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Triathlon / 3-D Man (Delroy Garrett)[]
- Angry Black Man: Initially
- Goggles Do Something Unusual: They initially assisted him in detecting Skrull impostors. Now, he doesn't need them anymore, learning to rely solely on his own abilities.
- Legacy Character: He's the second 3-D Man.
- Spider Sense
- The Strength of Ten Men: He has three times the physical abilities of a man in peak physical condition. His senses are enhanced by three as well.
- Super Senses
- Super Speed
Silverclaw (Maria de Guadalupe "Lupe" Santiago)[]
- Animorphism
- Captain Ethnic
- Chrome Champion
- Color Character
- Divine Parentage: He mother is the volcano god of Costa Verde.
- Half-Human Hybrid
- Sizeshifter: When she transforms into a giant sloth.
- Twofer Token Minority
Jack of Hearts (Jack Hart)[]
- Applied Phlebotinum: The "Zero Fluid"
- Batman Can Breathe in Space
- Blessed with Suck: He was a very powerful hero, but he never had full control over them, wearing special armor to contain them. In addition, half of his body turned purplish-black from direct exposure to "Zero Fluid".
- Combo-Platter Powers: Flight, Concussive Blasts, Nigh Invulnerability, Super Intelligence, Super Strength.
- Freak Lab Accident: How he got his powers.
- Half-Human Hybrid: Half human, half-Contraxian
- Killed Off for Real / Last Stand: Due to Blessed With Suck above and being contained in one room 14 hours a day, he decides to go into space and explode killing himself and a murderer he takes along with him.
- Person of Mass Destruction: Depending on the Writer
- Power Incontinence
Ant-Man (Scott Lang)[]
- Animal Theme Naming
- Gadgeteer Genius
- Heel Face Turn / Reformed Criminal
- Killed Off for Real
- Legacy Character
- Papa Wolf: Do not hurt/harm his daughter or he will unleash his army of ants and wasps on you.
- Sizeshifter
- Speaks Fluent Animal: Ant-Man's cybernetic helmet lets him talk to ants.
- Visit by Divorced Dad: Him being the Dad.
Captain Britain / Lionheart (Kelsey Kirkland)[]
- Affirmative Action Legacy
- Animal Theme Naming: As Lionheart
- Captain Geographic: As Captain Britain
- Cool Sword: The Sword of Might
- Flying Brick
- Hair of Gold
- Hand Blast
- Wearing a Flag on Your Head
Luke Cage (Lucas Cage aka Carl Lucas)[]
- Badass
- Bald Black Leader Guy
- Boisterous Bruiser
- Catch Phrase: "Sweet Christmas!"
- Chained by Fashion
- Determinator
- Happily Married: With Jessica Jones
- Healing Factor
- Jive Turkey
- Mighty Glacier
- Papa Wolf
- Scary Black Man
Wolverine (James "Logan" Howlett)[]
- Animal Theme Naming
- Anime Hair + Hotblooded Sideburns
- Badass
- The Berserker: Both his fighting style and his mental state when he loses control.
- Blessed with Suck
- Determinator
- Healing Factor: Logan is arguably the Trope Codifier.
- Implacable Man
- Jerk with a Heart of Gold
- Pint-Sized Powerhouse
- Really Seven Hundred Years Old: Wolverine's healing factor prevents him from aging. He was born in the late 1800s.
- Unstoppable Rage
- Wall Crawl: By poking his claws into surfaces and climbing.
- Wolverine Claws: His adamantium, extremely sharp claws.
- Wolverine Publicity: With other Marvel A-Listers (Spider-Man) and fellow X-Men (Beast) joining the Avengers, it's surprising it took him this long.
The Sentry (Robert Reynolds)[]
- Alliterative Name: His real name
- Alternate Company Equivalent: At first, then he went Ax Crazy.
- Drugs Are Bad
- Enemy Within: The Void
- Flying Brick
- Killed Off for Real
- Mind Over Matter
- Mind Screw: His powers and origins.
- Person of Mass Destruction
- Reality Warper
- Super Serum
Ronin / Echo (Maya Lopez)[]
- Action Girl
- Badass Normal
- Disabled Love Interest: As a deaf woman not only does she count as this, she's dated blind lawyer, Matt Murdock.
- Disability Superpower
- Informed Flaw: Being deaf, she could only understand people when she read their lips. Recently this is not the case.
- Katanas Are Just Better: As Ronin
- Spicy Latina
- Twofer Token Minority: A Latina woman.
- An Axe to Grind
- Blood Knight
- Heel Face Turn
- Killed Off for Real
- Lightning Bruiser
- Nigh Invulnerability
- Only Sane Man: In the Dark Avengers
- Supergod
Amadeus Cho[]
- Chrome Champion
- Combo-Platter Powers
- Frickin' Laser Beams
- Ridiculously-Human Robots
- Robot Girl
- Robot Me: Of Janet Van Dyne.
- Robotic Spouse: Briefly with Hank Pym.
- Tangled Family Tree
Stature (Cassandra "Cassie" Lang)[]
- Affirmative Action Legacy
- Daddy's Girl
- Hair of Gold
- Ill Girl: Initially had a heart condition.
- Killed Off for Real
- Legacy Character: She is the daughter of Scott Lang (also known as Ant-Man II). After his death, she turned to heroism and joined the Young Avengers.
- Psychoactive Powers: She grows when she gets angry and shrinks when she feels guilty.
- Sizeshifter
Vision (Jonas)[]
- Intangible Man
- Killed Off for Real
- Ridiculously Human Robot
- Robot Me: Of Iron Lad (aka Kang the Conquerer).
- The Smart Guy
- Tin Man