bandwagon with “Sh*t Asexuals Say” and “Sh*t Ignorant People Say to This Particular Asexual”.
- Jerkass: A few of the characters in "Sh*t Ignorant People Say to This Particular Asexual".
- Info Dump: The first two installments. She even lampshades it.
- Lipstick Lesbian: Actually, she identifies as a “Chapstick Lesbian”.
- Metalhead: She positively adores Otep, and has used Nightwish (power metal) and Three Days Grace (alt-metal/post-grunge) music in other videos.
- Metal Scream: She mentions she was a winner of a metal scream contest held on YouTube by Otep.
- Nice Hat: She has two spiffy fedoras; a black one and a gray plaid one with sparkles.
- No Name Given: You’ll learn her name if you watch some of her other YouTube videos, but it is never revealed in an installment of The Asexuality Chronicles.
- Power Tattoo: She has a gorgeous tattoo on her right hip that reads “indomitable spirit”, which was a promise in permanent ink to herself to never cut herself again.
- Precision F-Strike: The intro to her “It Gets Better” video has a few mild, humorous curses and one Precision F-Strike of “Middle school and high school fuckin’ suck”. And then in the meat of it, we get “[Visibility] isn’t easy. It’s hard. It’s really fucking hard.”
- Queer Romance: Both she and her girlfriend are homoromantic asexuals.
- Self-Backing Vocalist: She does this in her queerness-related filk of the Christmas song “Pat-a-Pan”.
- Serenade Your Lover: She does this as a Valentine’s Day present.
- Shout-Out: To Emilie Autumn, Otep Shamaya and...Elgar?
- Take That Me: “We need more... ugly... people doing visibility work!” when referring to herself in “The Construct of the Unassailable Asexual”.
- Too Dumb to Live: The character who thinks asexuality means "[not having] junk" in "Sh*t Ignorant People Say to This Particular Asexual".
- Sadly enough, this is actually a common reaction to asexuality, mostly because the term is only ever used during school education to refer to asexual reproduction, with there being no mention of the orientation.