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  • Jenny singlehandedly facing down an entire aerospace fleet from a parallel Earth called Sliding Albion. (Two of her teammates: "Am I wrong to find her utterly terrifying?" "It just proves you're still human.")
  • Jenny's Pre-Ass-Kicking One-Liner before electrocuting MOTHERFUCKING GOD.

 Jenny: YOU. I'm talking to you. I don't know if you can understand me. I don't even know if you have a language. You think the world belongs to you? Earth has a new manager. This world is mine.

  • The Midnighter destroying Kaizen Gamorra by driving the Carrier into his base; "I love being me". So very wrong, and yet awesome.
  • In issue #14, The Midnighter defeats a Complete Monster Iron Man Expy with a hug.
  • The Engineer's escape from the evil family she was imprisoned with when the team was replaced by Heroic Sociopath Captain Ersatz-es.
  • Midnighter brutally murdering each and every member of the evil mirror team that replaced them.
    • Hey, that Crowning Moment was just as much Apollo's. Having spent the mirror team's reign chained up, away from the light that powers him, being used as a novelty cigarette lighter and literal punching bag, Jenny slips him some sunshine. The results:

 Last Call: Light me, you lazy bastard.

Apollo: My pleasure.
