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Uatu is dreaming everything[]

After seeing a crew of human astronauts die pointlessly, Uatu has constructed an elaborate fantasy world. Unfortunately, he can't keep everything straight and keeps involving characters who are already dead in his imagination. This leads him to continual revisions, which become more complex, requiring further revisions.

Captain America's death will be changed to that of someone else through Retcon.[]

In a few years, the Captain who died will be posthumously revealed as a low-level mutant who used the identity. Around the same time, the real Captain America will be thawed out, and the mess of his life and death before will be given an unsatisfying Hand Wave.

  • Nope. This is very similar to an earlier explanation of how Captain America was active after his apparent death near the end of WW 2, but they went a different route with his most recent death.

Captain America will be resurrected by Uatu the Watcher.[]

This is unlikely to be confirmed, but it should happen this way.

It's never been done before. The Watchers have a strict non-interference policy that Uatu has bent in the past, but not on this scale. It's easy, and it won't require anyone to go digging through back issues to see how it was totally all "set up" before Civil War even started. And Cap deserves a to be a bit of a Christ figure.

  • Nope.

Captain America will be resurrected by use of a Cosmic Cube.[]

It makes sense to end it as it started. And it will make it have all the good things about being "set up" while avoiding all the pitfalls.

  • Nope.

The Captain America who died was a Skrull sleeper agent.[]

Seriously guys, with the Secret Invasion thing, what else do you expect?

  • Jossed.
    • Oddly enough, Avengers Earths Mightiest Heroes seems like they're going to be using this as a plot point for Season 2. We even see Cap appearing to be dead (or knocked out...) as he's replaced by the Skrull!Cap.

Iron Man never left the Skrull ship in New Avengers: Illuminati.[]

Civil War and Secret Invasion have all happened in his head.

Cap's Shield is the result of Time Travel[]

The shield's unique composition is because of a Freak Lab Accident; the "Lab Rat" monitoring the shield fell asleep, and an "unknown factor" caused it to become indestructible. Trying to re-create this led to the development of Adamantium by Myron Mclain. Lady Deathstrike goes back in time to try to stop the Shield from being made so that no Westerner has the means to create Adamantium, leaving her father the true inventor. Wolverine, or another Adamantium-using individual, stops her, and while doing so dips his claws (or Deathstrike's) into the shield mix, adding Adamantium, thus ensuring that the Shield is invulnerable and that Adamantium is invented right on schedule.

Cap's Shield is an Empathic Weapon[]

The reason only Cap can throw it like he does, and the reason its molecules are "the weirdest of all".

Johnny Storm will eventually join the Avengers.[]

Reed, Sue and Ben have already been members, and that sort of jealousy can't last too long without being acted upon.

  • Much as I would enjoy seeing a mildly darker Johnny Storm (as he is depressed about being the only non-Avenger member of the Fantastic Four), he's kinda dead.
    • He got better.

Everything that Happened since Avengers: Diasassembled is metaphor of comics' history[]

Avengers: Disassembled was a shattering event that almost destroyed Earth's mightiest heroes. So was publication of “Seduction Of The Innocent”. Scarlet Witch went mad, just as Wertham was claiming kids reading comics may. This was the end of Golden Age of Avengers. New Avengers was beginning of the Silver Age. Looks at first Avengers rooster (after adding Cap) – four greatest heroes of that days – Captain America (comics), Iron Man, The Mighty Thor, The Incredible Hulk, and two additional heroes – Ant-Man and Wasp. New Avengers? Captain America (comics), Iron Man, Wolverine, Spider-Man – four most popular heroes, Luke Cage and Spider-Woman – additional male and female members. Next upgrade of classic Avengers were Hawkeye, Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch – Badass Normal and at last one very powerful person. New Avengers got Ronin and Sentry. Everything that happened from Civil War to Secret Invasion was a metaphor od Bronze Age, where far more serious themes were introduced in comics, including political commentary. So we got commentary on 9/100 and Patriot Act and terrorism. Sure, it was done poorly, but still. Dark Reign is Dark Age in this equation. Suddenly people starts to love the villain and wants to give their safety in his hands, just like comics fans wanted more “dark” and “edgy” superheroes in the 90's. Dark Avengers roster contains Sentry, who serves as a Deconstruction of classic superheo and symbol of superheroes taking darker routes, four psychopaths in heroes' costumes, as symbol of very much loved back then Anti-Hero Substitute, Ares, who shares many traits of Nineties Anti-Hero, and Noh-Varr – who is a symbol of all those naïve, young superheroes who were hanging out with all those jerks and run away, when they realized who's they're dealing with. Siege and Osborn's downfall is an end of Dark Age and start of Modern Age, which will be Heroic Age.

Madeline Berry is a mutant.[]

Her powers first appear when she's a teenager and under great stress, and she has no conscious control over them at first. There's also no explanation, even in comic book logic, for why she has them. Obviously she's a mutant, with almost the same power as Dust from the X-Men. This raises the question of why none of the people who were hunting for mutants ever found her. But Norman Osbourne had a obvious motivation to keep her secret from both the X-Men and the mutant haters, and the resources to do it.

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