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Edwin Jarvis[]
- Bald of Awesome
- Battle Butler: He's not anywhere near Alfred-level Badass but he's got some military background of his own.
- The Jeeves
- Old Retainer
- Red Herring: for the original Crimson Cowl identity.
- The Rival: To Marilla
Margret "Peggy" Carter[]
- Action Girl
- Badass Normal
- Hair of Gold: When she was younger at least.
- Retired Badass
- Spy Catsuit
Diamondback (Rachel Leighton)[]
- Animal Theme Naming
- Badass Normal
- Flechette Storm
- High Heel Face Turn
- Trick Diamonds
- You Gotta Have PinkHair
Henry Peter Gyrich[]
- Badass Bureaucrat: Has his moments
- Good Is Not Nice: Some of his actions have bordered on those of an Anti-Villain.
- Jerkass: He spent decades being a massive pain in the ass to the Avengers.
- Knight Templar: After Crisis Crossover events such as Civil War and Secret Invasion
- Obstructive Bureaucrat
- Sunglasses At Night: Sometimes
- Tyrant Takes the Helm: His command over Avengers and S.W.O.R.D.
John Jameson[]
- Ace Pilot
- Alliterative Name
- Animal Motifs
- Anti-Villain
- The Captain
- Clingy MacGuffin – the moonstone turning John into the Man-Wolf.
- Heel Face Turn
- I Know You Are in There Somewhere Fight
- Our Werewolves Are Different
- Physical God - as Stargod
Guardsman (Michael O'Brien)[]
- Badass Beard
- Fair Cop: When he was a cop.
- Legacy Character: To both his brother, the original Guardsman and to Iron Man.
- Name O'Adjective
- Powered Armor
Dr. Keith Kincaid[]
- Alliterative Name
- Disposable Fiance: Was married to Jane Foster whom they had a child together. In part because of Jane's long time feelings for Thor, they ultimately get divorced.
- Hair of Gold
- The Medic
- Satellite Character: Jane Foster's ex and the Avengers' doctor.
Raymond Sikorski[]
- The Commissioner Gordon
- Hair Today, Gone Tomorrow
- Obstructive Bureaucrat: Depending on the Writer and what issue it is.
- Reasonable Authority Figure
- Spell My Name with an "S": His name is often misspelled as "Sikorsky".
Mechano-Marauder / Mechnonaut (Fabian Stankowicz)[]
- Butt Monkey
- Drugs Are Bad: Was addicted to a drug called "Ice".
- Gadgeteer Genius Ditz
- Harmless Villain: When he was a villain, to the point where David Letterman took him out.
- Heel Face Turn
- Power Armor
William "Bill" Foster[]
- Affirmative Action Legacy: To Hank Pym
- Captain Ethnic
- Color Character
- I Have Many Names: His superhero identities include Black Goliath, Giant-Man and Goliath.
- Killed Off for Real
- Science Hero
- Sizeshifter
Duane Freeman[]
- Ascended Fanboy: Is a huge fan of the Avengers and even had some collectibles.
- Bald Black Leader Guy
- The Commissioner Gordon
- Killed Off for Real
- Reasonable Authority Figure
- Flight, Strength, Heart
- Killed Off for Real
- Mundane Utility: Using her powers as a nanny and servant.
- The Rival: To Jarvis
- Ultraterrestrial
Zachary Moonhunter[]
- Ace Pilot
- Awesome McCoolname
- Badass Normal
- The Hunter: Of werewolves.
- Walking Armory: Has several weapons, all of which made of silver.